From: CD
Date: 13-May-23 |
Archer's choice for the weekend. Have fun!
God bless,
From: Snow Crow
Date: 13-May-23 |
Made up Friday's obstruction walkback.
L-R are 29-24-34. Still reacquainting my onboard CPU with the trajectory of the heavies...
Thanks CD!
55# Montana, 29" .400 carbon, 375 head, 730 TAW, 24% FOC, 4x2x8mm Blazer vanes.
From: Snow Crow
Date: 13-May-23 |
Setup shot might help:
Photo taken approximately 22 yards from target bale in the shadows.
From: Nemophilist
Date: 13-May-23 |
Rain finally stopped for good.
Six shots from 30 yards.
Green nocked arrow First Shot.
1980s Bear Kodiak Takedown, 53#@28", Aluminum Arrows.
From: Moleman1
Date: 13-May-23 |
Done a 20, 25 and 30 walk back. 25 and 30 together but I shanked the 20 a bit left. Meigs Bamboo Longbow 70" 64@28 and cedar shafts.
From: Batman
Date: 13-May-23 |
GREAT SHOOTING! hope that MORE will show up? Many thanks to CD for the FS calls!
From: tradslinger
Date: 13-May-23 |
awesome stuff, exactly what it is supposed to be about. loved the shot Bill
From: Oly
Date: 13-May-23 |
Great shooting everyone! 3 shots from about 15yds, 58” Silvertip, 62@30. Have a great weekend!
From: felipe
Date: 13-May-23 |
Tale of two bows; first, a group of three arrow from thirty yds. Axis 400s from the 68” Border Harrier.
From: felipe
Date: 13-May-23 |
Next, another group of three from thirty. This time Port Orford cedars from the 68” JDBerry Misty Dawn. I did pull a couple to the left but this combination is so much slower it may have been the Earth’s rotation caused the miss.
From: Nemophilist
Date: 14-May-23 |
Sunday First Shot.
Three arrows from 17 yards.
Yellow nocked arrow First Shot.
1980s Bear Kodiak Takedown, 53#@28", Aluminum Arrows.
From: HRhodes
Date: 14-May-23 |
First shot 25 yards. Second shot was a Robin Hood from 22 yards! First one in 50 years of shooting. Bear Ausable 45# @ 28”. 2016 aluminum. Life is good.
From: Snow Crow
Date: 14-May-23 |
30-25-20-15 walkup. L-R are 25-15-20-30.
Thanks CD!
HRhodes, Hard to believe that's your first RH given how well you shoot that Ausable. Congrats!
55# Montana, 29" .400 carbon, 375 head, 730 TAW, 24% FOC, 4x2x8mm Blazer vanes.
From: Knifeguy
Date: 14-May-23 |
First shot this weekend. 55# Grizzly and a 2114. Hit about 2” to the right of my spot from 18 yards. Have a good rest of your day everyone! Lance
From: HRhodes
Date: 14-May-23 |
Thanks Snow Crow! I had to go get my neighbor to show someone. I told him it was the archery version of a hole in one.
From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 14-May-23 |
No walking up today. 25 yards with the Redtail. Aiming at the 10. Oh well. Sunday morning scotch cylinder shoot…
From: fishin coyote
Date: 14-May-23 |
Cleaning up the garage and got this Hi-Speed out of the rafters. From around 16 at the stump bear #1 was the pink arrow and both were just left of center mass. Bow is a 1974 45#@28.
Nice shooting everyone and congratulations on the robin hood HRhodes
From: Kwikdraw
Date: 14-May-23 |
Thanks Chad, great shootin' above, especially Howard w/ a hole in one! And not bad at all Frank!:^) Did a walkback today, rain finally stopped, but could use more, been dry as a bone here lately, but happy w/ what we did get! Y'all have a great next week and be careful out there!
From: Mike E
Date: 14-May-23 |
Sunday only for me,,a scenario I'm going to have to work on,,22 yrds. kneeling around a tree, bow canted past 2 o'clock.
From: Mike E
Date: 14-May-23 |
Nice shooting guys,,hope every one had a nice weekend.
From: Mike E
Date: 14-May-23 |
OH, 22 yds. 45 lb Night Hawk, 50-55 tapered D Fir shafts.
From: felipe
Date: 14-May-23 |
Today, a tale of two arrows. Three cedar arrows and three skinny 5mm carbons from the 68” Border Harrier, pulled from the quiver in no particular order.
I shot these because of another thread about setting up different strings for different arrows.
From: felipe
Date: 14-May-23 |
Oops, oh yeah, twenty yds standing.
From: bustedarrow2
Date: 14-May-23 |
20 yrd quiver dump. Arrows are my most recent build. Chundoo shafts i tail tappered and prettied up. Shot from my Red tail classic , osage handle and redelm limbs. First arrow went low and right but the rest were close enough to home for me. Think im gonna like chundoo.
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