Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Prayers needed Immediately!

Messages posted to thread:
Wayne Hess 24-May-22
Andy Man 24-May-22
fdp 24-May-22
Don T. Lewis 24-May-22
JusPassin 24-May-22
Big Sig 24-May-22
Batman 24-May-22
TGbow 24-May-22
Pdiddly2 24-May-22
Hojo 24-May-22
Wudstix 24-May-22
hawkeye in PA 24-May-22
Wapiti - - M. S. 24-May-22
sir misalots 24-May-22
Runner 24-May-22
bodymanbowyer 24-May-22
Jegs.mi 24-May-22
Mtquiver 24-May-22
Keefers 24-May-22
lowrider 24-May-22
Supernaut 24-May-22
Greenstyk 24-May-22
Vaquero 45 24-May-22
Tree 24-May-22
Osr144 24-May-22
DesertMuelys 24-May-22
rallison 24-May-22
AK Pathfinder 24-May-22
skeetbean 24-May-22
Knifeguy 25-May-22
babysaph 25-May-22
Big-D 25-May-22
Foggy Mountain 25-May-22
Foggy Mountain 25-May-22
Shakey Jake 25-May-22
Rocky 25-May-22
HuumanCreed 25-May-22
k9bowman 25-May-22
Yellah Nocks 25-May-22
Runner 25-May-22
Woods Walker 25-May-22
Woods Walker 25-May-22
Jegs.mi 25-May-22
Wudstix 25-May-22
Runner 25-May-22
fdp 25-May-22
Wudstix 25-May-22
Runner 25-May-22
Ranger Joe 25-May-22
Pdiddly2 25-May-22
Jegs.mi 25-May-22
GLF 25-May-22
GLF 25-May-22
Stan 25-May-22
offtheshelf 25-May-22
GLF 25-May-22
doggone 26-May-22
2Wild Bill 26-May-22
Bernie P. 26-May-22
fdp 26-May-22
Reb 26-May-22
MStyles 26-May-22
Farmer 27-May-22
Jim 27-May-22
Phil 27-May-22
md5252 27-May-22
jk 27-May-22
DantheMan 27-May-22
George Tsoukalas 27-May-22
shade mt 27-May-22
Twisted Branch 27-May-22
Runner 27-May-22
CStyles 27-May-22
jk 27-May-22
Dutch oven 27-May-22
Wudstix 27-May-22
SJP51 27-May-22
fdp 28-May-22
Jeff Durnell 28-May-22
shade mt 28-May-22
Phil 28-May-22
MGF 28-May-22
Flyman 28-May-22
roubidoux10 28-May-22
Woods Walker 28-May-22
shade mt 28-May-22
SJP51 28-May-22
Woods Walker 28-May-22
MGF 28-May-22
Smokey 28-May-22
JTK 28-May-22
GLF 28-May-22
Tom McCool 28-May-22
Dutch oven 28-May-22
Wudstix 28-May-22
From: Wayne Hess
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers sent, I wish prayers would stop things like this , they don’t stop the crazy ones. But Prayers for the families an good ones

From: Andy Man
Date: 24-May-22


prayers off

From: fdp
Date: 24-May-22

Such a very sad event.

Uvalde is such a nice little town. One of those places you would never imagine something like that happening. That town will be heartbroken for a long time.

And there is absolutely no way to rationalize an attack on school children.

From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers sent for all the family’s that lost a child in this shooting. I can’t believe school security isn’t a priority yet. This shouldn’t still be happening in our schools.

From: JusPassin
Date: 24-May-22

There is only one explanation, there is evil among us.

From: Big Sig
Date: 24-May-22

What has happened to this world? We need more people to bring God back into their lives. Prayers sent from the Badger State

From: Batman
Date: 24-May-22

PRAYERS UP! I hope that the shooter has been CAUGHT?

From: TGbow
Date: 24-May-22

So sad. Prayers for the families.

From: Pdiddly2
Date: 24-May-22

“ This shouldn’t still be happening in our schools.”

It shouldn’t be happening in a supermarket in Buffalo either, or anywhere.

Very sad…

From: Hojo
Date: 24-May-22

Yep. Prayers up.

From: Wudstix Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers up, that's about 85 miles West.

From: hawkeye in PA
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers for the families. X2 Big Sig

From: Wapiti - - M. S. Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 24-May-22

Praying for all those families such a senseless act.

From: sir misalots
Date: 24-May-22

2 Timothy 3:1-5 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

From: Runner
Date: 24-May-22

—?Exodus 11:4–6

Unfortunately the book provides the wrong inspiration too.

From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 24-May-22

:-) prayers from Iowa

From: Jegs.mi Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers from Michigan, can't imagine the heart ache.

From: Mtquiver
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers sent immediately.

It is my understanding that he took his own life, but regardless who did it, HE WAS A COWARD.


From: Keefers
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers for all the family’s .

From: lowrider
Date: 24-May-22

Our country has turned it's back on God and the very principals this Country was founded on. Our elected Officials who have gone crazy just to buy votes have allowed this to happen. Lord we pray for comfort for these families during their time of mourning and sadness. Amen

From: Supernaut
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers for peace and healing.

From: Greenstyk
Date: 24-May-22

Praying for Uvalde and for those families.

From: Vaquero 45
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers sent from sw Fla 34117

From: Tree
Date: 24-May-22

Praying here in the name of Jesus Christ.

From: Osr144
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers sent from Australia . Osr

From: DesertMuelys
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers for families, been going through Uvalde 3 or 4 times a year for the past 35 years on our way to our ranch! Lord hear our prayers.

From: rallison
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers for the families, prayers for our country...

People, and society, are driven by their values and beliefs. When family values are eviscerated, God is attacked along with his faithful, a government promotes evil in the corruption of our youth and killing of the unborn...should we even be surprised by this despicable evil?

The falling of our Republic and the putrid decline of our society both saddens and angers me. We're mirroring the fall of Rome.

I stepped outside and piped the tune, "Bells Of Dunblane" in memory of those taken by an evil coward today. That tune was written in tribute to many children taken in the worst shooting in Scotland's history. Another horrific crime unthinkable in that country.


From: AK Pathfinder
Date: 24-May-22

There are some sick people in this world.....I pray for this sort of thing to stop now.

From: skeetbean
Date: 24-May-22

Prayers sent

From: Knifeguy
Date: 25-May-22

My heart is broken; again. My prayers for the families and the children. Lance

From: babysaph Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent from WV. What is this world coming to ?

From: Big-D
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent from Michigan

From: Foggy Mountain
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent

From: Foggy Mountain
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent

From: Shakey Jake
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent

From: Rocky
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent from Florida.

From: HuumanCreed
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent from Maryland to all the innocents. Special place in hell for the shooter. Went to an ELEMENTARY school while wearing body armor. Preying on the most vulnerable souls on earth.

From: k9bowman Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent

From: Yellah Nocks
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers from Maine for all involved. We were given Free Will. And, like everything man has touched, we have managed to ruin it. Only the very Grace of God can fix this world ..and us. I serve as Chief of Security at our church. IMHO "gun free zones" are killing fields just waiting to happen. EVERY member of our team at church is willing to die to protect our Sunday Schoolers, nursery, and every single congregant. We are praying we keep our 2A rights to defend our families

From: Runner
Date: 25-May-22

You need an amendment to your amendment. It's time.

From: Woods Walker
Date: 25-May-22

Yellah X2.

Sadly, in these times sending your child to a school that doesn't have armed security, or at the minimum LOCKED doors that can only be opened (from the outside) by school personnel is equivalent to sending them to a school with fire extinguishers/spinklers/etc.

Pray for the best, but PREPARE for the worst.

From: Woods Walker
Date: 25-May-22

EDIT.....WITHOUT fire extinguishers....

From: Jegs.mi Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 25-May-22

Runner no need to make this political.

From: Wudstix Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 25-May-22

This is an event that will have deep and lasting effect on this small community in Texas. Runner, Rules don't mean anything to Fools. I'm not sure what the answer is!

From: Runner
Date: 25-May-22

That's not political, it's common sense.

From: fdp
Date: 25-May-22

Although this isn't what the tone of this thread is about, this goes waaaaaayyyyy beyond picking out a particular product to place a "ban" on.

This is about many people, on both sides talking through what causes these types of acts, and what can be done to prevent them. And they have to be able to do it in a logical and intelligent way without being emotional and without trying to make a political statement.

From: Wudstix Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 25-May-22


From: Runner
Date: 25-May-22

"Runner, we had an assault weapon's ban once in the US from 1994 to 2004. 5 years into it, in 1999, we had Columbine High School shot up and 12 students and 1 teacher killed."

Clearly more needs to be done then.

From: Ranger Joe
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers for all the children lost and their families, and for the ones lost so needlessly in Buffalo too. God be with them.

From: Pdiddly2
Date: 25-May-22

Ranger Joe…thanks for mentioning Buffalo.

A life is a life and that was also a needless and intentional targeted killing spree against an innocent group of people.

From: Jegs.mi Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 25-May-22

Fdp, Well said.

From: GLF
Date: 25-May-22

Guns on school property is against the law and murder is against the law. Criminals are not going to abide by any laws you pass. California has more anti gun laws than you could possibly pass nationwide. Yet they have mass shootings more than any other state. You can take every gun from law abiding people and yet the criminals will still have millions. It's election time guys so the mass shootings are back. Trump pretty much stopped "most" mass school shooting just by making it known he wouldn't sign any anti gun bill because they don't work. It's proven over and over.

From: GLF
Date: 25-May-22

Btw Israel and our inner city schools cut them way down with metal detectors and armed guards posted on the one entrance used in daytime.

From: Stan
Date: 25-May-22

First of all prayers sent and continue.. Glf, Gary, Keep it real fella.. 2017 nearly 60 people in las vegas? In November 2017, 26 people were killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. In February 2018, 17 people were killed at a high school in Parkland, Florida. In May 2018, 10 people were killed at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas. In October 2018, 11 people were killed at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In November 2018, 12 people were killed at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, California. In May 2019, 12 people were shot and killed at an office building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In August 2019, 22 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.

From: offtheshelf
Date: 25-May-22

Prayers sent

From: GLF
Date: 25-May-22

Stan more arew killed than that nearly every weekend in chicago. I know its bad but laws its been proven over and over again, more laws don't work. They need armed protection like most get togethers like that have.

From: doggone
Date: 26-May-22

Prayers sent from New Zealand ( Kia Kaha )

From: 2Wild Bill
Date: 26-May-22

2Wild Bill's embedded Photo

Prayers from Connecticut.

"common sense" = lock the doors and an on site armed guard.

"“The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun”, and that is exactly what happened. What to do is known, but the left knows better.

Little Israel knows how, shouldn't we?

From: Bernie P. Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 26-May-22

Prayers sent.The off duty Border Patrol Agent who shot that SOB must be blessed.A bullet grazed his hat missing his head by only a couple inches.Somehow Biden forgot to thank him during his political rant for the lives he saved.

From: fdp
Date: 26-May-22

Folks....all of this political chest thumping is EXACTLY why nothing that has a meaningful impact on these types of things EVER gets done.

All that does is to cause the same type of irrational responses and comments from those you are trying to negotiate with. And NEGOTIATION and DISCSUSSION is what HAS to happen There is common ground but we will never get to it with this type of mentality.

If you can't leave out the emotionally and ill-informed political rants stay out of the discussion.

This thread isn't about that.

From: Reb
Date: 26-May-22

Prayers sent.

From: MStyles
Date: 26-May-22

Prayers for the families of this terrible occurrence in Texas, from here in Illinois.

From: Farmer
Date: 27-May-22

Prayers for the children an family's ????????

From: Jim Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 27-May-22

Prayers sent from Indiana. FDP I couldn't agree more Sir.

From: Phil
Date: 27-May-22

Condolences to all involved

From: md5252
Date: 27-May-22

Prayers from NY

From: jk
Date: 27-May-22

Pray for a Supreme Court made up exclusively of young parents.

From: DantheMan
Date: 27-May-22

Prayers for the families and all impacted by this tragedy.

From: George Tsoukalas
Date: 27-May-22

Prayers for all. George

From: shade mt
Date: 27-May-22

I cannot imagine and our prayers are with those involved.

As far as laws?.....a gun could lie in a busy town, and it could rot, and never do harm until someone picks it up, points it at another human and squeezed the trigger.

inanimate objects do not kill....people do. People with no moral value.

And from where does moral value come? From people? Who then decides? And if so who determines right from wrong? Again people? If so then will murder become acceptable? Or anything else for that matter?

My prayer is not just for these family's but that this country would once again truly put it's trust in an Almighty God.

The old testament shows us what man is capable makes no effort to hide it...the new testament has the cure.

To love thy neighbor as do unto others as you would have them do unto you..

Prayers sent.

From: Twisted Branch
Date: 27-May-22

Been praying about this…also for the 2 copycats they arrested. I’m glad they didn’t get their chance.

From: Runner
Date: 27-May-22

"The old testament shows us what man is capable makes no effort to hide it...the new testament has the cure."

You don't trust the old one?

From: CStyles
Date: 27-May-22

Tragic the US has no solution

From: jk
Date: 27-May-22

The US does have the solution but our SENATORS are afraid.

From: Dutch oven
Date: 27-May-22

Your comments are very true, JK.

From: Wudstix Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 27-May-22

ShadeMt that is worth re-reading! jk that is so true,

From: SJP51
Date: 27-May-22

A crazy man could walk into a room full of 1st graders and with a baseball bat, axe, or 5-gallons of gasoline and a match and kill just as many in scant more time. You going to ban baseball bats, axes, and gasoline next?

The problem is not weapons.

From: fdp
Date: 28-May-22

The problem in this example was absolutely a weapon (a gun in this instance since the term "weapon" can be applied to anything) and to insinuate otherwise is nonsensical and disconnected from reality.

From: Jeff Durnell
Date: 28-May-22

It's virtually impossible for an inanimate object to harm anyone on its own. To insinuate otherwise is nonsensical and disconnected from reality.

From: shade mt
Date: 28-May-22

And that Jeff is the truth.

Gun control is a feeble attempt to pass the buck and rid ourselves of responsibility.

My prayer is that every single person would look in the mirror....and realize the gotta start right here.

From: Phil
Date: 28-May-22

May I respectfully remind LW members that families are suffering unbelievable sorrow and heartache at the tragic loss of their beloved children and family members.

PLEASE .... Lets keep that in mind when posting a reply.

From: MGF
Date: 28-May-22

Families are suffering and "suffering" seems to be spreading these days. Only discussions of solutions can actually that can be tested and debugged until they actually work.

We had semi-automatic firearms for a very long time before they invented school shootings. What changed? If we addressed that something might get better. In the mean time...LOCK THE DOOR!

From: Flyman
Date: 28-May-22

Prayers sent

From: roubidoux10
Date: 28-May-22

Broken homes, no discipline or respect for life taught. Violent video games and social media sure don't help.

From: Woods Walker
Date: 28-May-22

The law makes us lock our kids into car seats when we drive with them, but the schools don't have to lock their doors????

And for what it's worth, I've been praying for all involved in this tragedy since it occurred, but I also believe that prayers WITHOUT figuring out how/why something like this happened so we can learn from it try to prevent it from happening again makes the prayers kinda worthless. "God helps those who help themselves."

From: shade mt
Date: 28-May-22

Amen...woods walker

From: SJP51
Date: 28-May-22

Lots of ideas that have merrit: - Lock the freaking doors. - Fire and then prosecute anyone that "props" the door open and supidly defeats security measures. - Controlled entry points. - Arming volunteer teachers. And train them. Weekly target practice. Monthly live fire real type drills. - Active shooter drills. Like the fire drills we had back in the day. - Cut back on the football budget 1%. Stop building $10M stadiums and instead hire ex-military security, and implement proficiency standards (no doughnut boys drawing a paycheck). - Train the police to actually do something besides hide and wait for back-up while children are being shot or bleeding out. - Universal background checks. I'm not really opposed to it. There are lots of people that should not have firearms. Or any other weapon. But it needs to be instant or a few days. Not a month. - Not sure how, but stop the ultra-violent video games. Stop conditioning kids to kill wantenly. - Mental health "reform". Not sure what that looks like, but it seems needed, but could be easily used by libs to indoctrinate. - Algorithms that constantly search Facebook, twiter, etc. for threats and report to the local Police immediately for action.

Something REAL needs to be done. Taking away my rights will achieve nothing.

From: Woods Walker
Date: 28-May-22

"Something REAL needs to be done. Taking away my rights will achieve nothing."


From: MGF
Date: 28-May-22

I believe that any free person...not confined to a hospital or prison, should be able to possess the weaponry useful to defend their family, property and themselves. If somebody is dangerous you had better put them away because there are all sorts of ways and tools that can be used to cause harm. In other words NO background checks EVER!

From: Smokey
Date: 28-May-22

Praying for all the victims and families and friends of this senseless evil mental rot that is possessing so many souls in our great country and around the world.God bless them and us all!

From: JTK
Date: 28-May-22

First mass school shooting in America, Texas 1966.

Killer seems to have been raised right.

M1 carbine (but 30-06 Garand reported at the time, as I recall.

Texas Tower, 1966. That was long before NRA started to market the idea that literally military semi-automatic rifles were some kind of "right."

From: GLF
Date: 28-May-22

This guy was an unemployed guy living with his mom. He had a 70k pickup truck and 5k worth of daniel defence rifles with optics and lots of ammo. Not a random shooting. Metal detectors and an armed guard next to it is your answer. Like Israel did. At election time? Our kids need serious help thats been proven to work, not trial n error.

From: Tom McCool
Date: 28-May-22

I just want to pray for them kids and families today... I’ll argue another day.

From: Dutch oven
Date: 28-May-22

There are minimum age requirements for buying some things or for aspiring to do some jobs. It's interesting that our Senators and Representatives who should be smart enough to come up with sensible gun regulation ideas must be at least 30 and 25 years old respectfully to run for those offices.

From: Wudstix Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 28-May-22

Prayers for the victims and for meaning measures to address the cause.

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