Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

FIRST SHOT...........Monday, Feb 3rd

The owner of this topic has requested a DEBATE FREE discussion

Messages posted to thread:
CD 03-Feb-25
Kwikdraw 03-Feb-25
Just_Hangin_N_GA 03-Feb-25
Snow Crow 03-Feb-25
Kwikdraw 03-Feb-25
JBM 03-Feb-25
Bootswet 03-Feb-25
EZ Archer 03-Feb-25
CD 03-Feb-25
Just_Hangin_N_GA 03-Feb-25
From: CD
Date: 03-Feb-25

Today's shot will be 23 yards from a standing position. Then follow it up with a very quick 2nd shot... as quick as you can.

God bless,


Date: 03-Feb-25

GUTPILEPA's embedded Photo

23yrd shot standing with a quick follow up 55# ILF with Samick Longbow limbs 400 spine carbon arrows snowed again over night you all have a great day

From: Kwikdraw
Date: 03-Feb-25

Kwikdraw's embedded Photo

Thanks Chad, missed low twice, oh well, decent though. Y'all have a great week and take care!

From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 03-Feb-25

Thanks everyone for letting me participate for the last month, it has been a blast! I will have to watch from the sidelines for a bit. I have a torn right elbow tendon that has been very painful for the last year but finally have a regenerative procedure scheduled for the 18th of this month. I am very hopeful and optimistic about the potential recovery. I thought I could keep grinding it out but the pain is starting to make a sissy out of me. I willl be watching intently and shooting vicariously through you guys. Thanks again for all the encouragement and advice. Alan

From: Snow Crow
Date: 03-Feb-25

Snow Crow's embedded Photo

As called; somewhere right underneath the green one (followup) is the first.

Thanks for the call CD.

N_GA- Good luck with the surgery and rehab. Hope to see you back when you are able.

Photo size 343x307, 43kb.

'76 48# KMag, 1820's(100), Blazer vanes.

From: Kwikdraw
Date: 03-Feb-25

Good luck on your surgery Alan, hope it heals like new!

Date: 03-Feb-25

Yeah good luck Alan listen to your Doctor

From: JBM
Date: 03-Feb-25

ALAN, Tell the doctor about Your archery Hobby and listen to His ADVICE, "very carefully!" You do NOT want to mess up all that surgical WORK! Hope that the DOCTORS are gonna get YOU FIXED up like the problem NEVER HAPPENED! BLESSED BE!

From: Bootswet
Date: 03-Feb-25

Bootswet 's embedded Photo

Not my greatest shooting by any means. It was kind of cold out.

Aiming for the top diamond. 1st shot high and left. 2nd shot low and right.

From: EZ Archer
Date: 03-Feb-25

EZ Archer's embedded Photo

Heal quickly Alan- we need all the first shooters we can get. Took mine as called with an AF longbow, thx CD.

From: CD
Date: 03-Feb-25

Alan, I hope your procedure goes well, and listen to the Dr! But we'll be anxiously awaiting your return!! Oh, and comments are always welcome! :)

From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 03-Feb-25

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, that really means a lot. Just one question, have you all been talking to my wife? With all the comments about listing to the doctor makes me very suspicious, lol. Seriously, I appreciate it and I definitely plan on following his advice to the letter. Great shooting everyone. Alan

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