From: Yeller
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I’m not a big fan of doing this but here it goes. I have two Nam brothers left. I’ve lost several after we came home to agent orange crap. My Nam brother Lonnie is fighting for his life again. Orange has him bad. He’s having a heart procedure tomorrow. He had this before and died on the table. He came back. He’s got heart and lung problems on oxygen 24-7. If any of you vets don’t mind shoot a prayer for my brother Lonnie Criby. Tk you all Semper Fi
From: Yeller
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I’m not a big fan of doing this but here it goes. I have two Nam brothers left. I’ve lost several after we came home to agent orange crap. My Nam brother Lonnie is fighting for his life again. Orange has him bad. He’s having a heart procedure tomorrow. He had this before and died on the table. He came back. He’s got heart and lung problems on oxygen 24-7. If any of you vets don’t mind shoot a prayer for my brother Lonnie Criby. Tk you all Semper Fi
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
You’re a good man Steve. I wasn’t a big fan either at one time. A lot of power in prayer. It gets easier the more you do it. Prayers sent for your good buddy Lonnie. I lost an uncle to Orange. He was in the Navy ,helicopter rescue in Vietnam.
From: Andy Man
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers for Lonnie sent
From: Keefers
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers for sure for Lonnie ….
From: Big Sig
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers for Lonnie from Badger State. And make sure you thank him for me for serving our country.
From: Nemah
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent.
From: absaroka6
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent.
From: Takedown
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers Sent may God look over your Brother Lonnie
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent. Semper Fi
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Praying for Lonnie and his family. Also praying for all the other Lonnie’s we don’t know of and their struggles. I pray they all have friends like you Steve. There is no truer friend than one that prays for you. God Bless!!
From: Tradslinger
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers for Lonnie and family plus the staff involved. Also prayers for you Steve. It is an honor to do this
From: 1/4 away
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prays up for Lonnie ????
From: casekiska
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers to Lonnie. Semper Fi
From: Deno
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Sent for Lonnie and family
From: Bugle up
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers up!
From: joep003
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I will pray for Lonnie and family.
From: Thalltdkm
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent!
From: Babysaph
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers from WV
From: Shick
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers offered for the Veteran.
From: M60gunner
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent, Semper Fi
From: Jon Stewart
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers for you Lonnie, Semper fi brother.
From: Stix
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers said in Colorado for Lonnie.
From: Primitive sniper
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent for healing and strength , Semper Fi Brother
From: JMartin
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent.
From: reb
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayer sent.
From: bowhunt
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Make it back again Lonnie.
God Bless
From: howardw
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers up
From: CD
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayer is powerful! Prayers sent
From: Bowhogan 51
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers for Lonnie and all vets! Thank you for your service! Joe
From: snowman
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent and thank you to all vets.
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Praying in pa
From: irjack
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers Sent.
From: JusPassin
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
May God bless.
From: crazyjjk
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers from NY
From: Ramjet
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent
From: RD
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent
From: Supernaut
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent.
From: Leathercutter
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers Up. I did my time over there in 1964 - 65, I am lucky. I too have friends like yours. You are the best and thanks for asking for support for your buddy. Grant , SEMPER FI
From: Tree
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Praying here in the name of Jesus Christ.
From: Gibby48
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
My prayer just sent, so many of us paying the ultimate price.
From: JBM
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
From: Yeller
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Tks for all the kind words and prayers for Lonnie. Quick update he made it thru the heart cath procedure but they have to make a very hard decision. He has two stints in one of the arteries and in between it’s 90% blocked he can have an extremely high risk surgery to open it some. May not make it off the table or try medication. They will decide tomorrow. He wanted so bad to walk his daughter down the aisle in May Tough decisions Tks again for the thoughts and prayers. That’s all I have Semper FI
From: (songdog)
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
As a rule I don't do this as well. But for a Nam brother his is in my thoughts. 66-67
From: Buckhunter
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
May God Bless him and make him well gain. God Bless all our vet's. We all gave some, some gave all. God Bless.
From: 2Wild Bill
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Daily I will pray for Lonnie.
Those heart doctors are doing great things these days.
From: Norwood1
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Praying for Lonnie and family.
From: k9bowman
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent
From: ahunter76
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Sent from a fellow vet.
From: selstickbow
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
praying for you, and Lonnie, and all the rest that went & fought. THANKS from my heart. Steve Long.
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I’m not a Nam vet , or any vet for that matter. I did grow up watching that war on the news thinking I’d have to go. Thank you and your friends for your service , and prayers sent.
From: monkeyball
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
No Vet here either, but prayers up for this one that is hurting right now.Prayers that the surgery went well and Lonnie will have an easier go of it.
Prayers for Faith, strength, and peace thru it all and praying that he can have his daughters arm in his come May.
Praying in PA, Craig
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Prayers for all the vets and Especially Lonnie.
May God Bless!
From: badgerman
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I am a vet and will pray for Lonnie. The Agent Orange was certainl very harmful for many.
From: Yeller
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Tks one last time to you all for the thoughts and prayers. Lonnie has decided to try meditation at this time he made it thru the first heart catch procedure. His heart is bad and further more surgery is extremely dangerous. He’s going with medication for now. Tks you all again. Semper Fi. Steve
From: Yeller
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Tks one last time to you all for the thoughts and prayers. Lonnie has decided to try meditation at this time he made it thru the first heart catch procedure. His heart is bad and further more surgery is extremely dangerous. He’s going with medication for now. Tks you all again. Semper Fi. Steve
From: AK Pathfinder
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
God bless him and thank him for his service. He's in our prayers.
From: Beginner
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Prayer sent.
From: Mindful
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Prayers for Lonnie….
From: Stan
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent for Lonnie..
From: Mechanic
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Prayers for our veteran!
From: JD Berry 1
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Sent from another US Vet. You pull throw this. Seems like I've been living at the here lately also Lonnie. OE
From: Strick9
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Prayers for your friend. I have a buddy going through the same from AO.
From: Vaquero 45
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent from the edge of the sw Fla everglades ......
From: Phil/VA
Date: 06-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent.
From: Scoop
Date: 06-Feb-25 |
My thoughts are with your friend, Yeller. I lost my buddy, a Marine, to Agent Orange two years ago.
From: TGbow
Date: 06-Feb-25 |
Prayers for Lonnie. Thank you both for your service
From: sammyg
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
Praying for him, my dad was a Viet Nam vet, US Navy Seabee, MCB7, Phu Bai 1966-67.
From: Big-D
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent from Mi. ??
From: Big-D
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
Prayers sent from Mi. ??
From: Gary Savaloja
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
Praying for Lonnie. I lost one of my best friends this past year, a Vietnam disabled vet. He had a tough life after he came back. Never the same guy as before.
From: Buckster
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
Prayers for strength and healing from a fellow Marine/Desert Storm veteran.
From: md5252
Date: 13-Feb-25 |
Prayers from NY
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