From: RonG
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Folks I purchased an Oberon longbow several months ago and have had this problem all along. The nock height is set at 1/4 inch at bottom of arrow, the brace height is 7 in.
I have set the nock from zero to 5/8 inch with no change I have changed brace height from 6 7/8 to 7.5 with no change. I even shoot with cock feather in with no change, maybe the arrow shaft is hitting my finger.
Looks to me like the grip is too small for my meat hooks.
Any thoughts on this, I may need to get a different bow.
Thank you for any ideas.
From: MnM
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Try cock feather in……
From: fdp
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Can you get that index finger down?
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
What is the arrow spine and bow weight? Usually if I get rest or finger contact my arrows are to stiff. My Predator has a grip where my arrow is very close to my hand. I shoot 2-3” feathers and I get a lot better clearance now on my shelf and hand.
From: TradToTheBone
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
It looks to me you have the nocking point too high.
From: TradToTheBone
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Try placing a match stick or small piece of Leather shoelace under the rest. Align it directly above the deepest part of the grip.
From: RonG
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
MnM and tradto the bone need to read my question again.
Due to the grip I can't get my large hands any lower,
My bow is 45 lbs, arrow is a Gold Tip 500 cut to 29.75 with a 120 point They shoot very straight and group exceptionally very well. I will try heavier points and see what happens, the arrows group so well I didn't think of that, That's about the only thing left that I haven't tried. Thanks Bearman will let you know how that works.
From: RonG
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Thanks trad getting old is no fun, my memory just doesn't work anymore.
Yes raise the shelf dummy, ha!ha!
I will change the arrow spine also.
From: Andy Man
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
bow is tolerant of spine as you described (groups and flight but too stiff an arrow will bite finger even though flys well guilty as charged
From: fdp
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Raise the nock point until it goes away and see where it ends up.
From: 4t5
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I second …cock feather in !
From: 4t5
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Is it your thumb getting hit?
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
You don’t have to raise the nocking point the shelf is to low I had the exact same issue so I put a feather rest on problem solved
From: 2 bears
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Buddy like a couple of others have said. The easiest way to fix that on a bow that is not quite the perfect fit for you is to triple the thickness of the rug or use a rest.
I love the felt Funiture pads. They come in small circles, strips, or about 5" square sheets you cut to the shape you need with self-sticking backs. The texture makes an excellent shelf rug. Or you can build up under what you have with leather or whatever. Rick had some excellent posts here on building up a shelf so he could use vanes. >>>>------> Ken
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
“ My bow is 45 lbs, arrow is a Gold Tip 500 cut to 29.75 with a 120 point.”
Wow. I shoot 28” 500s with 175-200 grains… from #52.
Maybe that bow is cut quite a bit deeper than my RER. You don’t have to be tuned well to group nicely….. But it sure does help!
From: M60gunner
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
If those are right wing feathers switch to left wing and try that. BUT, you could be right about the grip and your large hand. In my case the quill would cut my hand by my thumb. I took Bryon Ferguson’s advice and switched from right to left wing. Problem went away.
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I would just put a bear weatherest on it.
From: aromakr
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Do you have a spot of glue on the leading edge of the feather? It doesn't look like it.
From: mahantango
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
X2 on the felt furniture pad. I use them on lots of bows with a low, flat shelf.
From: Bentstick54
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Are you nocking your arrow above or below your nocking point?
From: MnM
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Sorry Ron , it’s humbling to be that guy…
From: Jul
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I would try building up the grip to aa high wrist. Looks like it may be a low wrist. Plus nock is to high from what I see. Arrow could bouncing off of finger. 3/8 to1/2 should bee plenty.
From: Tim Finley
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
If I shoot a arrow that has right wing fletching it will scratch my hand so all my arrows are fletched left wing .
From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
I always place a drop of glue at the front edge of the fletch. Sometimes two if the base of the feather is particularly thick.
From: Rocky
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Try rotating the nock.
From: GWS
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
I agree with M60 and Finley. I have had that issue before and left wing solved it
From: AK Pathfinder
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Rotating the nock looks to be the easiest thing to try.
From: Jbrink
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
If that’s how you grip the bow when you shoot it looks like you are putting most of the stress on your thumb try rotating your hand on the grip so the throat of the grip is in the web of your hand more
From: Stan
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
That index finger needs to go... Or use the weather rest.. Your call..
From: Stix
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
"I even shoot with cock feather in with no change"
Guys, the OP said he tried cock feather in.
I do agree with Trad to the bone, from what I see in the picture, the arrow angle apprears that the nock is too high.
From: Norwood1
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
I would try going to a heavier point weight. I shoot 44 pound longbow at my draw length of 27 inches and I shoot 600 spine arrows 30 to 30 3/8 inches depending on the manufacturer with 195 up front.
From: Jim Davis
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Hard for me to believe that this issue keeps coming up.
Besides the drop of glue at the front of the quill, taper the quill down to nothing with a sharp knife.
From: aromakr
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Jim; I agree with you, something so basic, people can't believe it will actually cure the problem !!!!!
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Ron G...
Assuming everything is tuned well, it appears to me it might just be a problem with how your large hand (specifically your index finger) sits when gripping that particular bow.
In my mind, the easiest solution would be to build up your shelf just a touch. That can be done a variety of ways.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I went to my local million dollar archery shop and they didn't have any arrow points heavier than 125, they didn't have any rug rests either. So I will order.
I always put glue at the leading edge of my feathers, I use uv activated glue you can't see it, the feather is not cutting me it's just hitting my finger.
Like I mentioned I raised nock point from one extreme to the other with no change.
I may order a left hand fixture for my Bitzenberger.
I rotated the nock on the arrow and it didn't make any difference I believe it could be the arrow shaft, not sure.
I rotated my hand like I shoot my ILF and didn't make any difference,
I will change the point weight and try it and for sure put a bear rug rest on it and may try the left hand feathers.
I appreciate all the things to check, but everything is what I have used on all my bows over many years and never had this, so I believe the raised arrow rest is what will cure it. Every arrow I shoot will hit the previous arrow so I know the arrows can't be too far off tune.
I can't slide my hand up or down due to the grip, I think my hand is too large for the bow and raising the shelf is the answer.
My accuracy has increased due to the arrow being so close to my hand, it even has impressed me, thanks again fellas for all the suggestions, I will report on what happens when I receive the parts.
From: smitty
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
wear a thin glove
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Yes Smitty it's like shooting off my hand without a rest,
From: D.C.
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Judging from picture your best option would be try a feather rest (my preference) or raise as others said. Furniture pad etc. Feather rests are classy and hold up extremely well. They may need a little shaping and trimming on that radiused shelf but worth the minor effort . The bow looks nice I don’t think I would give up on it just yet since it groups well for you. Good luck and let us now.
From: Mike B
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Good thing you're gluing down that tip. I once had a sharp quill slide right into the meat between my thumb and index finger....most unpleasant.
From: bugsy 49
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Put a stick on rest on it (Hoyt). That will raise your arrow shelf, and get the arrow , and feathers clear from your grip. They are easy to make also. I have them on all my glass bows. Makes tuning easy also.
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
If you don't want to go the elevated rest route, simply cut a couple pieces of thick leather the same shape as your current rug and attach them to your shelf. You can quickly build it up a quarter of an inch.
If you don't have any leather that thick, just pm your address and I'll send you some.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I took a new arrow and cut and tuned to the bow, when it was tuned I checked the measurement with my fletched arrows, it was within a 1/4 of an inch, after many shots to verify I cut the arrow about 1/2 inch shorter showing slight stiff arrow.
Still the same problem.
Proving stiff spine not the problem in this case.
The problem is my fat hand is just not in the correct place so those who said to raise my shelf got it.
Thank you everyone, those suggestions were right on because I did them all to try to correct the problem.
It was so simple I totally ignored the obvious.
I will order either a Bear rug rest or like a few fellows mentioned just add a little leather at a time until it just clears my finger.
I shot my slightly stiff bareshaft and fletched arrow at 16 yards and not much difference, I did this shot at different places on the target with same results, so this is not a chance shot.
I love this little bow it allows me to shoot extremely accurate. Thanks again for all my Brothers help to narrow it down.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
If you look close you can see where the bare shaft cut a groove down the wrap. Extremely consistent shooter.
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Glad you got it figured out. I thought that might take care of it. Sometimes it doesn't take much. Sometimes even a sixteenth of an inch will do the trick.
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Feather Rest would work also Ron. BMB
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Thanks Ricky I have some leather, I am trying the thinnest Untill it clears.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
The rest on it now is 1/64th of an inch, very thin. I taped a thin piece of cardboard to it and the feathers did not hit my finger. I was so use to it it felt weird that it didn't hit. I will pick up a 1/16 inch piece of leather and that should do it.
Thanks for the quick replies folks, now I don't have to give my bow away.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I have a Ben Pearson Spoiler coming this week will post pictures.
From: Andy Man
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Glad you got it figured out
thats a cheap easy fix
I would of thought too stiff and kicking out would of been wrong
From: M S -- Wapiti
Date: 08-Feb-25 |
Glad you have it figured out.
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
If you need a chunk of my 1/8" leather, let me know. I'll drop one in the mail.
From: trad_bowhunter1965
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
I don't know how many left-hand gloves I have worn the index finger out where the feather hit. It doesn't effect the arrow flight.
From: Tomas
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
If raising the rest doesn't work, is it possible to shape the handle so the bow will fit your hand better? BTW if I shot like you, I wouldn't change a thing.
From: RonG
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
Thank you Tomas, after shooting a million arrows you will eventually figure it out, ha!ha! I do modify my bows if needed and refinish. I do have a slight advantage, many years a go had a motorcycle accident, my left arm was basically limited to a small movement if I tried to straighten out my arm the string would always wack me good, so shooting bent arm was the only way to get away from the string wackin me, but in that position my arm is basically locked so I have a solid platform to shoot from I just have to complete my anchor and sight picture and the arrow goes right there. Believe me before my accident I was lucky to get a ten inch group at 20 yards.
Thank you for your help guys, as mentioned many times this getting old stuff is getting old.
From: RonG
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
I should have said my wrist is locked.
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