Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Cheap bow kills

Messages posted to thread:
Jimmyjumpup 01-Feb-25
the Black Spot 01-Feb-25
Jed Gitchel 01-Feb-25
Todd the archer 01-Feb-25
Corax_latrans 01-Feb-25
Ricky The Cabel Guy 01-Feb-25
Supernaut 01-Feb-25
Corax_latrans 01-Feb-25
Nemophilist 01-Feb-25
swampbowman 01-Feb-25
Nemophilist 01-Feb-25
swampbowman 01-Feb-25
Nemophilist 01-Feb-25
Babysaph 01-Feb-25
Nemophilist 01-Feb-25
Babysaph 01-Feb-25
Nemophilist 01-Feb-25
Nemophilist 01-Feb-25
stealth2 01-Feb-25
Hal9000 01-Feb-25
Hal9000 01-Feb-25
Hal9000 01-Feb-25
iowacedarshooter 01-Feb-25
Jon Stewart 01-Feb-25
Carpdaddy 01-Feb-25
Bentstick54 01-Feb-25
Homey88 02-Feb-25
CStyles 02-Feb-25
Bjrogg 02-Feb-25
Bjrogg 02-Feb-25
Hal9000 02-Feb-25
Jimmyjumpup 02-Feb-25
Bjrogg 02-Feb-25
Leathercutter 02-Feb-25
Babysaph 02-Feb-25
Babysaph 02-Feb-25
Saphead 02-Feb-25
murphy 02-Feb-25
murphy 02-Feb-25
murphy 02-Feb-25
Tucker 03-Feb-25
sheepdogreno 03-Feb-25
sheepdogreno 03-Feb-25
David Mitchell 03-Feb-25
Jimmyjumpup 03-Feb-25
Jimmyjumpup 03-Feb-25
M S -- Wapiti 03-Feb-25
Corax_latrans 04-Feb-25
Babysaph 04-Feb-25
TGbow 04-Feb-25
Jimmyjumpup 04-Feb-25
Eric Krewson 05-Feb-25
Ricky The Cabel Guy 05-Feb-25
From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 01-Feb-25

LOL. Since we have kill threads with all types of arrows I thought it would be cool to have a cheap bow kill thread. May not be able to do it until next year but with all the hoopla over the Lancaster winner shooting a cheap bow I thought It would be neat. Let's say $200 or less. And yes I am bored. LOL.

From: the Black Spot
Date: 01-Feb-25

the Black Spot's embedded Photo

Pearson 306 - 60# - cost? Traded knives to Don T.

From: Jed Gitchel
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nice pig Tony!

From: Todd the archer Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

I think selfbow guys will be all over this!

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 01-Feb-25

Funny to think that my ‘90 Howatt Hunter qualifies as “cheap”, as it sure didn’t feel that way at the time!

$150 was a lot of money to me then. Half a paycheck! Now I can barely get out of the grocery store for that, especially when Hans and Franz are home from school….

From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 01-Feb-25

I don't have a picture but my first deer was killed with a solid glass Brown Bear that I think I paid less than $25 for...including three Razorhead tipped cedar arrows, an armguard, a quiver, a finger tab and and a target.

Pretty sure that would qualify as "cheap."

I've killed a lot of deer since then with much more expensive bows, but as far as I know they weren't any deader.


From: Supernaut
Date: 01-Feb-25

Supernaut's embedded Photo

I bought a Bear Grizzly off of the big auction site for less than $120 with fees and shipping a couple years ago. I refinished it myself and killed this buck and doe with it 2 seasons ago.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 01-Feb-25

But if you value your labor at $5/hour, does it still come in under the $200 cap? LOL

Can’t put a price on the satisfaction, though. Nice work!’

From: Nemophilist
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

Frankenbow I built in 2021. I got $140.00 into it.

From: swampbowman
Date: 01-Feb-25

Should have just resurrected your cheap bow thread from July ; you would have have more pics to look at !

From: Nemophilist
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

1974 Bear Grizzly my Dad bought for me, for about $45.00 / $50.00 back in 1974. Killed a few bucks with this bow.

From: swampbowman
Date: 01-Feb-25

Cheap bow thread from March was even better !

From: Nemophilist
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

Martin Mountaineer long bow around $175.00 I bought back in 1989.

Date: 01-Feb-25

GUTPILEPA's embedded Photo

Does this count this was giving to me 60# Longbow 20yrd shot

From: Babysaph
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nice guys.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

Longbow I bought used for under $100.00 back in the early 1990s.

From: Babysaph
Date: 01-Feb-25

I should have. Forgot I even posted that. lol

From: Nemophilist
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

$170.00 longbow a guy named Mike made for me I had back in my longbow days back in the early 1990s.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 01-Feb-25

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

I haven't taken any game with this one (1997 Bear Super Kodiak) yet, but I got it on the big auction site for $125.00 and shipping was included. It was a make an offer option. I thought for sure he would reject my offer, but he didn't. Since I got it so cheap I had it camo dipped.

From: stealth2
Date: 01-Feb-25

stealth2's embedded Photo

Squirrel hunting with a $99 Kittredge recurve and $99 John Schulz back quiver

From: Hal9000
Date: 01-Feb-25

Hal9000's embedded Photo

1950's #62 Stream Eze fiberglass bow and a Microflite 8 arrow with a Bear Razor Head. Paid $15 for the bow and the arrow was my Dad's. Me back in the 80's.

From: Hal9000
Date: 01-Feb-25

Hal9000's embedded Photo

#45 Grimes aluminum bow with a #70 spine cedar shaft and a Hunters Head. Probably around the year 2000. Both this and the deer I got with the Stream Eze were taken on Public Land.

From: Hal9000
Date: 01-Feb-25

Hal9000's embedded Photo

First Bow I built on my own, simple longer flat bow. Less than $40 in materials. Another Public Land deer.

From: iowacedarshooter Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

iowacedarshooter's embedded Photo

shot this buck with a herters takedown in 1976. bought it off a guy for $35. still a great shooting old bow! 60# @28" i was a young feller in 1976!

From: Jon Stewart
Date: 01-Feb-25

I paid .25 cents for a Shakespeare recurve at a yard sale and shot a fox with it.

From: Carpdaddy
Date: 01-Feb-25

Carpdaddy's embedded Photo

Made the bow myself from materials won on this sight. (A Kenny M drawing) Except riser wood which was scraps from other builds. I think I paid $2 for one piece of it in the scrap box at wood store. Ace broadhead was won as a door prize during Ky Tradfest. Made the string, quiver top, the bottom was bought at a yard sale for a set for $2. A couple of the arrows in the quiver was picked up at a yard sale by a friend and given to me, but the arrow I used and lost was out of a dozen I purchased on sale for $40 per dozen. It would probably take a selfbow guy to have less money invested! ??

From: Bentstick54
Date: 01-Feb-25

Bentstick54's embedded Photo

Well I’ll jump in with this years buck with homemade Osage selfbow. Self harvested tree, road kill timber rattler skin and homemade quiver. 8yd shot from the ground.

My labor is cheap, satisfaction reward is great.

From: Homey88
Date: 02-Feb-25

Homey88's embedded Photo

My used 80.00 Galaxy Sear and 100.00 limbs. This years kill.

From: CStyles
Date: 02-Feb-25

WHAT no $70 new Chinese bows? No Black hunter bows?

From: Bjrogg
Date: 02-Feb-25

Bjrogg's embedded Photo

I prefer Frugal Bow Kills .

First bow kill ever. $18.50 for a spool of B-55 (which strung several other bows to). $20 dollars for one prairie rattler skin I got at a primitive meet.

I spent almost as much on my six arrows and I won the TSA shafts. The half dozen grizzly single bevels were over $30.

I love how Frugal I can hunt. My tags cost more than my hunting setup.


From: Bjrogg
Date: 02-Feb-25

Bjrogg's embedded Photo

Second bow kill ever. This one was only the cost of my D-97 string i Flemish twisted up for it. It’s just Osage and a string. The Osage log it came from was gifted to me. It’s the first Osage bow I ever made. Still my favorite.


From: Hal9000
Date: 02-Feb-25

Hal9000's embedded Photo

Reverse handle longbow I built, patterned somewhat after a 90's era Black Swan, with a Jim Fetro vertical layout. Used cheap glass that was purchased on here with a total of $27 in materials. Cedar shaft used was from a bunch I got for about 4 cents a shaft.

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 02-Feb-25

I was really thinking about the cheap bows Like is sold on amazon. Black hunter, Sanlida etc.

From: Bjrogg
Date: 02-Feb-25

I was guessing you were Jimmy, but I really do love how little it cost to go hunting like this.

As far as the time spent working on this stuff. I always say it’s very effective and cheap therapy. I think I need it to keep me sane sometimes. And the reward of a successful hunt is incredible.


From: Leathercutter
Date: 02-Feb-25

JR as C H E A P and tight as you are you should just stick with plugged camper drain lines. . good idea for the topic, wonder how many Black Hunter bows have blood on them.

From: Babysaph
Date: 02-Feb-25

lol leathercutter. I was only trying to help you with your camper.

From: Babysaph
Date: 02-Feb-25

I really like that it doesn’t cost much to get shooting.

From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Feb-25

How can you beat Jon Stewart 15 cent Shakespeare and a fox kill? No kills with the China bows?

From: murphy Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Feb-25

murphy's embedded Photo

Bought the 52# Shakespeare Yukon for $15. Shot alot of deer with it. Heres one of them. Mid 1980's

From: murphy Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Feb-25

murphy's embedded Photo

And another one with the $15 Shakespeare. Late 1980's

From: murphy Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Feb-25

murphy's embedded Photo

Same Shakespeare Yukon. I don't even think I had 2 arrows that matched. Just didn't have the money back then. Had to go with what was in hand.

From: Tucker
Date: 03-Feb-25

Tucker's embedded Photo

$40 Browning Nomad Stalker I sold the bow two years ago for $60 and included all the arrows that fit it spine wise. I made a few bucks and filled my freezer with a lot of valuable meat. Priceless! ??

From: sheepdogreno
Date: 03-Feb-25

sheepdogreno's embedded Photo

My first trad deer with samick sage back in 2014. Biggest buck I’ve killed with any equipment

From: sheepdogreno
Date: 03-Feb-25

sheepdogreno's embedded Photo

Killed with a $90 Amazon black hunter. Upgraded to a TTT string and she was good to go. That season I had several bows worth 5x that much but I was shooting the black hunter the best so I hunted with it. Still have it my son shoots it now

From: David Mitchell
Date: 03-Feb-25

David Mitchell's embedded Photo

Galaxy Ember

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

There ya go Dave. Nice hog. Well done.

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

Nice sheep dog. It aint rocket science

From: M S -- Wapiti Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 03-Feb-25

Nice cheap bows!

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 04-Feb-25

“It aint rocket science”

But it IS all ‘bout dem Physics.

From: Babysaph Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 04-Feb-25

True that

From: TGbow
Date: 04-Feb-25

You mean you can kill game with a bow that cost less than $800 bucks? This is a good thread.

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 04-Feb-25

You can. but I think it should be reserved for cheap bows. Not good bows that guys got for a low cost. But that is just me.

From: Eric Krewson
Date: 05-Feb-25

Eric Krewson's embedded Photo

I might have a buck fifty in this bow for glue, the arrow rest and string material. I don't put any value in my time because it was pure enjoyment making the is bow from a log. I could add $5 or so for chainsaw gas and fuel for my truck to drive to some land close by to cut the tree.

From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 05-Feb-25 forum=23&threadid=348885&messages=38&CATEGORY=1

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