Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

February 2025 SWAP and TRADE

Messages posted to thread:
Dan In MI 01-Feb-25
Dan In MI 01-Feb-25
Biathlonman 01-Feb-25
17beartakedown 01-Feb-25
Kodiak76 01-Feb-25
4nolz@work 01-Feb-25
Bushytail 01-Feb-25
Bushytail 01-Feb-25
mgmicky 01-Feb-25
the Black Spot 01-Feb-25
Orion 01-Feb-25
JHPope 01-Feb-25
trad archer 1 01-Feb-25
BigGOutdoors 01-Feb-25
2 bears 01-Feb-25
Jed Gitchel 01-Feb-25
sticshooter 01-Feb-25
Kodiak76 01-Feb-25
Thumb bow7 01-Feb-25
Scotsman 01-Feb-25
Scotsman 01-Feb-25
Wildhog 01-Feb-25
Bushytail 01-Feb-25
BigGOutdoors 01-Feb-25
2 bears 01-Feb-25
sticshooter 01-Feb-25
shandorweiss 02-Feb-25
shandorweiss 02-Feb-25
Jim D 02-Feb-25
Spartanbuck 02-Feb-25
Jed Gitchel 03-Feb-25
BigGOutdoors 03-Feb-25
Jim D 04-Feb-25
kaw369 04-Feb-25
Wildhog 04-Feb-25
Bellaodin 04-Feb-25
arrowchucker 04-Feb-25
trad archer 1 05-Feb-25
jdbbowhunter 05-Feb-25
ledflight2 05-Feb-25
Hunt OH 06-Feb-25
kaw369 07-Feb-25
Bellaodin 08-Feb-25
4nolz@work 08-Feb-25
Formby 09-Feb-25
Formby 09-Feb-25
Caveman 10-Feb-25
17beartakedown 11-Feb-25
2 bears 11-Feb-25
Droptine 11-Feb-25
Brian Peters 12-Feb-25
Bugle up 12-Feb-25
Bugle up 12-Feb-25
sagebrush 13-Feb-25
sagebrush 13-Feb-25
sagebrush 13-Feb-25
Scotsman 13-Feb-25
Bugle up 13-Feb-25
Bellaodin 13-Feb-25
sheepdogreno 14-Feb-25
sticshooter 14-Feb-25
From: Dan In MI
Date: 01-Feb-25

Note new rule 9.5 is you read the rules please remember this thread is intended to swap something you have, or are looking for, to another person for something they have, or are looking for.

It is not a place to clean out your closet.

When folks post a photo with seven or eight items to trade management of the thread gets difficult as things are traded off. With that in mind, please try to limit what you are offering and be very specific about what you are looking for. Thanks. Please follow the rules.

PAY ATTENTION to NUMBER 3. Things have been getting a little lax in this area. Here are the ground rules for the swap.

1) Trades only NO SELLING, I REPEAT – NO SELLING (apparently it needs to be repeated). Sales MUST be placed in the classifieds.

2) After posting, all follow up communication should be via PRIVATE MESSAGE or E-MAIL. This applies to interested parties also.

3) ONE photo, please, for your trade items. If a person shows interest additional photos should be sent via email.

4) Please limit the number of items you are looking to trade. As mentioned above, this is not the place to clean out your closet.

5) Please list the item you are looking for in return. Please be as specific as possible rather than saying "whatcha got?"

6) Please limit your ads to five active posts.

7) If an item is gone please make a post stating xxx from mm/dd (date) is traded. This is for clean up/editing purposes.

8) You can swap non archery items if, and ONLY IF, you are looking for traditional archery items in return.

9) PLEASE REMEMBER TO RESIZE YOUR PHOTOS. The forum guidelines are no longer than 500pixels but if you can resize them to something close 640x480 that will be fine. Photos that are too large will be removed.

9.5) If you know you posted a photo on this thread and you cannot find it, please resize it to no more than 640 on the long side by 480 and repost it. (the original got removed)

From: Dan In MI
Date: 01-Feb-25

New, still wrapped from Easton 2219 Legacy shafts with inserts.

Looking for 2114 at least 29" with conventional nock taper. Don't have to be new, just good shape. We can talk numbers.

From: Biathlonman
Date: 01-Feb-25

I have a RH, Quinn Longhorn, 60”, 48@28. Would like to trade for a black hunter longbow about 55-60, VPA 200 grain heads, Easton carbon legacy .600-.400, Zipper limbs…

From: 17beartakedown
Date: 01-Feb-25

I have a black right hand Quinn Stallion riser. I'd like to trade for 45-50# ilf limbs, broadheads, knives or whatever catches my eye.

From: Kodiak76
Date: 01-Feb-25

I have a mike Davis Ozark hunter ask . I will trade for a side mount quiver rh 5 arrow 1\4 20 bolt . thanks jim

From: 4nolz@work
Date: 01-Feb-25

4nolz@work's embedded Photo

have 2 unused (except for photos) Undertaker single hub blinds.They no longer make them.Size of a small back quiver.Perfect for bow hunting.Height adjusts quietly to lap height or eye level when kneeling or sitting. WTT for shotgun shells possibly or 2 for 1 for a 5 hub +/- $

From: Bushytail Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

Bushytail's embedded Photo

Trade for 125 gr spitfire mechanical broadheads.

From: Bushytail Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

Bushytail's embedded Photo

Trade for 125 gr spitfire mechanical broadheads.

From: mgmicky Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

mgmicky's embedded Photo

Quality rain gear in excellent condition for trade. Made in USA Cabelas gore Tex MT050 jacket in Mossy Oak breakup, size XL. Lacrosse Stormseal pants, big size Medium that are adjustable and made to go over layers. These are both quiet (for rain gear) suede like material. Worn very little-no stains or fabric blemishes. Comes from non smoking, pet free home. I’d like to trade them for a medium /large quality wool shirt, jacket or vest. Also would consider pants but I’m tall and skinny and I know finding the right size will be difficult. Sleeping Indian, King of the Mountain, Lester River, Filson, etc. More photos upon request. Thanks, mg

From: the Black Spot
Date: 01-Feb-25

the Black Spot's embedded Photo

Trade for books, dvds, or whatever?

From: Orion Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

Have two sets of Bear red/black tip TD limbs, no.1s. One is 42#@28 on an A riser. The other is 40#@28 on an A riser. Would trade either set for a set of no.3s, 40#@28 on an A riser.

From: JHPope
Date: 01-Feb-25

FOR TRADE 68 INCH SLEY LONGBOW R/H, 55@28, 3 piece, Excellent condition for a CD WF 19, WF 21 R/H riser. PHOTO AVAILABLE BY PM

From: trad archer 1
Date: 01-Feb-25

Vintage knives for trade. Will trade some combination if the below. Schrade 3blade carbon steel

Uncle Henry 3 blade with staglon handles

Imperial pen knife

Case "Peanut" amazing action on this

Condor folding knife made in Seki Japan.Nice sheath.NOT the south American brand.

Cold Steel Mini Outdoorsman from the 80s. Made in Japan not Taiwan

Trade for usa fixed blade 5-7" blade like Esee or Tops for my get out bag. Also interested in LEFT HAND hip quiver that carries arrows FORWARD or maybe a plains style quivers suitable for a Lefty.

Pics available to you by text or email.

Email me with questions at [email protected].

Thanks Ron

From: BigGOutdoors
Date: 01-Feb-25

BigGOutdoors's embedded Photo

Buck 120 “The General “ perfect condition never used. Sat in box on shelf. Looking for 340 carbon arrows ( Easton 6.5, Black Eagle Vintage, Beaman ICS, Gold Tip etc) must be at least 31in long. Also brass inserts, or 150 gr screw in single bevel Broadheads.

From: 2 bears
Date: 01-Feb-25

sticshooter I love the wood in that bow. I can't initiate a pm let me see what I can come up with. Not sure I can meet both length & weight choice. >>>-----> Ken

From: Jed Gitchel
Date: 01-Feb-25

Jed Gitchel 's embedded Photo

Up for trade Winchester mossy oak bibs in xl. These are more of a mid weight. Probably 38-44 waist. Looking for carbon arrows or shafts, knives, books . Willing to entertain other archery related items.

From: sticshooter
Date: 01-Feb-25

OK Ken.<><

From: Kodiak76
Date: 01-Feb-25

Ozark hunter traded

From: Thumb bow7
Date: 01-Feb-25

Thumb bow7's embedded Photo

Have a real nice doug hill recurve rh 60" with sets of limbs 54# @30 and 60#@30 trade for a predator classic recurve

From: Scotsman
Date: 01-Feb-25

Scotsman's embedded Photo

Jim Daughtery ‘Naturals’ xx75 2013. Half dozen full length 32”, new uncut. Sorry no inserts but a little filing will quickly get 2017 to size. Trade for quality LH 3 under tabs, prefer Barbee or Bateman.

From: Scotsman
Date: 01-Feb-25

Scotsman's embedded Photo

Surewood douglas fir shafts, full length 30”. 50/55# spine, weights as shown on pic. Quantity 15….. left over from when I was making footed shafts. Trade for GT trad 600 spine wood grain carbons.

From: Wildhog
Date: 01-Feb-25

Wildhog's embedded Photo

I have a RH Samick Sage riser for trade. I'm looking for Sage limbs from 35-50 pounds or Black Hunter longbow limbs with the tapered limb butts around 45-50#. Shoot me a pm if you are interested. I might consider other items for trade as well. Thanks

From: Bushytail Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Feb-25

01-Feb-25 bushytail broadheads are no longer available. Please delete/remove post. Thank you.

From: BigGOutdoors
Date: 01-Feb-25

BigGOutdoors's embedded Photo

Omega Huntsman #50@26. 62 AMO. With two TTT strings. 3 arrow boa quiver and possible arrows if interested for Striker Classic AMO 62. 40-60# range.

From: 2 bears
Date: 01-Feb-25

sticshooter P.M. me

From: sticshooter
Date: 01-Feb-25

sorry can't send pm.<><

From: shandorweiss
Date: 02-Feb-25

shandorweiss's embedded Photo

I have this 49# 60" Hunter's Moon take down with Bill Stewart style multi cam limbs. Gorgeous bow, made with zebrawood and chechen and waterfall bubinga limb veneers, elk antler nocks and inlay. Made by Jim Loyless of Louisiana.

Looking to trade for a 50s or 60s vintage bow under 40#, could be as light as they go.

I have a lot more pics and send them but only by email.

From: shandorweiss
Date: 02-Feb-25

Re the Hunter's Moon bow, I'd also trade for a Brandon Stahl, Vintage Works or similar bow.

From: Jim D
Date: 02-Feb-25

I have 6 art prints by Pat Marino. Includes The Gentleman Woodsman (Fred Bear), Early Years, First Season,Early Hatch, Open Water,and First Light. These are not framed and matted. Will be rolled and shipped in heavy cardboard tube. Have pics for those seriously interested. Looking for a Bear Grizzly or Kodiak Magnum in tigerwood...or Korte? A guy can dream.

From: Spartanbuck
Date: 02-Feb-25

I have 4 160 grain caimen glue on broadheads single bevel. Looking for 150-175 3 blade screw in broadheads or two blade.

From: Jed Gitchel
Date: 03-Feb-25

Bibs from the first are traded.

From: BigGOutdoors
Date: 03-Feb-25

Buck 120 has been traded and can be removed

From: Jim D
Date: 04-Feb-25

Please remove Marino prints for offer on Feb 2nd, thanks!

From: kaw369
Date: 04-Feb-25

I forgot to mention that the German Ridge quiver can also be tied onto a pack.

From: Wildhog
Date: 04-Feb-25

Wildhog's embedded Photo

I have a nice RH Bear Bearcat take down. It is 60" and 50#. It has the 1R grip. I am looking for a set of Quinn Stallion limbs at 45# or a RH '70-'72(without inserts) Browning Wasp in the lower 40 pounds range. Shoot me a pm if interested. Thank you

From: Bellaodin
Date: 04-Feb-25

Bellaodin's embedded Photo

Trade this ASL no markings on the bow 68"53#@28" my scales has it around 53#@28. Nice shape shoots fine

Interested in some ice fishing tip-ups and or related gear. And quality knifes, quivers.

From: arrowchucker
Date: 04-Feb-25

arrowchucker's embedded Photo

I have a RH JDIII Jager grip for CD risers. Will trade for a medium or high Jager grip for CD riser. Arrowchucker out.

From: trad archer 1
Date: 05-Feb-25

Cold Steel Mini Outdoorsman from February 1st is traded. Folding knives still available.

From: jdbbowhunter
Date: 05-Feb-25

12 Tru-Flite 125gr, 3 blade Broadheads. New in package. Looking for 4" LW parabolic feathers, Flo yellow, chartreuse, or pink.

From: ledflight2 Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 05-Feb-25

ledflight2's embedded Photo

I still have these - A&H 60" 40lb limbs made within last 2 years by South Cox. Looking for 50lb at 64".

From: Hunt OH
Date: 06-Feb-25

Hunt OH's embedded Photo

True Marble's Canoe knife with stag pommel and marbles rare reverse sewn tube Sheath value of knife is $1100 its in great shape! Looking for something of equal value for deer hunting when I go to Ohio.

From: kaw369
Date: 07-Feb-25

Having trouble resizing my picture of my trade item. German Ridge "ridge Runner IV" (4) arrow quiver. NOS in package still. Fastens to the flap of a possible bag, leather strap or can be tied onto a pack. Open to any archery items. Could use a few 1916 and 2016 arrows to play with. Will send photos upon request. Meanwhile I will see if I can find some help with my photos for posting here.

From: Bellaodin
Date: 08-Feb-25

Bellaodin's embedded Photo

Trade this WW2 era,Keuffel@Esser Co. New York. Compass is totally functional in very good shape. Trade for 60" AMO recurve string made of newer low stretch material, thin padded loops with wool or yarn puffs. Well made send your cell# if you want more pics

From: 4nolz@work
Date: 08-Feb-25

4nolz@work's embedded Photo

Scratch call kits (enough for 6).Looking for a few shotgun shells of any gauge other than 28 gauge.Prefer turkey type but flexible.Open to other trades.Just drill out the sound chamber and mount slate.Finished call pictured.

From: Formby
Date: 09-Feb-25

Formby's embedded Photo

Three Meathead broadheads with inserts glued in 225gr Looking to trade for VPA broadheads two blade or three blade 175-200gr

From: Formby
Date: 09-Feb-25

Above broadheads are left hand beveled.

From: Caveman
Date: 10-Feb-25

Brackenbury “The Quest Shadow” 62” 47# at 27” takedown recurve. Has some small finish marks on it but perfectly straight and very nice otherwise. This one is fast flight compatible and comes with a FF string. Has the original owners name on it.

Looking to trade for a Merlin Model 39A 22 lever action. Or possibly others.

I’ve tried to post a photo from my phone but must have bee too large.

Located in Albuquerque NM

From: 17beartakedown
Date: 11-Feb-25

I have a 45# 64" Quinn Stallion with original box and papers that I would trade for newer Bear takedown limbs in 45# on B riser #3 or #2.

From: 2 bears
Date: 11-Feb-25

Always wanted a Quinn. Used to be at his place every week. I just never got around to it. Assuming I could get them in time what would a set of limbs run? Mine are only 35 pounds. >>>-----> Ken Can't initiate P.M.'s

From: Droptine Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 11-Feb-25

I have 3 Ruger mini-14 .223/5.56 30 round steel mags. They were painted to prevent any rust forming on them but are in good functional condition. Looking to trade for Vpa broad heads, slip joint knives, and archery accessories.

From: Brian Peters Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 12-Feb-25

Brian Peters's embedded Photo

Hi, resized picture I have a nice oldie bison gear hat and new carhardt face mask and quickee quiver w/bracket, looking for a selway or great northern RH quiver for my Bear Kodiak, Thx Brian

From: Bugle up
Date: 12-Feb-25

Bugle up's embedded Photo

Lots old arm guards and one full glove (size SMALL) with armguard attached. Trade for ONE good medium shooting glove. I mentor new shooters and I am out of medium gloves.

From: Bugle up
Date: 12-Feb-25

Bugle up's embedded Photo

Fixin's for a DIY crestor. Trade for a couple decent RH MEDIUM gloves and or tabs. I help new shooters and am short on these.

From: sagebrush
Date: 13-Feb-25

Guessing about 300 assorted awrrow wraps all sizes shapes and colors,trade for quality fishing reels,ambassadeur, pluger etc.buck black handel hunting knives, buck 110 s

From: sagebrush
Date: 13-Feb-25

I counted the wraps ,there is 600 pcs

From: sagebrush
Date: 13-Feb-25

Wraps are traded please delete

From: Scotsman
Date: 13-Feb-25

Please remove my post of Feb 1 for JD Natural shafts, those have been traded

From: Bugle up
Date: 13-Feb-25

You may delete my posts from Feb 12 please.

From: Bellaodin
Date: 13-Feb-25

My compass is traded

From: sheepdogreno
Date: 14-Feb-25

sheepdogreno's embedded Photo

I have a beautiful toelke whip that was built for me end of 2024. 64in marked 42@29 but it’s a heavy 42 almost 43@28 on my scale. Standard grip Apache tiller dark Myrtle veneers. In new condition. Considering trading for similar spec black widow PL. needs to be a Toby grip prefer two piece but not stuck on it. I love this whip but I really want to give a PL a try. I’d love any of the models with no red available to chat on phone or video chat whatever makes you comfortable

From: sticshooter
Date: 14-Feb-25

Looking to swap my Bivouac Whiskey Creek longbow 44@28-58" curly bubinga riser with olivewood veneers. Looking for something 35- 40@28 60 upto 66. Thanks<><

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