From: Bogle
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
I reached out to Schaffer, but thought I would see if anybody else has seen this before. Went to S. GA to hunt the snow storm last week, and took my recurve with me. Never hunted with it and only had it out in the snow for about an hour, and put it back in the truck. =I came back home (FL) and got back out of the truck tonight, and it has these white spots on the limbs and the riser. It looks like discoloration in the glass, maybe. Again they are on both limbs, front and back, and the riser. Any thoughts on what might have occurred or the integrity of the bow at this point? Nothing is cracked, and it doesnt seem like its lifiting along the edge or anything. Thanks.
From: fdp
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
What did the folks at Schaefer say? Did you send them pictures?
From: Bogle
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Waiting on a response. Yes, I did send them pics.
From: fdp
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Pictures here would make it a lot easier to make a reasonable suggestion.
From: grizzley21
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
bet you that those are water spots in the finish.
From: Jbrink
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
They are water spots in the finish. Most of the time my bows get them they go away when it dries but don’t pick at them the finish might be soft there
From: Bogle
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
From: Bellaodin
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Was the Bow ever refinished??
From: Bogle
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Sorry guys, I just uploaded one of the correct pics. Honestly, I have no idea where the unfinished bow pic came from. However, the last one is the correct one - LOL.
From: 2 bears
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Some finishes are subject to water spotting like that.If they won't polish out it should be sent back for refinishing. If you bought it new. >>>----> Ken
From: Bogle
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Grizz and KJBrink I think you are right. The bow was laying in the snow. Thanks!
From: fdp
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Hmmm...I would have to have it in my hands to know for sure but it LOOKS like water got between the glass and the core.
Are all the spots along the limb edges?
From: Bogle
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
2 Bears, thanks for the reply. Ill keep an eye on it, and send it back to be refinished if they dont go away. Thanks again.
From: Chairman
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
I think fdp is correct, I have had that same situation. New bow send it back
From: Zman
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Should dry out and disappear.
From: Zman
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
And its Schafer.
From: Babysaph
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Send it back. They will take care of it.
From: RonP
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
if the spots are between the glass and lamination, how will refinishing it help?
From: fdp
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
It won't.
From: Bogle
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
fdp, thanks for the response. Yes, the bulk of them seem to be along one edge, but there are some in the middle of the limbs as well. The side where they are most prevalent was the side that was in the snow when I laid it down on the tailgate of my truck.
From: Thumb bow7
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Looks like chicken pox
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
I thought spots were to be expected at less than six months old??
Having just lost a bow to a bit of a delamination, that would trigger me somethin’ awful, especially given Frank’s observation about where it appears to seeping in.
From: B.T.
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Disappointing to see that. I would be sending it back for a refinish with a different finish. I have never seen that before, and we take out bows out in the snow all day long..the rain too.
From: B.T.
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Disappointing to see that. I would be sending it back for a refinish with a different finish. I have never seen that before, and we take out bows out in the snow all day long..the rain too.
From: Earl Mason
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Glue starvation is what those spots are. Happened during glue up. B
From: Earl Mason
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Glue starvation is what those spots are. Happened during glue up. B
From: 2 bears
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
If it is under the glass it is bad news. If it is in the finish it can be fixed. 15 seconds with a tiny piece of 320 or 400 sandpaper will tell you. >>>----> Ken
From: fdp
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Yep....what Ken said.
From: Bogle
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
2 Bears, I'll try that. The bow is not new I have had it for a while.
From: Mpdh
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
That doesn’t look good to me. I don’t think those are just water spots.
From: Firefly
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Trapped moisture under the glass. What Earl said, too.
From: Recurve Crafter ™
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
If it's only on the limbs, it might be delaminating.
However, you mentioned that it's on the riser too, so it's probably just the finish.
If that's the case, just let it set for a 2 or 3 weeks in a warm dry location (not closed up in a case) and it might clear up on it's own.
I had one of my bows do that over 25 years ago.
I was outside shooting in extreme cold and when I brought it inside the finish on the whole bow turned milky and cloudy looking.
I just left it alone and it cleared back up after 2 or 3 weeks. The bow was about 5 years old and was finished with Fullerplast conversion varnish.
So, just let it set for a while and don't pick or sand on it. If it doesn't clear up after a few weeks, it might need a refinish.
From: Babysaph
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I’ve never seen a Schafer do that.
From: bowhunt
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
What Brandon said.
Dont jump into any conclusions to fast that could be wrong.
From: Zman
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
I had a table full of bows laying at my campsite at Denton Hill. And of course it rained. A bunch of them did that...Morrison, Bighorn, Schafer. They all dried out fine.
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