From: gray1
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Shooting three under is really a compound way to shoot traditional.Agreed ? Wait just kidding. Now I shoot split finger and at times I try three under . I can’t feel comfortable canting the bow .Do you three under shooters can’t?Seems to me like more often I see them hold the bow straight up and down.Also if your bow was dialed for three under do you believe your string knock would have to be at a different height to shoot split finger?
From: fryguy
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I cant my bow. Not a crazy cant but just keep everything on the same plane as I can. Tilt my head along with my hand.
From: fdp
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Sometimes I do cant, sometimes not. Some folks have to move their nock locator and some don't.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I try it a few times a year. Just tried it this past weekend again. Not for me. It just does not feel comfortable to me and do not group well. The last time I tried I had a 8" group with 3 under then 3 arrows touching with split, 15 yards.
From: soap creek
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Some people holding their bow straight up and down are either gapping or using their dominant eye on the opposite side. I switched to 3under in 2020. I had to commit to it completely for it to work for me. Shooting that way occasionally just didn't work for me. It took a couple months for it to feel natural to me. I don't consciously gap when Shooting. I can't just like I've always done. I focus on the spot I want to hit, come to full draw hitting my anchor pull through my shot and release. One thing I've found,at least for me. Is it's easier on the fingers of my drawing hand. Which is nice, since I have some arthritis in that hand.
From: Clydebow
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I cant three under and split. Nock point the same for both.
From: Bentstick54
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I have shot split finger for 60+ years. I’ve tried 3 under several times, but just not stuck with it long enough to give it a fair chance. I shooter similar to Soap Creek above. Mostly concentrate on the spot.
My question is if I don’t use a gap, or point on, type aiming style, what benifit would shooting 3under really benefit me?
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I agree with Bentstick. I have shot split for 45 years and can not get use to 3 under. I watched the Lancaster finals yesterday and the announcers said that the shooters were either string walking or gap shooting. I am convinced that is the most accurate way to shoot but for me I don't shoot long shots so split finger works for me. I always wondered why no one shoots these competitions split fingered. Plus 3 under is not traditional . LOL
From: B.T.
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I raise my nocking point to 3/4”-7/8” for 3 under. I kant very little to none for split or 3 under.
From: LastChild85
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I am 5/8” at nock set. I cant like crazy. It feels better to me. I bend at the waist and try to keep everything in line. Hard to do when your in a climber shooting straight down but I manage. Coming from compound i was “coached” into 3 under. I guess i “gap” shoot using point on as reference. I stare at what i want to hit and let the arrow fall into a spot then release. My biggest problem is string blur. Most of my left misses are do to looking between riser and string at point of arrow.
From: reddogge
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
"I always wondered why no one shoots these competitions split fingered."
Because they want their point on distance to be 20 yards so they can put the point right on the 5 spot and hit it.
From: soap creek
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Bentstick, the benefit for me was just a change. I had learned and always shot split finger. Been doing it that way for over 45yrs. I had been struggling with target panic for years. It got to where it was affecting my hunting. I had tried different ways to cure it, but nothing was working long term. I didn't really want to shoot 3under,but I was willing to try anything that would help. It was so different that it really helped me. It's been 5 years now. I have way less target panic issues these days. I can shoot split or 3under, I just choose to shoot 3under. I say do what ever you have to do better. Works for me.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
“My question is if I don’t use a gap, or point on, type aiming style, what benifit would shooting 3under really benefit me?”
There was/is at least one very highly regarded “Instinctive” shooting guru who shoots 3U… I say call it whatever you like; if you’re hitting more often than you used to, it’s an improvement. If it keeps working after 3 weeks of structured practice, stick with it.
Maybe it’s kinda like the difference between shooting a shotgun with your head up vs with your cheek snugged up against the stock; either way, if you have your eyeball directly above the rib, you can focus on the bird and hit it. But most of us are going to be more consistent with a good cheek weld on a stock that puts the rib right about exactly under our dominant eye.
So why not give it a shot? Not as if you can’t switch back….
From: snowman
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I'm 3 under and also cant a little. A slight cant just feels more natural to me. When I first started shooting trad I was a split shooter. After about 6 months of what was probably excessive daily shooting I developed a painful lump or corn where my index finger was constantly being pinched between the string and the arrow. So I switched to 3 under. It did take me a little while to get adjusted and comfortable shooting 3 under.
From: Stringwacker
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I'm sort of backward in all respects to split vs three under shooting. I started split fingered and killed a few deer that way. I did notice that when I shot 3-D and was shooting split, I shot really well. But...when it was the first shot of the day when shooting split I had bit of a loss of confidence and would often shoot high.
I started playing around with three under and noticed a few things. First, I (personally) had more confidence in a cold shot. Second, I also got a better and cleaner release with less effort. 3) It made more noise on the shot which was a negative.
I eventually started shooting three under all the time and had to move my nocking point up to about 6/8's from the 3/8's I had been shooting. I've been told I shoot with the bow pretty much vertical but I usually have about a one o'clock cant.
Lastly, I have no point of aim reference while shooting three under. I'm not looking down the arrow. I am right handed and left eyed I see the arrow in my left peripheral vision so I can't use it as a reference.
From: M60gunner
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I tried 3 under seriously years ago now. Yes, my groups got smaller and I figured I had found my answer to shooting a bow. BUT, as I was getting ready for an out of state Elk hunt I noticed my first arrow of the day just wasn’t that great. So back to split finger, then after a love affair with ASL and watching John Shulz over and over again I tried 3 under agian with my recurve. It just didn’t feel right and it still doesn’t and I have tried.
From: Orion
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I shot split for more than 60 years, but switched to 3-under a couple of years ago, and it worked very well for me. Not better than split, but as well. I think I was a little more accurate with it on shots 20 yards and in, but a little less accurate on shots longer than that, compared to split, but very tiny differences.
Regardless, after a couple of years, I switched back to split. Mostly because I didn't like the greater noise and bow vibration I felt shooting 3-under vs split. I also feel more in control of the arrow with a finger touching the nock above and below it. I think split also works better for the more fluid swing draw method of shooting.
Most folks raise their nock point when they change from split to 3-under. I did, too, but found I could also use my standard split finger nock height. I always cant a bit, say 1 to 2 o clock, regardless of whether I shot 3-under or split.
I still shoot 3-under sometimes at closer shots, but shoot split more often. Long storyh short, some folks like and do better with one or the other.
I don't consider 3-under a compound way of shooting a stickbow. Nowadays, compounds are too short to shoot with the fingers in any manner. But back in the day, all of those who I knew who shot longer compounds with their fingers, myself included, shot split.
From: Chain2
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I started with split but having a long draw and probably bows that were too short, I found I got a better release with 3 under. Maybe less finger piinch on the top of the arrow. I’m not sure but my arthritic beat up carpenter hand likes 3 under better. I can’t some times and some times I don’t. I also shoot instinctively.
From: Vaquero 45
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Started years ago split fing originally, tried three under never went back . Some of my tabs are even for split and they work great three under . Also @ least for me I can load n fire a second shot if need be way faster in the hunting field than a split finger shot . Always thought also it might have something to do with the configuration of the shooters hand which style they use .
From: TGbow
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I switched to 3 under about 7 or 8 years ago after 40 plus years shooting split. I really didn't change the way I shoot. I nock my arrow just a little higher, I think arrow mocking point depends on the individual..where there finger pressure is ECT. I've always canted the bow. Also, once I settled in with 3 under my bows are just as quiet shooting 3 under, along with tuning.
From: TGbow
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I should mention, I played with 3 under off n on for about 2 years. I took Jim Casto's advice and shot "only" 3 under for 2 months, I think it felt kinda awkward at first but eventually it became 2nd nature.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
Besides switching to or using a hard aiming method, why go through the effort of switching from split to 3 under? I find no benefit of switching from one to the other.
From: TGbow
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
One method is no better than the other..unless one or the other methods fits "you" better.
I switched because I shot for years and dealt with nock pinch due to a crooked index finger on my draw hand. I dealt with it trying different things but switching to 3 under was good for me because it eliminated nock pinch altogether.
From: Bentstick54
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
^^^^ That’s what I’m wondering myself.
I see benefits with it if a person is using a hard set aiming method, but shooting without a true aiming method I have a hard time seeing the benefit.
From: fdp
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I personally find it amazing that people can't switch from one method to the other and really think that it is not much other than a psychological thing.
As far as depends but the indisputable fact is that the closer that your eye and the arrow are together the more potential you have for accuracy regardless of what you call the way you aim.
From: TGbow
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
Frank brings up a good a benefit, I can shoot either method if I need to. If not for my crooked index finger, I would've probably never switched.
From: Bentstick54
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I fully understand that it moves the arrow closer to your eye which can definitely be a benefit.
And I know that for hat ever reason your shooting is in a slump, ( target panic ) etc, that a concentrated change in style/ form can be a major benefit.
Are there any other benefits?
From: monkeyball
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
No cant here........
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
There's no longer any difference for me in tuning, or accuracy at my normal shooting distances.
But, when I first made the switch to 3-under there was, and I struggled with it back & forth for a while.
I eventually discovered, that the difference was coming from the difference in finger load of the string, and anchor point.
Whether shooting split, or 3-under I have adjusted my shooting to always primarily load the finger directly under the arrow.
That solved the tuning difference, and using "that finger" as the primary point of my anchor solved the point on distance difference at my normal shooting distances.
I can shoot equally as well with either, but I shoot primarily 3-under. It's just more comfortable "for me".
I will occasionally switch to split when shooting long distances (beyond 60 yards), but at that time I also alter my anchor point from that loaded finger at the corner of my mouth down to top finger under my chin. All that does is make the gap I am dealing with significantly "smaller".
Make sense? Probably not, but it does to me. :-)
From: fdp
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
It is less likely to cause pinched fingers when shooting shorter bows, it can be a more forgiving release because when shooting 3 under you aren't going to pinch the arrow between your fingers.
From: Tom McCool
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I shoot 3 under with a very slight cant as well
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
Oh, and as far as "cant" goes.
Do it, or don't.
Makes no difference at all.
From: HEXX
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I cant and would not go back to split.
From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I shot split for decades with a NEET hair tab with spacer and thick back pad. Zero string feel. I occasionally messed around with 3U for something different but never stuck with it.
A few years ago I bought a thin kangaroo glove that gives great string feel, and Voila! shooting 3U became right. And now it's just normal. I shoot short range all the time and 3U works great for that. Looking back I wish I had started with a thin glove and 3U.
I'm gonna check out finger pressure during the draw.
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I had a friend that shot split finger years ago that shot instinctive but he anchored at the corner of his eye. He was the best traditional shooter I have ever seen. I agree that the closer you get to your eye the better you shoot. I am just set in my ways and like anchoring at the corner of my mouf.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I know this much, when I try 3 under, that feeling that the arrow will fall off is always there, LOL. Neither is wrong, just always wondered why changing if you shoot the "dreaded" instinctive. If you aim with point I get it.
From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
mouf. lol
Yo Doc Smiff.. what up dawg? lol
From: fdp
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
"why changing if you shoot the "dreaded" instinctive."....because it puts the arrow closer to your eye which makes aiming easier regardless of what you refer to your aiming system as.
EXACTLY the same reason that Howard Hill gave for using what he called "the cheek draw". It decreases the angle between the eye and the arrow.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
If you reference the arrow, I can see using 3 under.
From: fdp
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
It doesn't matter.....that's what keeps getting lost here. You HAVE to reference the arrow by some means. If you don't you have no earthly clue where it is pointed. And the closer to your eye it is, the easier that is to do. Period.
Folks don't have to like 3under, and they don't have to even try to understand it but that doesn't change a single thing about it.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
It's pointed where I am holding? If you come back to anchor and your holding your bow in front of you you are pointing toward the intended target, you don't need the arrow to do that as it is always above your hand. I don't think the OP intended this to be the instinctive/no such think discussion. But, if I draw and for some reason my eye detects the arrow I have to let down and start over.
From: fdp
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
Nobody said a single thing about whether there is or is not ant such thing as "instinctive" shooting. But to infer that because the bow is above your hand automatically points it at the target or that you don't reference the arrow in some way is even more nonsense.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
LOL, I guess.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
“Folks don't have to like 3under, and they don't have to even try to understand it but that doesn't change a single thing about it.”
Facts don’t care about your feelings.
As far as nocking point goes…. my new ILF rig showed up ready to be shot 3U; neutral tiller, 2 nocking points. I was shooting it split and I did pretty well with it. My first shot here at 40 was high, but the rest look pretty good. Maybe should’ve left well enough alone ;)
But I wanted to drop the brace height as low as I could get it and I tweaked the tiller to be a bit on the positive side, nudged the sideplate a little so I can shoot a more typical spine than the previous owner had been using….
So I was out yesterday and noticed a lot of wonky flight issues, just intermittently. When my release was clean, flight was good and accuracy was good, too. Today, I razored off the two, served-on nocking points and replaced with a brass one, at least temporarily, and will see how it shoots Split at 5/8” high…
I don’t know much about the details of the differences, but I do know that a lot of things need to work together in a specific way for each shooter, and now I guess I’m committed to getting everything working again as well as it had been….
I really do think that most (and probably ALL) of the 20-yards-and-in guys would be better off making a committed change to 3U, and if Rick is any indication, 20 yards is hardly a hard upper limit, but not many of us have the luxury of a trajectory like his….
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
This one flew real good. I know because I had plenty of time to watch it go…. ;)
From: Longdraw
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I started split and shot straight up. I switched to three under and gap shot for a long time like this. After getting a shrew longbow canting the bow and shooting instinctive felt better to me and I was just as accurate and didn’t need a range finder. I don’t think I will ever go back.
From: charley
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
Sub 30 it's an easy way to set your eye as a rear sight. Beyond 30ish your bow gets in the way and it has dismissing returns. Anyone have a simpler explanation?
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
It’s more precise up to the point where your arrow obstructs the view of your target. After that, you need to be able to focus on the target with your non-dominant eye and where your arrow is pointing with your dominant eye and register both of those images at once.
That’s how I shoot at extra-long range (split), but the same applies past your point-on regardless of 3U, Split or otherwise….
That big, round target that we call The Gong is an 80-yarder, so it’s either focus “through” the shaft, or pick a spot on the hillside above it….
From: monkeyball
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
"I really do think that most (and probably ALL) of the 20-yards- and-in guys would be better off making a committed change to 3U"
I don't think so.
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
Well, it’s certainly true that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so yeah, overstatement. But would you sight in your rifle 3 feet low when you could hold bottom of the brisket??
Call me crazy, but it seems like it makes sense to set yourself up for the most & easiest accuracy at the distance that you plan to shoot. It may be too late for those dyed while the wool was still on the sheep, but for people trying to learn how…..
From: TGbow
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
I've seen some good archers with some unorthodox it really boils down to what works best for each individual. There's some fundamentals that have to be in place but methods may vary.
From: mahantango
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Rick and Frank- you guys make way too much sense.
From: Bentstick81
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
For me, with three under, my recurve seems noisier, and a little more of a thump on the shot. When i shoot split, I seem to notice a little faster arrow and quite a bit smoother on release. I cant my bow a bunch, also.
From: TGbow
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Jeff, it doesn't matter if you shoot vertical, slight can't or if you can't a lot.
Go with what works best for you but when I first started trying 3 under my bows were louder.
Jim Casto was correct when he told me to try 3 under consistently for a while and with proper tuning, my bow should quieten down once I was settled in with 3 under. He was absolutely correct.
From: soap creek
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
TGbow, that's what I have personally found to be true concerning bow noise for myself. It was louder at first, but latter on not as much. I do still think it is a little louder but not that much. I've not had any ill effect from noise while hunting. No noticeable difference at all. This topic has been discussed a lot. If someone is interested in 3under give it a try, if not don't. It took me a good couple of months for it to feel natural. It's all fun. Get out there and enjoy yourself.
From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Archery is different for everyone.
I shot split for about 15 years and then started shooting 3 under. I wish I could make gap shooting work for me (trust me I've tried) so I shoot concentrating on spot I want to hit. I anchor middle finger in corner of mouth and pull until fletching touched nose then release. Only difference between split and 3 under is width of 1 finger because I anchored split with middle finger in corner of mouth also. Shoot what works for you, we are all different!
From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
BTW nocking point is same for me 3 under and split 5/8" above center.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
As I mentioned on the 3U thread I started last week or so, there must be some demonstrable advantages to shooting Split, or nobody at the Olympics would shoot that way…. and plenty of them do. But for someone shooting String Blur with a sight at long range, there’s no benefit of more precise aiming, as there is at “Hunting Distance”….
So again, every archer is a different riddle…. But for anyone struggling with accuracy, it seems like 3U should be worth a thorough test drive….
If I didn’t have a sense that shooting 3U from my regular nocking point was bad for my arrow flight, I’d probably talk myself into shooting 3U on close shots and splits on long shots. That must be a pretty effective solution, or it wouldn’t be illegal in competition…
From: fdp
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
" there must be some demonstrable advantages to shooting Split, or nobody at the Olympics would shoot that way…. and plenty of them do." what is that demonstrable difference that would be applicable to the majority of the shooters on this thread?
How many Barebow shooters at Lancaster last week were shooting 3 under versus split and how many shoot 3 under versus spilt in barebow field competitions?
I mean the vast majority of folks on here are very quick to explain that Olympic Archery has little to nothing in common with the type of archery that they practice....
From: reddogge
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
In field archery you can shoot 3 under with a fairly low anchor and string walk to get a point on around 50 yards and in. From there on out you either have to face walk, shoot split, or aim way over the target. I have to aim 6' over the 80 yard target shooting split.
For me, primarily a 3-D shooter I shoot split with a high anchor and have a point on of 30 yards which works well on a 3-D course.
If all you do is hunt and shoot deer at 15-20 yards 3 under probably is good for you.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
“ How many Barebow shooters at Lancaster last week were shooting 3 under versus split and how many shoot 3 under versus spilt in barebow field competitions?”
No clue — do you have a headcount??
From the few times I have watched these on video, it appears that 3U is “more common”, but I won’t insult anyone by tossing out some bogus number. I’d guess it’s over 50%, though. Among Stringwalkers, of course, I would bet on 100%…. Because it’s hard to shoot split when you’re not even touching the nock…..
I’m gonna guess that 3U is the preferred method for top accuracy without sight pins, especially if you have a sophisticated gapping, stringwalking, or facewalking system for the longer shots…. Not that line-cutting precision is the absolute priority when you have a fleeting opportunity on an Elk that suddenly materialized somewhere between 20 and “too many” yards away.
From: fdp
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
I'm not going to throw out an arbitrary number either, other than to say all of the shooters in the mens finals were 3 under shooters.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Not Shocking. I’ve been practicing my point-on hold the last couple times out, and it is definitely tightening things up for me….
From: Bentstick54
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
But along with shooting 3U , all Lancaster finalists were string walking also.
To me it’s like comparing Olympic Archery. It’s a different game than I play.
Both use equipment, tweaked to the the game they are playing, and that’s great.
But for me, I am a bowhunter, big game, small game, whatever. Every situation, every shot is unique. Whether a deer from a treestand or a ground blind, a black bear over bait, a rabbit running through the brush, a squirrel in a tree or scampering along the ground, or carp swimming down a river. I shoot 3d 9 months out of the year, 2 to 3 times a month, because jo shooting, and it keeps my brain calibrated to my “ instinctive” shooting. I suck at estimating yardage, so basically I have a near and a far range. When it feels right I release. I also shoot 3d and target with the same bows/ arrows that I hunt with.
For me, I don’t think I see where the advantages mentioned would give me enough benefit to change what has been ingrained in my subconscious after 60+ years of shooting.
If I were to change and take up serious target archery. I would definitely put the effort into shooting 3U and string walking, or fixed crawl. But again that’s a different game.
From: fdp
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
And the great thing about archery is that if you don't think it is advantageous to you, you don't have to do it.
But that still doesn't negate any of the advantages that it has.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
“ Both use equipment, tweaked to the game they are playing, and that’s great.”
That was the gist of my “Just a thought” post, and it’s pretty much the same here…. I think a lot of us have just accepted Split as The Way It’s Done, without questioning whether it’s the most appropriate approach to their own chosen game.
My hat is off to anyone who is more accurate shooting Split; they seem to be a rare breed, and it ain’t the easy way.
From: Babysaph
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
I think 3 under is more accurate or they wouldn’t be shooting it at Lancaster and similar shoots.
From: Douglas Tubbs
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
I shoot split with my ring finger on my eye tooth instead of my middle finger. So if you shoot three under and anchor with the middle finger in the corner of your mouth my nock and your nock are in the same place. Am I doing it wrong? Guess I can not go much higher with glasses.:)
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
It's really not a matter of one being more accurate than the other, it all just depends on the game you're playing and what you are using as an aiming system. I'm not aware of a single Olympic shooter that doesn't shoot split finger.
Different game...different aiming system...different anchor...different hold.
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
[[[ "I'm not aware of a single Olympic shooter that doesn't shoot split finger.
Different game...different aiming system...different anchor...different hold." ]]]
Because they are shooting 70 plus yards, split finger with a low anchor allows them to get their sight into their sight picture. Works the same for using the tip of the arrow.
From: oldhunter1942
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Sometimes I cant and sometimes I can't
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
“ Am I doing it wrong?” Only if you’re missing the target.
You might get a better look down the arrow if you were to get your index finger out of the way, or it might not matter to you (as in your unique person). But you’d have to try 3U (probably pretty seriously for a while) in order to find out, and you may or may not be interested in putting out that effort… which is an observation on how you want to spend your shooting time; not a moral judgement.
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Unless your anchor is the corner of your eye, your not likely to see your index finger either way.
From: Douglas Tubbs
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Pulled 3 under starting in 1983 Corax for a few years and went back to split. Look at where your nock is with anchor and how you shoot.There are guys on here that could shoot my lights out I am sure. But I do all right. It is all personal anyway and some of your make up. I knew a long ago there is only one Howard Hill and I am nor ever will be him but after 50 years I am still having fun, shooting, building bows, and playing with arrows every day. I was kidding about "am I doing it wrong".:)
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
That’s why I gave you the wink…..
From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 01-Feb-25 |
Rick I concentrated on increasing index finger pressure yesterday while shooting my #60 Samick. Instant improvement. Thanks for the tip.
From: shade mt
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Shot split finger up until sometime in the early 80's i read a magazine article about shooting 3 under.
Up until then i didn't even know anybody shot 3 under, I shot the way i was taught which was split.
3 under seemed pretty odd when i tried it back then, but eventually switched, fast forward to today, split finger now feels odd to me.
i still occasionally shoot split just for something different, Why not? wouldn't mind using both, 3 under up close, split farther away.
3 under works pretty good for me though, so that's what i do.
From: RonG
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Nock height shouldn't change even if you hold the bow upside down and you are standing on one leg while singing.
I shoot my longbow three under and split and can group arrows in a one inch circle at 15 yards, I cant the bow slightly when shooting split and hold vertical when three under. The biggest difference is I have to remember to point the bow quite a bit lower when shooting split or the arrow will go over the the target. I personally don't like three under, I'm more comfortable using split.
I have to aim using three under and shoot split much faster and don't aim the arrow, I just point the bow in the direction of the target.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
“Why not? wouldn't mind using both, 3 under up close, split farther away.”
I’m guessing that works very well…. Otherwise it’d be Legal in Competition!!
From: HEXX
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I don't usually look at my point but one time I did and found my point on was 45 yards. I really don't need to shoot any farther out than that.
From: absaroka6
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I was taught to shoot split finger, but the arthritis in my hands has gotten to the point where my fingers are starting to curl. I'm going to try 3 under and see if it helps.
From: lost run
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
I shoot split finger, all the guys I shoot with shoot three under. I gave up on telling them they are shooting wrong.
From: Tool maker
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
Three under is a phony way to shoot a bow
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
In my opinion, a lot of us old farts learned to shoot split finger when all there was was straight nocks like the mercury index nock.
Since the advent of snap nocks...3 under got a lot easier in terms of keeping the nock on the string.
From: fdp
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
"Three under is a phony way to shoot a bow"...ROFLMAO!!!!!!
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
[[[ "Three under is a phony way to shoot a bow"...ROFLMAO!!!!!!" ]]]
Made me giggle a bit too. :-D
From: B.T.
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Best response yet!
From: bugsy 49
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Shoot the way that suits you best. I shoot 2 under with light bows. It is the way I shoot best. Only you can critique what works best for you.
From: Jul
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Split gives me a cleaner release. And my bow is Quieter .and I cant my bow pretty hard. I shoot 3 under for years. Lots of arrow flight problems tell I learn to use two nocks.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I love it Lost Run...ha!ha!
Absaroka6, my fingers point at the ground when I point at something. I have found for me that shooting split is a little easier on my painful fingers. My problem is I have premature release of my arrow, I can't control holding my grip. I just built a small bridge so I could retrieve my arrows that flew wild into the swamp.
From: absaroka6
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Ron, I almost spit my coffee on my keyboard. You got me.
From: mahantango
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Cabel Guy, that’s a good point. Jul, I find just the opposite.
From: Greenstyk
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
I shot split forever until about 3 years ago when it became too painful to shoot without flinching. 3 under is definitely less painful and it allows me to still shoot using my fingers instead of a release aid. The bow does seem to be louder shooting 3 under.
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
“Why not? wouldn't mind using both, 3 under up close, split farther away.”
"I’m guessing that works very well…. Otherwise it’d be Legal in Competition!!"
Actually in some cases/classes I think it IS legal.
IBO states that for Longbow (LB) "finger must contact the string in the same place for each shot."
However for Traditional (TRD) the rules only state "Index finger must contact the nock of the arrow."
World Archery states that for the Traditional Division, "When shooting, the index finger or middle finger must be within 3 mm of the nock or touch the nock (split finger or 3 fingers under).
For the Longbow division, "The bow must be shot using the "Mediterranean" loose (one finger above the arrow nock) or fingers directly below the arrow nock (index finger no more than 2 mm below nock), with one fixed anchor point. The athlete must choose either Mediterranean or fingers under nock but may not use both."
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
3 under just looks silly.
From: Ricky The Cabel Guy
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
"3 under just looks silly."
Not on the target end. LOL
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Since it appears we are shifting to "silly":
Split finger was originally introduced for booger eaters.
Got to give that top finger unobstructed access to the nostril ya know.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
LOL, convenient!!!
From: reddogge
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Split finger is very manly just like nocking the arrow holding it by the nock.
From: soap creek
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Some of these guys must have cabin fever.
From: monkeyball
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
How'd you know Rick......
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
That belongs on the Boogereater Bowmen’s Traditional Archery Society official T- shirt….
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
[[[ "Boogereater Bowmen" ]]]
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Tool maker
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
I shoot split finger. About the booger comment. All I can say is that was a good one.
From: PA-R
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Shooting two fingers, lets you have a snack, if you miss lunch!!!!
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