From: monkeyball
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Just a bit over 3 weeks out. Feb. 22/23 Sat/Sun. Indoor and outdoor targets.
BBQ chicken and ribs on Sat. Plus the kitchen is open for other food items.
4717 Creek Road, PO Box 233, Beavertown, PA, United States, Pennsylvania
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: marc of PAW
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I have cabin fever so I guess that qualifies me to come to the shoot. I'll see if any others in our Bowyers Guild feel up to it and will bring some of their bows along to sell. - - Marc
From: monkeyball
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Sounds good Marc......sellers, buyers, traders. All are welcome, it helps make a shoot even better!
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: hvac tech
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Weather permitting I am planning on it and and a friend of mine as well .
From: Phil Magistro
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I would love to be there but I cannot make this one.
Have a great time!
From: Bushytail
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
I’m planning on going.
From: Homey88
Date: 29-Jan-25 |
Oh yeah!
From: Shick
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
If all goes well, we should be able to make it.
From: Krag
Date: 30-Jan-25 |
I'm planning to go. Hope the snow gods co-operate on the travel days.
From: mahantango
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Can’t wait, coming fast.
From: M S -- Wapiti
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Nice club cabin & if you close your eyes you can actually smell the chicken. Hope i can finally make it there.
From: monkeyball
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Joe and Mike, You guys show up for the shoot......I buy lunch!
Farmers Almanac that I took a look at prior to this winter was calling for a milder temp./ min.snow but more rain forecast. Way,way,way, OFF!
I am ready to hear Geese and Spring Peepers for sure.
Phil, come on, what does sunny Florida have that Shade does not :)
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Phil Magistro
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
Craig, "Phil, come on, what does sunny Florida have that Shade does not :)"
80 degrees and sunny. Swimming pool with warm water... :)
I'll be back in the cold the second week of March. Please turn the heat on for me. :)
From: Andy Man
Date: 31-Jan-25 |
was sad about missing last year now got eye surgery the day before this one (gotta have an epithelial membrane removed from the retna of left eye)-guess not in the cards
Baltimore looking iffy too wife having a hip replacement for that one
hope someone posts some good pictures
From: monkeyball
Date: 02-Feb-25 |
A great place to be Feb 22/23 whether your shooting, eating, telling someone about the monster you saw the last day, or slipping your buddy a couple $$$$$$$ for the bow he built just for you :) Shade is where it's going to be happening.
15 target 3-D setup outside, ironman course outside, indoor range, and indoor novelties will give you plenty to shoot at.
Lots of varied food on the menu and some great folks to converse with.
Hope to see some of you there.
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Krag
Date: 03-Feb-25 |
Got my room booked.
From: Homey88
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
To the top
From: Yewbender
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Well gents, i’ll see you in April.
From: mahantango
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
We’ll miss you Gary, see you in April. Who’s idea was it to have our shoot the same weekend as the PLA shoot?
From: Wayne Hess
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
Gary must be going South for warmer weather, Now hope the chicken gets done in time, Take Care
From: monkeyball
Date: 07-Feb-25 |
The chicken will get done in time Wayne, the question is, will you get there in time to get some......hmmm. Get that Nolan guy to bed early the night before and who knows?
Gary, was the date of the PLA shoot always at this time or was it changed? Seems to me they did not fall on the same weekend in earlier years, but I may be getting mixed up with another shoot.
I hope you guys have a good turnout down there.
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Krag
Date: 08-Feb-25 |
Got the two bows I'm taking picked out - Chaparral Kaibab and Mahantango Raven.
From: monkeyball
Date: 08-Feb-25 |
I'm bringing a pretty ugly IFL to shoot till my buddy John gets there with my new build, then I'm going to get acquainted with it down on the course.
Two weeks out....... and really looking forward to it.
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: jsweka
Date: 08-Feb-25 |
Monkeyball - Just make sure to wash your hands good between handling that ugly ILF and your SWEKA. And don’t let them touch one another.
From: monkeyball
Date: 08-Feb-25 |
I promise.........
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: mahantango
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
Uh oh, it’s starting.
From: Homey88
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
To the top!
From: Homey88
Date: 09-Feb-25 |
To the top
From: jsweka
Date: 10-Feb-25 |
If those two handsome archers don’t bring a crowd, nothing will.
From: monkeyball
Date: 10-Feb-25 |
Nice cluster fellas. It's getting close now and were hoping for decent weather and even a better turnout.
Rain,snow,sleet,clouds or sun.........the shoot will be happening!
Lots of different targets, inside and outside, competition to fun, and a menu that smells so good it will bring the bears out of hibernation!
Shade Mountain's the place to be Feb. 22 and 23
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: monkeyball
Date: 11-Feb-25 |
Up to the top folks.......
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Homey88
Date: 11-Feb-25 |
To the top!
From: monkeyball
Date: 12-Feb-25 |
I just talked to one of my buddies from the club. Like lots of places in the nearby area, we have some pretty good coatings of ice in the woods.
Safety is the first concern and then being able to get down in the bottom and set targets is the next.
I wish I could see where we are going to be in for a warming trend for the next week here, but it does not look like it. So......
We are more than likely going to have a selection of 3-Ds at various distances to the right of the clubhouse as you look at it.
If Mother Nature has a melt down and things become doable as far as "no ice" we will set a course, if not, 3-D's to the right will happen.
The Ironman will still be going on regardless, they are going to take the skid steerer down thru to make safe travels.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up as to what"may" be happening.
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Yewbender
Date: 12-Feb-25 |
Since I started up in Traditional archery in 2013…the PLA’s Cabin Fever shoot was the same weekend as Shade’s. The only reason I made it in 2021 to Shade’s was our host club would not hold it because of the…well you know…virus.
From: monkeyball
Date: 13-Feb-25 |
That's to bad Gary. I hope you guys have a great turnout and the weather is good.
Speaking of weather, the extended forecast as of now for next weekend is looking good. The nigh time lows are going to be brutal though until it gets here.
Low 30's during both days and partly cloudy. I would take that forecast!
So wear your favorite wools and warm boots if you plan on shooting outside.......
I know I mentioned it before, but if any of you have goods you want to all means bring it, we have tables.
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Yewbender
Date: 13-Feb-25 |
Ya, it’s a bummer but atleast i’ll be there April and September. Hope you also have nice weather and enjoy the chicken!
From: Andy Man
Date: 13-Feb-25 |
somebody here not afraid of cold or cold water
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