From: 1buckurout
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
For those of you that have made a Frankenbow using Sage limbs on a Black Bear riser, what weight limbs did you use and what did they weigh on the riser?
From: Fritz
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
I put 50 lb limbs on. Ended up with 45 lbs ,shoots very well !!
From: Randog
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
SW archery 40# limbs are 38# on my bb riser. Longbow and recurve limbs.
From: bugsy 49
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
35 lb. limbs ended up 30 lbs. Five lbs. lighter. With a BCYX low stretch string the outfit works perfect for me.
From: Krag
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
55# measured 49#, 45# was 39#. Don't know what these would have been on a Sage riser as base point.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
If you havnt made one yet do it. It’s a lot of fun. And you will be surprised at how well it shoots:)
From: Nemophilist
Date: 19-Jan-25 |
60#@28" Samick Sage limbs, 56#@28" on my Bear Black Bear compound riser by my spring scale. At my draw length the poundage was a little over 60# according to my spring scale. I was so impressed how well it shot I hunted with mine in 2021 and killed the buck in the picture at 30 yards. I have another Bear Black Bear compound riser and Samick Sage limbs to build another Frankenbow when I find the time.
From: Muzz
Date: 20-Jan-25 |
If any one in south west PA wants to build one I have 2 risers I never got around to building. I did one with a Hoyt Rambo with 50lb limbs ended up like 42-44 lbs. Gave to a buddy who loves it . Just not my thing
From: Nemophilist
Date: 20-Jan-25 |
My future Frankenbow projects when I find the time.
From: charley
Date: 21-Jan-25 |
As others have said if you bolt it down you loose around 5lbs. If you save the rockers and use them for alignment you loose nothing, maybe gain a little. Been so long since I checked I don't remember for sure.
From: doubleeagle
Date: 21-Jan-25 |
I found it was about 5lbs too. Here are a few photos.
From: the Black Spot
Date: 21-Jan-25 |
Not a BB, but WT2, which I think is the same except for the end of the limb pockets look different
From: Lastmohecken
Date: 21-Jan-25 |
I have one I built that great. I think generally they lose 4 or 5 pounds. I never actually checked mine.
From: selstickbow
Date: 22-Jan-25 |
WhiteTail Hunter II has a bit more laid back limb pad angle than the Black Bear. for what it's worth. Noticeable.
From: Jason316
Date: 22-Jan-25 |
My 30# sage limbs draw 32.8# with my 29.5" draw on mine.
From: Longcruise
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
45# became 40#. Some careful and conservative shimmering can bring draw weight up.
From: Wildhog
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Like Charley said above - if you use the rockers, you will come out closer to the marked weight. I grind off the little nubs and silicone them back into the riser.
From: Babysaph
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Or maybe get higher poundage limbs.
From: charley
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I've built a bunch of bows off compound risers. The last was the best and I'd never do it any other way. Cut a couple of line's to turn the bolt hole into slats. Then epoxy the rockers to the limb. This keeps the limb bolt from binding against the limb as you tighten the bolt. It gives you you alignment, draw weight and tiller adjustment. It sounds complicated but it's really easy. I'll send a couple of pics. If you have questions pm me.
From: charley
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
It's a really easy bow to shoot. You'll enjoy it.
From: Krag
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
I have 45, 50 and 55 Sage limbs. 45 and 55 are 6# less and 50 is 5.5# less.
From: Kelly
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Ok so the Black Bear riser is how long?
So what bow length are you guys getting?
From: the Black Spot
Date: 04-Feb-25 |
Charley, thx for that tip on the rockers!
From: selstickbow
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
KELLY Black Bear is 21 inches.
From: the Black Spot
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
Charley, any specific epoxy that you use? JB weld? The epoxied rocker is enough to stop side-to-side movement of the limb?
From: charley
Date: 05-Feb-25 |
I used AE40 smooth on. Marked the spot, sanded the area, and cleaned with alcohol. Clamped the rockers and left them for three days(I'm a cheapskate and my shop was colder than recommended working temperature). It's not the working part of the limb so flexibility isn't critical. I'm guessing anything will work, I just had AE40 kicking around. Makesure you tape the spot you cut at the bolt holes so the glass doesn't split...Kelly, Sage limbs make a 62" bow.
From: CD
Date: 06-Feb-25 |
Where is the most economical place to purchase Sage limbs?
From: monkeyball
Date: 06-Feb-25 |
Lancaster, not sure about the cheapest, but the best to deal with!
Good Shooting->->->->Craig
From: Longcruise
Date: 06-Feb-25 |
And Lancaster warranty service is fast.
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