Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Broken Fred bear Takedown - Salvagble?

Messages posted to thread:
Dan In MI 10-Jan-25
hvac tech 10-Jan-25
Orion 10-Jan-25
stagetek 10-Jan-25
FrankMac 10-Jan-25
Boker2 10-Jan-25
hvac tech 10-Jan-25
hvac tech 10-Jan-25
hvac tech 10-Jan-25
B.T. 11-Jan-25
hvac tech 11-Jan-25
BowAholic 12-Jan-25
Earl Mason 12-Jan-25
Boreal 12-Jan-25
hvac tech 12-Jan-25
RD 13-Jan-25
Recurve Crafter ™ 13-Jan-25
Tradslinger 13-Jan-25
BowAholic 13-Jan-25
From: Dan In MI
Date: 10-Jan-25

Dan In MI's embedded Photo

The pic says it all. (not my bow)

From: hvac tech
Date: 10-Jan-25

I fixed on of those .The main problem is getting a new casting either find another broken handle or I got one from the supplier

From: Orion Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 10-Jan-25

Those latch beds are epoxied in. They can be replaced if you can find another. An easier and cheaper way might be to try some J.B weld. Don't know if it would hold, particularly if you're shooting very heavy limbs. But, if you can't find a new latch, I would try that before retiring the riser.

But first, I suggest you give Bear a call and see if they would repair it for you.

From: stagetek Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 10-Jan-25

I agree. I'd call Bear and see what they have to say.

From: FrankMac
Date: 10-Jan-25

I contacted Bear about a handle issue. They were not interested at all. Suggested I just buy a new one.

From: Boker2 Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 10-Jan-25

How in the world do you remove the latch without messing up the wood?

From what I saw they have groves in wood and latches are epoxied in.

From: hvac tech
Date: 10-Jan-25

I will show yoh guys a pic of the the one I did

From: hvac tech
Date: 10-Jan-25

hvac tech's embedded Photo

This is a new inset before installing

From: hvac tech
Date: 10-Jan-25

Getting the old one out of the handle is the easy part its getting a new one that is the problem for me

From: B.T.
Date: 11-Jan-25

Yeah, you need a donor riser.

From: hvac tech
Date: 11-Jan-25

It is a unique design with a flaw in that the casting is a weak part .The heavier the limbs the more stress is on those tabs for the limbs Recurve Crafter had built Bear take down handles maybe he has some inserts

From: BowAholic
Date: 12-Jan-25

BowAholic's embedded Photo

Brandon is the expert. This is what's left of my cherished Bear TD after a fire.

From: Earl Mason
Date: 12-Jan-25

They are epoxied in , but heat will release epoxy. A heat gun and some patience, not a torch. Then you have to find a new one.

From: Boreal
Date: 12-Jan-25

I have a good friend who has some spares. He's a huge Bear archery collector. It's amazing to see the bows and memorabilia he has. Anyway, if you run into a brick wall on this, PM me and I'll see what I can do.

From: hvac tech
Date: 12-Jan-25

Boreal nailed it like I said getting the old out is the easy part

From: RD
Date: 13-Jan-25

I've been shooting these since 1971 and this is the first wood riser I've seen do this. Between my buddy and I we've had 5 Mag handles break out like this. All 5 were with heavy(#75+)limbs.

From: Recurve Crafter ™ Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 13-Jan-25

Recurve Crafter ™'s embedded Photo

It can happen.

More so with heavy limbs (over 60#).

The sockets are cast aluminum (except for the first few years).

I have one just like it and mine broke 30 years ago.

From: Tradslinger
Date: 13-Jan-25

While the break sucks, it can be repaired by the right person with the right parts. BowAholic's is and was a total loss. Good luck on the repair. They are some beautiful bows, I can see the heart felt loss, sickening. Kind of like a fire or a thief, where you end up with nothing. Hopefully it will be back to shooting form later this year.

From: BowAholic
Date: 13-Jan-25

Jerry, mine wasn't a total loss because there was one piece left. It's on the way to rescue Frankie's bow. I only hope it works... At least part of mine will still be alive. :)

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