Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

FIRST SHOT...........Friday, Jan 10th

The owner of this topic has requested a DEBATE FREE discussion

Messages posted to thread:
CD 10-Jan-25
Bushytail 10-Jan-25
Snow Crow 10-Jan-25
Just_Hangin_N_GA 10-Jan-25
grizz 10-Jan-25
Snow Crow 10-Jan-25
Bushytail 10-Jan-25
Snow Crow 10-Jan-25
Just_Hangin_N_GA 10-Jan-25
Snow Crow 10-Jan-25
Just_Hangin_N_GA 10-Jan-25
Knifeguy 10-Jan-25
Just_Hangin_N_GA 10-Jan-25
Bowhogan 51 10-Jan-25
Knifeguy 11-Jan-25
From: CD
Date: 10-Jan-25

Today's shot will be another 18 yarder, but this time from an elevated position.. the tree stand shot! If you don't have a stand or platform, use what you can to simulate shooting from height... step stool, ladder, hillside, balcony, tailgate, cloud, etc! Or just shoot from a standing position, :) Whatever you do, do it safely!

God bless,


Date: 10-Jan-25

GUTPILEPA's embedded Photo

18yrds from my deck 60# Garrison Breed @ 28” draw 400 spine carbon arrow 15 degrees this morning everyone have a great weekend

From: Bushytail Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 10-Jan-25

Bushytail's embedded Photo

Shot as called. Today was the good, the bad, the ugly. The good is it did get better. The bad is I missed the 1st shot just over its back. The ugly is I tried again and hit high. 50# PMZ recurve with heritage 150’s.

From: Snow Crow
Date: 10-Jan-25

Snow Crow's embedded Photo

As called, but from 20 (bench was frozen in place). Blazer vane 2117 was first (31/100) followed by three 2117's of different length and point weights.

Thanks for the shot call CD.

Stay warm folks.

'76 48# KMag.

From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 10-Jan-25

Just_Hangin_N_GA's embedded Photo

Limited to shooting off my back porch that is a little more than 4’ off the ground. This is my first time shooting from anything other than ground level. I shot 20 more times and by the last 8 arrows it was like 5 kill zone and the other 3 would have been bad news. Question, I was missing left and right for the first 12 shots. Could that be because of the slight elevation or just me. Normally, it only takes 3 to 4 shots to figure out the distance and start grouping although that group may be a pie plate size. FYI… shooting instinctive so really no reference to understanding where it went wrong. Thanks

From: grizz
Date: 10-Jan-25

grizz's embedded Photo

If I could pull my bow, it’s just not happening today. Nice shootin folks and like Snow Crow said, stay warm.

From: Snow Crow
Date: 10-Jan-25

Snap. Forgot to mention the three chaser shots with orange nocks were bare shafts.

From: Bushytail Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 10-Jan-25

Alan, your right to left shooting could be contributed to the string hitting your shirt sleeve. Or maybe pulling/ jerking upon release. Others may have different ideas.

From: Snow Crow
Date: 10-Jan-25


Not sure about the lefts and rights; all I can advise for an elevated shot down to your target is to bend (if needed) at the waist. From the chest up your posture should resemble a normal standing shot as much as possible.

Date: 10-Jan-25

What Snow Crow said

From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 10-Jan-25

Snow Crow and GutpilePA, thanks for the information. With that being said, like the majority of the time it was operator error. About to try and sling some more and maybe try and video of some for my reference.

From: Snow Crow
Date: 10-Jan-25


The above suggestion *might* clean up some left/right misses due to solidifying your head alignment (eyeball-point-target).

Otherwise I believe left/right misses are caused by form inconsistencies in the bow arm and/or grip, assuming of course that you are fairly well tuned.

From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 10-Jan-25

Bushytail, I do hit my forearm sometimes so that could be some of my issues, thanks.

SnowCrow, I try to keep my grip consistent but I do forget sometimes to articulate my elbow slightly so the string doesn’t hit my forearm. As far as tune goes, I just don’t know enough to say for sure. One of Big Jim’s staff members set up my arrows and said they looked to be flying true. Complete transparency here, the only person I have really seen shooting to learn form is from Push Archery… Tom Clum, if I am remembering correctly. Probably need to revisit his videos as I had to take several months off due to an injury that hindered me drawing the trad bow back but not the compound. Heck, I haven’t heard of eyeball- point-target before. Drinking from a fire hose, I love shooting this trad bow but maybe need to slow down before developing bad habits. Thanks again everyone!!

From: Knifeguy
Date: 10-Jan-25

Knifeguy's embedded Photo

Shot from my kitchen porch @ 20 yards with the 45# Cheyenne and a cedar arrow.

Just hangin, sounds like a torque problem with either your bow hand or string hand. A video of yourself would definitely help you.

Keep at it!


From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 10-Jan-25

Thanks Lance, nice shot. Did you build those Cedar arrows? They amazing either way.

From: Bowhogan 51 Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 10-Jan-25

Sorry I have not been able to play. I am back up north working. Hopefully I will get out to hunt tomorrow. Good shooting gang. Joe

From: Knifeguy
Date: 11-Jan-25

Just hangin’

I’didn’t build these arrows. A good friend of mine did and he gifted them to me.


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