From: CD
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
Today's shot will be the twister from 18 yards. Face away from the target, then twist around to make the shot without moving your feet.
God bless,
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
18yrd twister. 60# Garrison Breed @ my 28” draw on. A 10 degree morning 400 spine carbon arrow have a great day everyone
From: Kwikdraw
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
Thnx CD, and great shot Rick! Shot as called, awkward for sure! Y'all have a great day and go HORNS!
From: RonG
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
Wow, you guys are tearing it up. This is Florida and our wind chill is 32 this morning
I will try to shoot today the winds are 15 gusting 30.
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
18 yard twister… made me feel like that crazy twister game I played many moons ago. I wasn’t good at that game either, lol. Big Jim Buffalo 60” 46#@28” No deer hurt in this shot besides a frontal flesh wound, however if she would have lunged forward and dropped 3inches, she be in the cooler ;)
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
I know this is just supposed to be 1 shot and done but had to throw at least 4 more arrows at, in the twist position. I skipped the next two off the back, the third hit to the right and a little up from my aim and the fourth actually hit where I was looking… small victories :)
From: Bushytail
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
Shot as called with 50# PMZ recurve. Going for center of bag. Hit about 1 o’clock of the bullseye in the red ring. :-( This shot is tough for us chubby guys. :-)
From: Snow Crow
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
18 yard Twister as called, two shots using 1820's with Blazer vanes. First was the '76 48# KMag, second was the 55# Montana.
Thanks for the shot call CD.
From: Knifeguy
Date: 09-Jan-25 |
Shot as called with a 45# Bear Cheyenne and a cedar arrow. About an inch low of where I wanted it. Have a goo rest of your day everyone! Lance
From: grizz
Date: 10-Jan-25 |
Not today
From: Snow Crow
Date: 10-Jan-25 |
Stay warm grizz!
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