From: bergie
Date: 04-Jan-25 |
I have to go in for a shoulder replacement surgery just want to hear from those who have had it done. I know this has been up here. Thanks Bergie
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 04-Jan-25 |
I had my reverse shoulder replaced on February 6 24. Recovery goes a lot quicker than a Rotator repair. Do all the PT. JF
From: jons
Date: 04-Jan-25 |
I'll be right along with you Bergie, rust never sleep.
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 04-Jan-25 |
Definitely rent the Ice machine. Be it a Game Ready or the Nice Machine. Ice will be your best friend. Especially the first 2 weeks. I ordered a couple ElastiGel pads when I returned my machine, when I had my replacement. I then used them on my shoulder after I returned the machine again. JF
From: 2003HARLEY
Date: 05-Jan-25 |
I had my right shoulder completely replaced and then my left shoulder completely replaced. The right one did fine but I had to have the left one replaced again with another shoulder. Use the ice and go to a reputable orthopedic surgeon and a reputable rehab. Don't skip on the exercises and listen to the rehab folks. It is a long process but both mine are perfect now. Good luck & take it slow !!!b Harley
From: Peckerwood
Date: 05-Jan-25 |
I'm in the same boat . Would like to hear some experiences .
From: sitsintrees
Date: 05-Jan-25 |
I had an excellent surgeon. Full replacement on left shoulder (Bow Shoulder) Listen to your surgeon be vigilant with pt and patient with getting back to shooting a hunting weight bow. It has been two years since my surgery, and I have been shooting 55lb. hunting bow for the last year. getting right shoulder done this year.
From: AK Pathfinder
Date: 05-Jan-25 |
I'm having my left one done the 2nd week of February and really am looking forward to it. I know a number of people who have had the surgery and refer to it as a "once and done". Other than a slight loss of range of motion I've heard no complaints.
From: Lastmohecken
Date: 05-Jan-25 |
My brother in law, has a lot of aftermarket parts in his body. One shoulder replacement, two hip replacements, and 1 knee replacement, and one heart valve replacement. Surprisingly, at about 71, he is doing pretty well. But he can't really shoot a bow of any weight at all. But he's pretty active, overall.
He did say that the shoulder operation was the worst of the bunch. One reason he has had so many replacement parts is because for most of his life, he was a gym-rat, and worked out with heavy weights, too much. He always tried to do more weight than he should have, and time took its toll on his joints.
From: N-idaho
Date: 06-Jan-25 |
Just got my shoulder replaced 8 weeks ago. Mine wasnt too painful. No pain killers stronger than Tylenol and ibuprofen and didn’t have to ice. Not sure when surgeon will let me shoot a bow but I’ll bet I’ll be shooting before summer. Good luck with your surgery.
From: Mtquiver
Date: 10-Jan-25 |
Wishing you well Donald. Had my surgery, ( total reverse shoulder ), almost 3 years ago come this May, with less than satisfactory results. The Drs., nurses, and my caretakers were excellent. The daily pain was definitely eliminated, but shooting longbow or recurve with any decent poundage at all is not an option, even after being very diligent with the PT. Everyone has their own results and obviously, age makes a huge difference. Just so frustrating to not be able to shoot my bows and enjoy a passion that was a true blessing for so many years! Stick with your PT and best of recovery for you! MT
From: N-idaho
Date: 10-Jan-25 |
My replacement was not the standard tsa. I did a ream and run which has no plastic parts, due to my age they said a standard would wear out and or break and I’d have to have a revision surgery. With the ream and run there are no restrictions and as far as they know you never need it redone. They have some shoulders around 20 years old and still going. Good luck with your surgery
From: bergie
Date: 10-Jan-25 |
Thanks everybody I'm sure it will come out just fine. Bergie
From: Bownut
Date: 11-Jan-25 |
Both shoulders replaced...... get a 25# bow and progress. Good luck!
From: Bownut
Date: 11-Jan-25 |
Both shoulders replaced...... get a 25# bow and progress. Good luck!
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