Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Bow Racks?

Messages posted to thread:
Brian M. 11-Dec-24
Nemophilist 11-Dec-24
Lastmohecken 11-Dec-24
Mike E 11-Dec-24
Ryan Rothhaar 11-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 11-Dec-24
Nemophilist 11-Dec-24
Ramjet 11-Dec-24
Nemophilist 11-Dec-24
Sasquatch73 11-Dec-24
Ryan Rothhaar 11-Dec-24
PA Bones 11-Dec-24
Brian M. 11-Dec-24
Wyo_John 11-Dec-24
Wyo_John 11-Dec-24
Sasquatch73 11-Dec-24
B.T. 11-Dec-24
Chelo 11-Dec-24
Wyo_John 11-Dec-24
Bearfootin 11-Dec-24
Ryan Rothhaar 11-Dec-24
Nemophilist 11-Dec-24
Chelo 11-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 11-Dec-24
Maclean 11-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 11-Dec-24
Chelo 11-Dec-24
Ryan Rothhaar 12-Dec-24
BEARMAN 12-Dec-24
Live2Hunt 12-Dec-24
Bentstick54 12-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 12-Dec-24
White Falcon 12-Dec-24
Zepnut 12-Dec-24
jaz5833 12-Dec-24
jaz5833 12-Dec-24
Live2Hunt 12-Dec-24
Brian M. 12-Dec-24
1/2miledrag 12-Dec-24
Big B 12-Dec-24
Lastmohecken 13-Dec-24
2 bears 13-Dec-24
cobra 13-Dec-24
cobra 13-Dec-24
Ugly Coyote 13-Dec-24
Ugly Coyote 13-Dec-24
Ugly Coyote 13-Dec-24
murphy 13-Dec-24
Maclean 13-Dec-24
Ugly Coyote 13-Dec-24
Maclean 13-Dec-24
Bayrunner 13-Dec-24
soap creek 14-Dec-24
soap creek 14-Dec-24
iowacedarshooter 14-Dec-24
From: Brian M.
Date: 11-Dec-24

Do you prefer vertical or horizontal, and why? Pics welcome. I need to make one. I have a 5" diameter log with a broadhead stuck in it, that I shot a few years back when I missed a doe for the 3rd time. Planning on splitting the log. Not sure if I will use the one half with pegs to hang vertical or both halves vertical to hold bows horizontal.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 11-Dec-24

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

I prefer vertical. Mine holds 16 bows.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 11-Dec-24

I have both, and I think horizontal is best for displaying a few bows for looks, etc. But vertical is more compact, and I can store/hang up, several in a fairly small space. I still don't have enough room for all of mine. I guess, I need to sell a few of the ones, I probably won't shoot that much, in the future.

From: Mike E
Date: 11-Dec-24

Mike E's embedded Photo

Found this in an antique store for $20,, stained it and put some pegs in. Vertical is more space friendly and can hold more bows.

From: Ryan Rothhaar Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 11-Dec-24

Nemo, could you PM a couple measurements to me? Width of the back board, length of the 4 arms, and length of the hanging pegs?

I’m interested in building a few similar and I like that they are working for wider limbed recurves for you.

Oh, you need to dust your turkey. :)



From: Corax_latrans
Date: 11-Dec-24

Corax_latrans's embedded Photo

I built this one thinking I’d never have more than 5-6 bows, and now I am up to 6 or 7 for the boys, about as many for myself, and 1 complete ILF on the way with a second set of limbs on a shelf…

And they all live in a crowded corner of the basement.

So think through what you really need, and I might suggest planning one for display and one to save space.

One thing I do need to have someone explain to me, though, is why it is a terrible thing to stand a bow in the corner, but it’s totally acceptable to hang it vertically from the string, where all of the weight is resting on the lower limb tip????

From: Nemophilist
Date: 11-Dec-24

Ryan I'm PMing the information now.

Just for the record I need to dust my whole game room. "LOL"

From: Ramjet
Date: 11-Dec-24

Nemo could you please PM me those dimensions also. Thanks

From: Nemophilist
Date: 11-Dec-24

Ramjet I PMed you the information.

From: Sasquatch73
Date: 11-Dec-24

Sasquatch73's embedded Photo

Verticle here. Holds a lot of bows at same level for this guy with bad shoulders. Easy too. Cedar 1X at lowes, glue in wood pegs. Get longer peg so hold more tha one bow on peg.

From: Ryan Rothhaar Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 11-Dec-24

Thank you!

From: PA Bones Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 11-Dec-24

PA Bones's embedded Photo

This is my Osage bow rack. I prefer vertical

From: Brian M.
Date: 11-Dec-24

Thanks guys. I split the log along a natural crack. One side is thicker than the other. Also a bit twisted. I'm no Bowyer or carpenter, I'll have to add a couple small blocks on the back to lay flush to the wall. I think I may end up going vertical with the bows, and discard the other half.

From: Wyo_John
Date: 11-Dec-24

Lots of great ideas out there. This one is made of cherry with antler bow pegs. Making a rack out of a log with your brodhead buried in it sounds like a cool idea. Keep us posted with how it turns out

From: Wyo_John
Date: 11-Dec-24

Wyo_John's embedded Photo

From: Sasquatch73
Date: 11-Dec-24

Cool Antler Rack! Wyo_John.

From: B.T.
Date: 11-Dec-24

I need something nice like these.

From: Chelo
Date: 11-Dec-24

Gotta be careful posting pictures on here with Hawkeye Rothhaar lurking around. He’s the kind of guy that looks at the background of a pic before the subject.

From: Wyo_John
Date: 11-Dec-24

Thanks sasquatch!

From: Bearfootin
Date: 11-Dec-24

Bearfootin's embedded Photo

I finally got around to making one this fall.

Bought a nice maple framed mirror used for $15.00

I used damaged carbon arrow shafts cut in pieces and put the nocks on the ends.

Put a few more pieces on the bottom just to hang a few things.


From: Ryan Rothhaar Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 11-Dec-24

Hey Chelo, that attention to detail is what it takes to kill big deer.



From: Nemophilist
Date: 11-Dec-24

Ryan X2. :)

From: Chelo
Date: 11-Dec-24

Might help to kill big deer, but wouldn’t help spotting the white wolf.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 11-Dec-24

“One thing I do need to have someone explain to me, though, is why it is a terrible thing to stand a bow in the corner, but it’s totally acceptable to hang it vertically from the string, where all of the weight is resting on the lower limb tip????”

Just bumping this thought, because it doesn’t look like anyone has attempted to answer the question… And I would sure hate to do any damage to a good bow.

From: Maclean Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 11-Dec-24

I was curious about that as well Corax. I hang my bows vertically too, but my heaviest is only 28.5 oz./ 1.78 lbs, and my lightest is 20.9 oz./ 1.31 lbs, so I've never really been worried about the stress that might put on the lower limb.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 11-Dec-24

Oh, now don’t go making SENSE! That’s TOTALLY beside the point!!

From: Chelo
Date: 11-Dec-24

I suppose the difference in hanging a bow supported by the string that’s in the groove running up the center of the bow rather than a bow leaning in the corner which could be at a weird enough angle to twist a limb. Happened to a bear Tamerlane I have. Heavy ass riser, and thin limbs. Wasn’t hard to straighten by hand.

From: Ryan Rothhaar Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 12-Dec-24

All the weight isn’t on the bottom limb when it’s hanging vertically, the top string loop is still in the top string groove supporting weight.

Think about being suspended holding a rope in your hands, going over a tree limb, with your foot in a loop at the bottom. Do you think all your weight would be on your foot and you could let go with your hands and you would hover in the air?

Now lean against the wall with your head against the wall and your feet on the ground. Where is the weight and what angles are the forces pushing?


From: BEARMAN Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 12-Dec-24

I used to hang most bows in my collection vertically, but it took up too much wall space. I now hang 30-40 bows horizontally on a bow rack I had made, and maybe another 15 or so still vertically. Saves a lot of room. That gentleman on eBay makes custom bow racks, they are worth every penny

From: Live2Hunt
Date: 12-Dec-24

Good timing. I was looking at mine and am going to redo it. Horiz. now, going to change it to vert.

From: Bentstick54
Date: 12-Dec-24

Bearman, could you post a photo of your horizontal bow rack please?. Hard to image on that would hold 30 to 40 bows.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 12-Dec-24

He has just two very long pegs, so it doubles as a dining table at Thanksgiving!

Looking at Wyo John’s picture, I can see how there’s some weight distribution around the hooks of the recurves, so I guess the weight is applied in a manner similar to the way that tension is applied when the bow is strung or drawn. So it seems a pretty subtle distinction - essentially on a longbow - except that I suppose you could argue that on a recurve, standing it on a tip actually flexes the tip the wrong way…..

I guess keeping the string centered in that lower groove is more important than just keeping a tidy appearance….

From: White Falcon
Date: 12-Dec-24

White Falcon's embedded Photo

No room for a wall rack. I hang mine with cup hooks. Never had a issue doing it this way.

From: Zepnut Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 12-Dec-24

Zepnut's embedded Photo

Pegs glued in barn board.

From: jaz5833
Date: 12-Dec-24

jaz5833's embedded Photo

This is my setup. I have one on two opposing walls.

From: jaz5833
Date: 12-Dec-24

They each hold 36+.

From: Live2Hunt
Date: 12-Dec-24

So, if I make one for say 10 bows and I only have 6, I have to buy 4 more bows!! Brilliant.

From: Brian M.
Date: 12-Dec-24

Some nice racks. Live2Hunt and I want to know how far apart to put the pegs for 6-10 bows? Lol

From: 1/2miledrag
Date: 12-Dec-24

1/2miledrag's embedded Photo

I made this one out of scrap wood laying around. I also store bows vertically.

From: Big B
Date: 12-Dec-24

Big B's embedded Photo

Here's mine one is ceder and other one is monkey wood

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 13-Dec-24

Some good-looking racks, there, fellows.

From: 2 bears
Date: 13-Dec-24

LEANING ! in a corner is not straight. >>>-----> Ken

From: cobra
Date: 13-Dec-24

I have both horizontal and vertical bow racks. I like the looks of the horizontal racks, but for day-to-day on/off storage and retrieval, a horizontal hanging rack is the way to go if your less than, say, 604 with long arms. With 20 or so bows hanging, it's a hassle to retrieve a horizontal bow most of the time....and most of the time doesn't happen that you want the uppermost three deep bow....

From: cobra
Date: 13-Dec-24

A VERTICAL HANGING rack is the way to go. Brain damage :)

From: Ugly Coyote
Date: 13-Dec-24

Ugly Coyote's embedded Photo

OK, I'll play. Here's mine.

This one is made of 1"x3" pine with shakers pegs.

From: Ugly Coyote
Date: 13-Dec-24

Ugly Coyote's embedded Photo

This one is 1"x3" with brass hooks.

From: Ugly Coyote
Date: 13-Dec-24

Ugly Coyote's embedded Photo

This one is 1"x3" with moulding and shaker pegs.

From: murphy Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 13-Dec-24

murphy's embedded Photo

I like the horizontal racks. I have 2 of them . Some on the big auction site now.

From: Maclean Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 13-Dec-24

Ira, I like your Order of the Arrow sash ... I've got on of those too!

From: Ugly Coyote
Date: 13-Dec-24

That was a long time ago.

For our ordeal we had to clear a field of brush and there was a lot of it!

We used brush axes and if I never see another one, I'm OK with that.

From: Maclean Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 13-Dec-24

Long time for me too, but I still remember it like it was just last week.

From: Bayrunner
Date: 13-Dec-24

Bayrunner's embedded Photo

I have gone the horizontal route for my bows. I should add one more peg at the bottom edge because I need room for a couple more. However the ceiling hook option shown by White Falcon above has given me ideas for using a similar space. I could hang a couple of bows used most often from the ceiling to clean up this rack shown in the photo.

From: soap creek
Date: 14-Dec-24

soap creek's embedded Photo

This my setup. Have it in my shop.

From: soap creek
Date: 14-Dec-24

soap creek's embedded Photo

Top view.

From: iowacedarshooter Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 14-Dec-24

iowacedarshooter's embedded Photo

just a peg board. works for these.

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