Bought this from Walmart on Black Friday weeekend, at a revolving display on the sporting counter when I went to buy some rifled slugs. But it wasn't advertised as a BF Only Sale, as there were other knives on a special end cap display featuring BF combo sets and other Holiday gift deals.
BRAND - Marked 'Ozark Trail', which I believe is a trademark/brand exclusive to Walmart ... for Chineseum sporting goods products, LOL!
CONSTRUCTION - Appears like a Buck knife; black phenolic handles with SS blade, but no idea what alloy. The full tang is secured in the scales by 6 rivets and looking it over, I could not fine even 1 feature or point to complain about. It had a reasonably good edge as received, but the edge resulting from a few minutes on my Work Sharp tool and strop (that's the KEY!) made it truly shaving/razor sharp!
SHEATH - Nicely made Condura nylon sheath with a black plastic insert, for safety.
USE - Well, as said, am a sucker for a nice drop point blade, this being 3" blade length and 7" long overall. It handles and balances well. I just used it yesterday to field dress a 130-pound whtetail doe, my 1st ever MZL'ding kill using a flintlock longrifle that I made myself (from parts of course) and it worked great and even held its edge well, although one deer is certainly not a torture test.
SUMMARY - So far I am left very impressed!
But am glad I'm 'old' ... as I realize China is dumping stuff at a low co$t or their co$t just to force all other Mfg operations to close up shop and go out of existance, so they can RULE that operating space. How such an item can be sold for this ridiculously low price is beyond me ... but that is out of scope for this discussion ...