From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
I was going through some old post on here. And I came across this one post stating. That a Michigan bowhunter organization used to give out a marbles knife to the bowhunter of the year. Does anybody know if this is true if it is I’d sure like to hear the story about it and maybe see a couple pictures of the bowhunter of the year Marbles knife. Who wouldn’t want to have one of those!?:)
From: Jon Stewart
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
I will check my dad's when I get home. I will also check with the MBH historian on this.
From: Jon Stewart
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
In checking my dad was Michigan Bowhunter of the year in 1980 and the knife was an Olsen out of Howard city, Michigan. I haven't heard from the historian as of yet.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
Very cool Jon. Thanks for sharing that information with us history buffs.:)
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
Maybe they used a different knife company every year?
From: Jon Stewart
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
Don, I checked my Michigan Bowhunter book and found that the 1st ten knives were from Marbles. The MBH bought 3 and Marbles donated 7 knives. The bowhunter of the year started in 1968. In checking who the 1st ten were I know at least one is still with us which means the other 9 knives are with survivors.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 02-Dec-24 |
Thanks Jon. That’s A really cool part of our bow hunting history. I wonder who came up with the original idea to do it. And I have to wonder what model Marbles knives those first 10 were. What A magnificent Family heirloom to pass along. Thanks again Jon:)
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 11-Dec-24 |
Jon do you know if The Michigan bowhunters organization still gives out a knife to the bowhunter of the year? That’s a cool tradition.
From: Jon Stewart
Date: 12-Dec-24 |
Don, they still give a knife to the Bowhunter of the year.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 12-Dec-24 |
Thanks Jon for the information. Michigan has some pretty cool history. With their bowhunting organization, traditions, bear, archery, and marble knives. Imagine The stories that have been told around the campfire in the Michigan deer Hunting camps:)
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 12-Dec-24 |
Thanks Jon for the information. Michigan has some pretty cool history. With their bowhunting organization, traditions, bear, archery, and marble knives. Imagine The stories that have been told around the campfire in the Michigan deer Hunting camps:)
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