Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Got to play grandpa

Messages posted to thread:
tradslinger 29-Nov-24
ahunter76 29-Nov-24
tcbow 29-Nov-24
MCNSC 29-Nov-24
beemann 30-Nov-24
smrobertson 30-Nov-24
DaGunz 30-Nov-24
Bob Rowlands 30-Nov-24
shade mt 01-Dec-24
trad archer 1 01-Dec-24
Eric Krewson 02-Dec-24
From: tradslinger
Date: 29-Nov-24

Jaxon, a small 9 year old boy, got to spend the night with us. Actually, the reason was because his fatherless family had some people come to stay with them for Thanksgiving. Then the problem arose, the visiting boy was pretty mean and destructive.

So, Jaxon's BB gun was broken and the kid was trying to break his bow and arrows. So we volunteered to watch Jaxon until they left. Jaxon brought the BB gun which I fixed as well as his bow and arrows. Jaxon is a really good kid, just stuck in a very dysfunctional family.

So, this morning before Jaxon left, we took him and showed my blinds and my ladder stand. We pulled the camera card and showed him deer, fox and racoon pics. After some archery time, I gave him an old one blade Barlow (one blade had been broken off years ago, leaving the small blade.)

I knew that with the small blade, the mother would feel safer with it. Also, he got a nice metal compass to learn with. He lives out in the country and plays by himself. I will be giving one the adult women a bow in a couple of weeks as well as a target for them to shoot into.

Jaxon was all ears and excited about everything. The first thing out of his mouth to his mother was that he had a real pocket knife now. Hopefully as he grows stronger, I will be able to provide him with a better bow. Jaxon is not related to me but calls my grandpa and so I get to "help" him here and there. Last night, we had some "man" time watching a football game. We went over safety on all of it again, he wants to help with the next deer LOL.

He hugged me and told me that it was the best Thanksgiving ever. I will be watching for a better pocket knife for him for next year. More of us need to be a grandpa to some kid or kids that aren't ours. We have a lot to share and pass along. They grow up too quick and we lose the opportunity.

From: ahunter76
Date: 29-Nov-24

Great. If it was not for an adult, this kid, from a single family (me, mom & 4 kids total)) would have taken a different path I am guessing. He took the time, like you & now, I've enjoyed 6+ decades + in archery/bowhunting. You just changed someones life forever. Take care.

From: tcbow
Date: 29-Nov-24

Jerry the earned title of grandpa sometimes has a lot more meaning than the de facto one. I wish someone like you was there for me when I was 9. You are one of the good guys!. I hope you have a great holiday season, you deserve it. Tom

Date: 29-Nov-24

Good job. Lots of kids could use a “grandpa” to help teach them outdoors stuff. Might change their life. I know hunting and fishing kept me out for a lot of trouble, still does.

From: beemann
Date: 30-Nov-24

Nicely done Grandpa. Thumbs up……

From: smrobertson
Date: 30-Nov-24

This is so heartwarming, Jerry! Jaxson will remember your generosity for his whole life. I pray his situation improves.

From: DaGunz
Date: 30-Nov-24

TCBOW x2. No such thing as quality time, there’s just time together. It’s all quality. Good on you. Thanks for sharing.

From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 30-Nov-24

Good job.

That mean destructive kid needs a good dad.

From: shade mt
Date: 01-Dec-24

I'll tell the title "grandpa"...rates only behind the title "dad"

sometimes "grandpa" the only "dad" a young person ever sees.

Bob, you are so so right.

But good for you jerry, i bet you enjoyed it as much as he did!

From: trad archer 1
Date: 01-Dec-24

Another fine job, sir. Putting together another box for you. Probably get it out after the holidays Shipping is crazy enough other times

Best Wishes to you and yours.

From: Eric Krewson
Date: 02-Dec-24

I have a now 26-year-old granddaughter who is not biologically related to me, I think love trumps genetics every time, she has been in my life since day one.

Her follks are socalite city folk, I live out in the country and grew up in the hills of Tennesssee. I realized right off that her folks didn't know anything the basic "stuff" involved in country living. I feel this basic knowledge like gardening, perserving food, and working in the shop fixing things yourself grounds a youngster and serves them well later in life. I stress the importance of honor, honesty respect for others and hard work to this young lady. She 26 now very successful and about to be married, she learned her lessons well.

You changed this young fellow's life for the good more than you know, hopefully you can continue down this path in the future.

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