Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Black Friday sale starts now!

Messages posted to thread:
BigJim 27-Nov-24
Clydebow 28-Nov-24
Jim 28-Nov-24
JBM 28-Nov-24
Kodiak76 28-Nov-24
Kwikdraw 28-Nov-24
Bob Rowlands 28-Nov-24
BigJim 29-Nov-24
BigJim 02-Dec-24
From: BigJim Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 27-Nov-24

Hey Ya'll, it's that time again and we have added several incentives to our existing sale.

*Like before, all new Bear bows in stock including risers and limbs are 20% off

*also, there is still quite a few Easton shafts and arrows in stock that are 20% off.

In addition to free shipping at $100 (in the US only), we have added 10% off of all used bows and 20% off of all trueflight feathers!

There may be other items added as well. Thank you, BigJim

From: Clydebow
Date: 28-Nov-24

Thanks for the heads up.

From: Jim Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 28-Nov-24

Thank you and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Big Jim.

From: JBM
Date: 28-Nov-24

Lets get the ORDERS flying in to BIG JIM! BTTT!

From: Kodiak76
Date: 28-Nov-24


From: Kwikdraw
Date: 28-Nov-24

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Jim!

From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 28-Nov-24


From: BigJim Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 29-Nov-24

lots of great things still available! Bigjim

From: BigJim Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Dec-24


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