Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Baker bows

Messages posted to thread:
Terry in Ore 20-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 21-Nov-24
Bugle up 21-Nov-24
Terry in Ore 22-Nov-24
Babysaph 23-Nov-24
Terry in Ore 23-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
CStyles 24-Nov-24
JHPope 24-Nov-24
Bugle-up 24-Nov-24
Bugle-up 24-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
Bugle up 24-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 24-Nov-24
crookedstix 26-Nov-24
Bugle up 26-Nov-24
Bugle up 26-Nov-24
Mortis Sagittas 27-Nov-24
Randog 28-Nov-24
Bugle up 29-Nov-24
Bugle-up 29-Nov-24
Bugle-up 29-Nov-24
Bugle-up 29-Nov-24
Henry McCann 01-Dec-24
From: Terry in Ore
Date: 20-Nov-24

Has anyone heard or know anything about a baker bow. This bow I was told was made around 1950 or 1955 in north east oregon. Was talking to an old guy..

.. older than me and he said bis dad had one

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 21-Nov-24

I have a Baker bow. Looks very similar in riser and limb profile to my Drakes. The riser lams are awesome.

It's a great shooter but not a flamethrower. Honestly can't tell you much about the history of these bows. I would buy another if it came up though.

I'll try to get pictures up tonight

From: Bugle up
Date: 21-Nov-24

I have one but the string ended up coming down through the limb at the string grooves. It is beautiful and as Mortis stated, the lams are awesome. I know a guy who used to know Baker (I can't remember Baker's first name) but he was an Optometrist in Ontario, Oregon (next to the Idaho border) and made bows on the side. I believe the 50's and 60's is correct timing. He would string a bow with the push-pull method with the bottom limb tip on the inside of his foot, but one time the top limb slipped and put his eye out, at which point he quit making bows. I considered my bow to be one of my favorites until the damage and it's not shootable.

From: Terry in Ore
Date: 22-Nov-24

Thanks for the info.

From: Babysaph
Date: 23-Nov-24

If it’s anything like their treestands. No thanks

From: Terry in Ore
Date: 23-Nov-24

LOL. Dont think they had anything to do with each other

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

Mortis Sagittas's embedded Photo

Ok, said I would post pics so here we go

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

Mortis Sagittas's embedded Photo

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

Mortis Sagittas's embedded Photo

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

Mortis Sagittas's embedded Photo

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

Mortis Sagittas's embedded Photo

From: CStyles
Date: 24-Nov-24

Nice looking bow

From: JHPope
Date: 24-Nov-24

Yes it is indeed.

From: Bugle-up
Date: 24-Nov-24

Bugle-up's embedded Photo

Here is mine. Too bad the top limb is destroyed.

From: Bugle-up
Date: 24-Nov-24

Bugle-up's embedded Photo

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

Twins! Is your glass forest green and brown also?

From: Bugle up
Date: 24-Nov-24

Yes. I think the forest green is a beautiful color of green glass. Do you remember where you acquired yours? I got mine from the friend who knew Mr. Baker. My friend is now 94 years old.

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 24-Nov-24

I got mine on the big auction. Almost bought one that had turquoise glass but it sold before I got paid. Wish I could tell you who it was from but it was a long while back.

That green is the best green I've seen on a bow. Hard to show it with indoor lighting. I think it's exactly the same color as Crayola Forest Green.

Did your friend know how long Mr. Baker made bows?

From: crookedstix
Date: 26-Nov-24

What's the draw weight on your bow Mortis? It's beautiful...

From: Bugle up
Date: 26-Nov-24

I'm over due to have lunch with my friend...I need to freshen up details on Mr. Baker.

From: Bugle up
Date: 26-Nov-24

I called my friend who knew Mr. Baker and learned that his full name was Jess Baker, and he even held a flight (distance) record at one time with one of his bows. My friend did not remember how many years Jess made bows.

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 27-Nov-24

Crooked, my bow is stamped 40#. I know your land doesn't allow this kind of speech but....the turquois one I missed a few years back had lams that were gorgeous and well, turquoise glass!

From: Randog
Date: 28-Nov-24

Hey Mike, those are some good looking bows. Anyway of repairing the tip with overlays?

From: Bugle up
Date: 29-Nov-24

Randog, the entire top limb is busted up. I really wish it could be salvaged, and haven't thrown it away due to the beauty of the riser, but it is beyond repair.

From: Bugle-up
Date: 29-Nov-24

Bugle-up's embedded Photo

From: Bugle-up
Date: 29-Nov-24

Bugle-up's embedded Photo

From: Bugle-up
Date: 29-Nov-24

Bugle-up's embedded Photo

From: Henry McCann
Date: 01-Dec-24

A real shame about that limb!

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