From: CD
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Today's shot will be 16 yards from a sitting or kneeling position.
God bless,
From: CD
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Today's shot will be 16 yards from a sitting or kneeling position.
God bless,
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
16yrds 1 sitting 1 kneeling 55#@28” Toparchery ILF Samick LB limbs 500 spine carbon arrows. Have a great week everyone!!!
From: RonG
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Too wet to kneel so I squated down like shooting under a low limb.
Bow Hickory board 43 @ 27 backed with deer skin and heat treated.
Arrow Susanne St. Charles
Have a great day everyone.
From: EZ Archer
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
As called, seated was better than kneeling- 1961 Herters and Beman shafts w/vanes, thx CD.
From: Kwikdraw
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Good morning 1st shooters, and thnx Chad, shot as called off one knee. Centered it for a change! Y'all have a great day!
From: iowacedarshooter
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
16 yds sitting in the handicap cart! a little low joe! bear super mag at 50 pound draw. i've shot better!
From: Mossyoakpenn
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Thanks Iowacedarshooter, now I feel I can get involved. Ill make your shot look great!
From: Snow Crow
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
As called from a bear squat. First (2117) was 2-2.5" left, second (.500) bounced hard off Wilson's left shoulder.
Thanks for the shot CD.
55# Montana, 3x4"x10mm feathers.
From: Bowhogan 51
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
You guys are Killen it! Great shooting! I will get to play this weekend. Joe
From: RonG
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Wyatt, You showed us all up, fantastic buddy, keep it up.
From: RonG
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Hey guys it's my wife's birthday this month so I ordered a new Oberon 45 lb. Longbow for her, she said she couldn't shoot a bow, I told her I would show her everyday, just sit in the screen room on the back of the house and watch.
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Good late afternoon FS Shooters. I Shot sitting down. 16YRDS Freeman Longbow 38# and a Cedar arrow. I hit a inch low or more. JF
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