From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Tell us why you like your Bear Minuteman bow. And please share some pictures. Make sure they’re the right size too;)
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Also tell us some history on this vintage classic that Bear Archery came up with the idea to make.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Also in the last picture I posted. The bow on the bottom. Is the Minuteman I fitted Hoyt ILF limbs to. Just a way to modernize an old bow;)
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
A better picture so you can see the Minuteman with the Hoyt ILF limbs.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
A better picture so you can see the Minuteman with the Hoyt ILF limbs.
From: Dry Bones
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Agree, the Hoyt retro-fit looks good. Seems odd that idea did not take off and become more popular. Seems simple enough.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Very simple Cody. Took me one hour to shape both limbs with a belt sander. I had to give it a try. After seeing Kevin Cummings results. He did a how to on here awhile back.
From: selstickbow
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Bear's 1R grip is awesome. Rest of bow good too. NICE DON T.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Thanks Tony, Rick & Steve.
From: Randog
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Good bit zippier then the 76er. Smooth shooter. Only one I've owned. Haven't shot it much yet but pleasantly surprised how nice it shoots.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Ironically, it may well have been the shift towards “Trad” that killed it… A METAL riser designed to have SIGHT PINS added quick as a wink??? HEAVENS, NOOOOOOOO!!!!
OK, I suppose Contraptions also played a role in the Demise…. But if you can convert an ILF limb to fit?? Those things will never be Useless. And with a pair of suitable limbs, it’s hard to imagine a better bowfishing rig….
From: Randog
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Got the riser from Steve and can't remember where I got the limbs.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Who wants to do the next Fred Bear Bow tribute? I think it’s only fitting since they’re going to unveil his bust statue Saturday in Grayling, Michigan, anybody going?
From: JBM
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
RANDOG?? The BOW that You posted?? What limbs??
The original 76'ers ( as best that I know) had SOLID fiberglass limbs. It was the Minuteman that had the "LAMINATED" type limbs. The ONLY down-side that I have heard about, with the 76'ers OR Minuteman designs was the RISERS? Something about the "brackets" were SUPPOSEDLY made of ALUMINUM??? Can somebody PLEASE chime in and set me straight? GOOD HUNTING & BLESSED BE! PS? Pls consider HOW simple the designs were on Both Bows? NO SCREWS or BOLTS or ALLEN wrenches to keep up with!! EZ-PZ!!
From: Wildhog
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
What is the difference between the Minuteman and the Bear Cat TD? I have a Bearcat and it is a good shooter. It has the wood laminated limbs like the Minuteman.
From: LongBowHuntR
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
My first real bow was a Bear Minuteman I got it for Christmas in like 1979 it was a right handed bow but I shot it left handed I got it around 1979 it 40 pounds and In 1980 I killed my first Buck with it with a stolen arrow and broadhead I stole out of my big brother quiver while he was at football practice. I got off the bus and grab my bow and grab one of his arrows and hit the woods behind the house 15mins layer I shoot a 4pt and I still got in trouble for taking the arrow , and when my oldest son turned 12 I got him a bear Minuteman and he cut his teeth on that bow now my youngest daughter shooting the bow he had , there great bows I was on many many big adventures with my old Minuteman bow even if some of them wasn't real but I was 9yrs old when I got that bow and before that bow i got a green 25# fiberglass bow at around age 5 in 1975 I use to make arrows for it out of iron weeds lol and I'm still crazy about bows .
From: Randog
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Hey James, it's a minuteman.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Nice bow Randy. I agree Steve that 1R grip is pretty sweet.
From: Randog
Date: 06-Sep-24 |
Thanks Don. Jerry, is the bearcat threaded for a quiver? Might be the only difference.
From: Wildhog
Date: 06-Sep-24 |
Randog - yes the riser is threaded and it has a nicer finish on the riser than the Minuteman.
From: Randog
Date: 06-Sep-24 |
Here is a threaded riser that takes the 76er limbs. I think it's called a bearcat also.
From: JBM
Date: 06-Sep-24 |
RANDOG? Thinks for info about the Minuteman that You posted!!!
Anyone have a photo of a BEARCAT?? I doan remember dat one? Pls & thank Yuh!
From: Wildhog
Date: 09-Sep-24 |
Batman here is my BearCat TD
From: selstickbow
Date: 09-Sep-24 |
in summary - a question - or proposal - 76er, Mini-Mag, Bearcat risers all same basic thing, same height to the square loop, ONE has the sight slots in window, the MINUTE MAN is similar BUT has the taller square loop, so takes a limb with thicker limb butt. 4 risers, nearly SAME, one with sight window slot, maybe 2 with slots, only 1 with taller LOOP. 3 with smaller loop will all 3 take same limbs. OK I am unsure which ones have sight window SLOTs. I just looked and see pictures people are calling 76er with AND without slots......and I think the MinuteMan HAS slots. TRUE?
From: TradToTheBone
Date: 09-Sep-24 |
I have two 76er’s. One is shorter than the other. Shorter one 56or 58” while the longer is 64”. Both have slotted sight windows to accept the sight pins. Short one has a brown riser , green limbs and a black #3 grip. It’s 50lbs. 64” has a blue #1 grip, red limbs and had a white riser that I spray painted a light green. It’s 35lbs. All components are interchangeable.
From: Randog
Date: 10-Sep-24 |
Yes Steve, minuteman and 76er has slots. The mini mag and bearcat don't.
From: selstickbow
Date: 10-Sep-24 |
excellent, Randy, thanks.
From: JBM
Date: 10-Sep-24 |
^^^ WILD HOG! Many thanks for BEARCAT PHOTO! I wonder what kinds of riser / limb differences there were between the 76'er, Minuteman and the BEARCAT bows?? Can anybody chime in? PUH-LEEEZE and Thank You!
From: selstickbow
Date: 10-Sep-24 |
limbs fitment all same I THINK on 3 risers...... MINUTEMAN is different - thicker limb butt and squared riser loop bracket. someone else can tell about limb construction etc. as I dunno. Steve
From: Okiecntry
Date: 10-Sep-24 |
The Bearcat name was used on different bows throughout the years. There was a regular one-piece bow, a takedown bow that would interchange with the Minuteman and a takedown that had bolt-on limbs. The 76er riser and Minuteman risers look similar but do not interchanage. The 76er limbs are solid fiberglass and are flat. The Minuteman limbs are regular laminated limbs and have a taper on the butt end.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 10-Sep-24 |
Jody nailed it. I had an OrphanEd upper Minuteman Lamb. And Zbone was able to use it on his Bear cat riser. And Gary finally got to shoot that Bear cat. You would have had to be there. It was a cool leather wall story;)
From: Zbone
Date: 29-Sep-24 |
I somehow missed this thread earlier until now, here is the story to the BearCat/Minuteman hybrid: threadid=322514&category=88#4892509
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 29-Sep-24 |
Like I said Gary. That’s just a cool story:)
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 29-Sep-24 |
The only thing I’m worried about Gary. If they get wind on the big auction site how well guys like these Bear Minuteman bows and their hybrids. Well the price will go up. It’s happened many times before.
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