From: Rick Barbee
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
The deer are working it over big time. Lots of doe & fawn, but no good bucks (yet).
From: fdp
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
Looks like the ground is tore up pretty dang good.
From: Jeff Durnell
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
Man, I had some good comebacks, but I ain't taking the bait.
From: Jeff Durnell
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
By the way... I knew it was you before I opened the thread. So predictable :P
From: Tradman
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
The bucks will come if you have the girls! Matt
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
Jeff, you're a smart feller. :)
From: 1buckurout
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
Set this one up Sunday the 1st. Got this pcture on the 3rd.
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 04-Sep-24 |
Dang Jim. That's buck heaven right there.
My feeder is my "spot & stalk" feeder.
Spot em from the back porch, then get down wind, and sneak up on em. :)
From: olddogrib
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
If that thing were full of water, it looks like it would irrigate about half of Texas!
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
[[[ "If that thing were full of water, it looks like it would irrigate about half of Texas!" ]]]
Richard, level full with a full regulator it will hold 1700 lbs of whole kernel corn (34 50 lb bags).
The barrel attached to the bottom is a regulator with three troughs, and it only holds about 20 lbs in it.
I generally only fill it once a year.
From: Dry Bones
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
WOW Rick. 1700lbs.. Glad you only have to do that once a year. A man I know has 6 X 1,000lb feeders. Due to terrain it's a "bag it in" situation as well. They fill 3 times a year. How do you keep the piggies from running the deer off?
Yip In Texas, fill the feeder = fill the freezer. :-D
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
The regulator was an after thought add on. Without it the animals stand down there 24/7, and eat me out of house & home. LOL
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Cody, believe it or not, the deer & pigs in this country get along with each other pretty good. The deer still don't like the pigs, but they do (somewhat) tolerate them.
From: 1buckurout
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
Got this picture this morning. I didn't even know these guys were around.
From: Dry Bones
Date: 05-Sep-24 |
I have never had deer stay when the pigs show-up. Feeder or not, the deer blow and go. It has been the demise of many a hog pushing some deer away I was watching.
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