Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Looking for a Climbing Tree Stand

Messages posted to thread:
Limbhanger 02-Sep-24
BEARMAN 02-Sep-24
Nemophilist 02-Sep-24
Nemophilist 02-Sep-24
gradymaci 02-Sep-24
Kanati 02-Sep-24
Strick9 02-Sep-24
Wildhog 03-Sep-24
Stringwacker 03-Sep-24
Stringwacker 03-Sep-24
Limbhanger 03-Sep-24
Foggy Mountain 03-Sep-24
HEXX 03-Sep-24
Briar 03-Sep-24
Wildhog 03-Sep-24
JordanStalker 03-Sep-24
Keefers 03-Sep-24
Nemophilist 03-Sep-24
Jakeemt 03-Sep-24
offtheshelf 03-Sep-24
2003HARLEY 04-Sep-24
Andy Man 04-Sep-24
Andy Man 04-Sep-24
Andy Man 04-Sep-24
cobson 05-Sep-24
Two Feathers 05-Sep-24
Two Feathers 05-Sep-24
Wapiti - - M. S. 06-Sep-24
augman 07-Sep-24
Peddle-paddle 07-Sep-24
LongBowHuntR 08-Sep-24
Lowcountry 08-Sep-24
westrayer 08-Sep-24
HEXX 08-Sep-24
30pt buck 08-Sep-24
tradi-doerr 08-Sep-24
From: Limbhanger Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Sep-24

Trying to decide on a new climber. Will be using it for bear hunting and will be carrying it with me until I find a good setup. So looking for a reasonably light one that everyone is recommending. Please and thank you leatherwallers.

From: BEARMAN Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Sep-24

I have used Lone Wolf, Summit Open shot, API BOWHUNTER, and a few older ones before those. The summit open shot is nice because it doesn’t have sides and it’s light. The API bowhunter is the most comfy for me after my back surgery so that’s what I use the most and it’s still only 16#. The lone wolf SUCKED, worst climber I had. Used it for 2 seasons and sold it for 50.00. It was noisy and unsafe.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 02-Sep-24

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

I have three I like and use. Loggy Bayou, Lone Wolf, and a Summit. The Loggy Bayou isn't made anymore. It's personal preference. They all have pros and cons.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 02-Sep-24

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

Back in the 1970s before I had my Loggy Bayou Climbing Treestand I had two Baker Climbing Treestands (Regular and a Pro Hunter) and a Fox Squirrel Climbing Treestand. Today's climbing stands are a lot better and safer.

From: gradymaci Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 02-Sep-24


From: Kanati
Date: 02-Sep-24

Summit open shot

From: Strick9
Date: 02-Sep-24

I was lucky enough to find a Summit open shot MLB. If you can find one, grab it, super light, very cozy with an add on mesh sear and bow holder. The standard open shot is great as well.

I've tried the lone wolf and the XOP but prefer the opon shot.

From: Wildhog
Date: 03-Sep-24

I have never used one, but that Buckshot Equalizer sure looks interesting since you can level it by just turning a crank while you are in the tree.

From: Stringwacker Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 03-Sep-24

I'm a huge fan of the all American made, all aluminum Cougar Claw Den Prowler. No side rails and the owner has a conversion system that makes it even better for traditional bowhunters (without the tree cushion and a higher sit pad)

I've used the Lone Wolf, Open Shot, and Loggy Bayou and this one is the best for me. I like it so much I bought two!

I might suggest to add some "Third Hand" stabilization straps. How it comes is fine; but I like the extra security of the additional straps.

From: Stringwacker Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 03-Sep-24

Sorry the version I like is the "Cub Prowler"...not the Den for bowhunting....

From: Limbhanger
Date: 03-Sep-24

Thank you everyone!

From: Foggy Mountain
Date: 03-Sep-24

Guys I have an open shot, a cobra, viper from summit. Open shot is no good imo. There are no arm supports for you to rest on. My personal injuries won’t allow arms to hang free. Plus getting up is not as smooth with nothing to grab on. Those may be considerations for you. The lone wolf is great but limits you and more time consuming to set up and less comfortable, easiest to carry. I think I’d recommend an open front with arm support like a cobra

That baker pic brings back great memories! Was just talking with a bud about them yesterday

From: HEXX
Date: 03-Sep-24

Summit !

From: Briar
Date: 03-Sep-24

I had every loggy bayou model since the beginning. Not horrible...but not great. Had several older summits.

The if you have to use a climber the wolf flip top sit and climb is an excellent climbing stand. They aren't made anymore out it is fantastic.

From: Wildhog
Date: 03-Sep-24

Frank that picture of the Baker stand caused me to have flashbacks.

From: JordanStalker
Date: 03-Sep-24

My heart skipped a beat when I see it Wildhog, at about the same rate it did when it slipped two feet and stopped that morning.

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Sep-24

Frank I had one of those in the 1980s with the plywood but it was called a TSS Indruder and heavy as heck to carry draped over your shoulder . It had a strap system like my Loggy bayou and that Loggy was my favorite stand ever. Quick to set up and light weight . Mine was a brown color with a soft fold out camo seat . I had the hand climber as well . Then I got a Viper summit with a seat you had to blow air in once you were up to your desired height . Now I have a wood ladder stand I made and that’s the only stand I’ll use. I rather hunt the ground but where I hunting it’s marsh so the stand works best in that area.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 03-Sep-24

I use climbing treestands, hang-on treestands, and ground blinds. It all matters on the terrain, vegetation, and deer sign on which method I'll use in an area. Some places it is impossible to use a treestand.

From: Jakeemt
Date: 03-Sep-24

I l’m not sure what you call light but, that new summit climber has me very interested.

From: offtheshelf
Date: 03-Sep-24

I prefer the summit open shot. The seat is comfortable, and at about 15 pounds, it’s easy to pack around. With it being completely open in the front, I don’t have to shoot over a rail, or have anything else in the way. It’s very strong, and is rated for 300 pounds

From: 2003HARLEY
Date: 04-Sep-24

Love my Lone Wolf sit & stand climber ,,,,,

From: Andy Man
Date: 04-Sep-24

Andy Man's embedded Photo

this was always my favortie -made by LOC-ON was very light

From: Andy Man
Date: 04-Sep-24

Andy Man's embedded Photo

From: Andy Man
Date: 04-Sep-24

Andy Man's embedded Photo

climbing aid

From: cobson
Date: 05-Sep-24

I have a lone wolf Assault 2 that is pretty light and easy to carry.. have to look but you can still find em.

I have the new Lone Wolf Crossover climber - well made and very light but also very expensive and not as comfortable for my size - 5'11' and 240lbs.... probably says more about me than the stand!!!

From: Two Feathers
Date: 05-Sep-24

I have two climbers, the Lone Wolf sit and climb and the TreeLounge. The TreeLounge is by far the heaviest portable stand I have. It is also the most comfortable and secure stand I have.

From: Two Feathers
Date: 05-Sep-24

I also had two incidents with my Baker that were not good.

From: Wapiti - - M. S. Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 06-Sep-24

I have an API that worked great for me.

From: augman
Date: 07-Sep-24

Cougar Claw.

From: Peddle-paddle
Date: 07-Sep-24

I had the platform fail /break on a Baker as I was climbing. Sent a photo to Baker and they sent me a free replacement. Then went to the Loggy bayou. I like the homemade climbing aid shown on this thread.

From: LongBowHuntR
Date: 08-Sep-24

I like the Summit Goliath best but I used one called The Big man stand for year and wish I still had it I loved that climber it was comfy all day but it was the sturdiest stand I had and it was a good one I have never seen another one like it .

From: Lowcountry
Date: 08-Sep-24

I use the Summit Open shot. The only stands I’ve found to be lighter than the Summit are the new versions from alone Wolf, but they are just not affordable.

From: westrayer
Date: 08-Sep-24

TimberTall. Lightest stand and they can adjust the climbing bands as you go up and down to compensate for changing tree diameter. I rarely hunt from a climber any longer but just hate to give it up. No longer made so they can be tough too find.

From: HEXX
Date: 08-Sep-24

I use a Summit but after falling using a Loggy, just a climber is not enough. I now use a harness, a line mans' rope and stabilizer straps to keep me secure once I leave the grond until I get back down. My main concern now is climbing an extension ladder to practice shooting at a 3 D target from my roof.

From: 30pt buck
Date: 08-Sep-24

I got a couple Tree - Loungers,

From: tradi-doerr
Date: 08-Sep-24

Had the API climber and used it for years till I sold it. Summit Open Shot is now my go to climber, light weight and easy to use.

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