Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Getting in some good practice, today!

Messages posted to thread:
Lastmohecken 02-Sep-24
tradslinger 02-Sep-24
JusPassin 02-Sep-24
Bob J 02-Sep-24
Lastmohecken 02-Sep-24
Clydebow 02-Sep-24
HEXX 02-Sep-24
Lastmohecken 02-Sep-24
Wildhog 03-Sep-24
CedarBird 03-Sep-24
Lastmohecken 04-Sep-24
From: Lastmohecken
Date: 02-Sep-24

This afternoon, I loaded up in side by side and went over to a couple of ladder stands I have up and decided to get in some practice under actually hunting conditions.

I took my bow target over there, and placed it in about every conceivable spot, where a shot might be viable, just to see if I could make it.

I would climb into each stand, with my longbow and backquiver with seven arrows I had. I learned a lot. Ranges were from about six to fifteen yards mostly, with maybe a couple openings stretching out to maybe 20 yards.

I found a few problems with making some shots, with bow limb clearance but figured it out.

One thing I figured out is for me under these hunting conditions, from the tree stands, I am a lot more consistent when I shoot as close to true instinctive as possible. When I try to gap shoot, I will quite often shoot high a bit, which has always been a problem for me, at times.

I am glad I got this practice in. I have a lot more confidence now. Now, I know for sure, every makeable shot location for each stand.

I seen some deer sign but not a lot, but those stands have been pretty good in the past.

From: tradslinger
Date: 02-Sep-24

Wishing you the Best Nevada, awesome to practice like that, that is a lot better than finding out on a deer

From: JusPassin
Date: 02-Sep-24

I always carry a judo point along when hunting. I shoot a leaf or a twig on my walk to the stand, then once I'm set up I'll pick something and take one last practice shot from the stand.

Have never had a problem with deer spooking from that practice arrow. Often have had them notice and investigate, even lick the fletch.

From: Bob J
Date: 02-Sep-24

Excellent preseason prepping for sure. Couple years back I set up my ladder stand on the corner of my shed to practice and immediately hit the corner of the shed with my lower limb tip. It was enough to cause the string to come loose and scare the crap outta me with my new Blactail Sitka. Heart failure, yeah.

Now I'm much more aware of where my limbs will be, in the air OR on the ground.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 02-Sep-24

Yes, hittng bow limbs. On one shot, I took the other day, my bottom limb smacked my tree stand. I thought it was clear but was not. I am seriously considering taking a zip cut, battery powered and go over there and cut that brace off as it has limited me, before. I just need to make sure, I am not going to weaken the stand. I had though about re-welding it in a different position, even.

I do the judo point from the stand, exercise, usually. since I am shooting into the ground, I will sometimes just use a field point. works just as good from the elevated position.

Now watch me go miss a deer bigger than Dallas. Well, wouldn't be the first time. (: But I am getting a lot better, in that regard.

From: Clydebow
Date: 02-Sep-24

Best to be prepared!

Date: 02-Sep-24

Good for you

From: HEXX
Date: 02-Sep-24

I was using my 60" bow a few years back and missed the same deer 4 times. I tried to re-create the same shots the next time I was in the that tree. My lower limb kept hitting my leg and/or the tree stand. I now have a 56" bow and what a difference . The first 2 shots = 2 deer in the freezer. I was not getting to full draw with the longer bow. I use the longer bow for 3 D only.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 02-Sep-24

Shorter bows do help, especially, when I wear winter clothes. But, I am starting out with my HH Tembo this year, after shooting a lot of different bows all year long. Overall, I think I just shoot it more consistently, from about any position, I can get myself into.

But later in the year, I might switch, might not.

From: Wildhog
Date: 03-Sep-24

Nevada you may need to get out that A-mag riser and slap some limbs on it. They make a great tree stand bow. You know I sure like mine :)

From: CedarBird
Date: 03-Sep-24

This is my first year shooting out of a tree, the angle does take some getting used to for sure.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 04-Sep-24

Wildhog, Yep, That A mag is already set up, and I am keeping it, ready for backup. I have some Grayling 43# limbs on it and a new bow string, I built myself for it. It's easy to shoot, with the 43# limbs. It very likely to see some hunt time, a little later in the fall, depending on how things go.

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