Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Building "blind" around Waldrop Pac Seat

Messages posted to thread:
olddogrib 04-Aug-24
kaw369 04-Aug-24
wooddamon1 04-Aug-24
Verdeburl 04-Aug-24
Bob J 04-Aug-24
tradslinger 04-Aug-24
monkeyball 04-Aug-24
Krag 04-Aug-24
fdp 04-Aug-24
Verdeburl 04-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 04-Aug-24
Tundra 04-Aug-24
Wapiti - - M. S. 06-Aug-24
pdk25 06-Aug-24
raghorn 06-Aug-24
DWolfe 06-Aug-24
From: olddogrib
Date: 04-Aug-24

I bought a waldrop pac seat last year mainly for use turkey hunting. It looks like of the two stands I deer bowhunt at one is showing more promise dhtna the other. At that one I have a Pallet blind that is strictly a gun stand and a ladder stand I put up only to discover the side rails inhibit me shooting at a steep downward angle from side to side. There is no good tree available to hang a portable. I'm looking at using the Pac Set but would like to brush it in. I'd be using a tree for backing and maybe constructing a "teepee" from saplings over it and covering it with camo netting with a gap in the front for me to shoot from a sitting position. I just don't think a "debris hut" type blind would provide the vertical clearance I'd need for the bow limbs. Anybody tried this approach with success?

From: kaw369
Date: 04-Aug-24

I've set my Waldrop Pac seat up in the shadows with a good back drop and have had good luck.

From: wooddamon1 Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 04-Aug-24

I got one over the winter and I'm in for the comments and hopefully some pics. I usually build a pretty big brush/dead limb blind and set a little stool in it. I like to be able to get down on a knee or stand up to shoot, but I'll quite possibly be napping with this seat and miss the action.

From: Verdeburl
Date: 04-Aug-24

I ise the Waldrop, and a couple other seats. I try to get myself in the shadows, or against a decent tree. Ive even cut some small stuff cut to stick in the ground around me. Blown down trees are a nice spot to tuck in also. Just try to get your outline broke up. Keep the wind in your face, and sit still. I try to wait on a lone deer, or when they look away. Multiple deer in close means a lot more eyes to catch you moving. I’ve had success, and will say scent and movement is your enemy. Just be patient.

From: Bob J
Date: 04-Aug-24

Might consider a leafy suit or gillie suit to help blend in as well.

From: tradslinger
Date: 04-Aug-24

I removed the side rails on 2 of my ladder stands, of course I am using a safety harness with them. Biggest thing with chairs or seats on the ground besides movement and the wind is just making sure nothing will grab your bow or an arrow. I also clear everything that my feet might make noise on. Plus practice a lot sitting in them, figure out what you can and can't do

From: monkeyball
Date: 04-Aug-24

You may have already seen these, but in case you have not, they are worth the watch. You might as well listen to the guy who originated and built most of them that are out there......

Good Shooting->->->->Craig

copy and paste the above link

From: Krag
Date: 04-Aug-24

Set up against a tree and build a teepee out of branches/brush about head height (sitting in the PacSeat) set in front of you. It will break up your outline, give you backcover and allow you to shoot to either side of the peak of it. I have thought about the same deal with a PacSeat and teepee frame covered with a lightweight camo material out front to make it more mobile.

From: fdp
Date: 04-Aug-24

I've done similar with a Wal mart folding stool. Don't know the Waldrop would any different.

From: Verdeburl
Date: 04-Aug-24

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 04-Aug-24

just more comfortable

From: Tundra
Date: 04-Aug-24

/check out Dave Toms video on how he sets up his pack seat. Quick and light set up.


From: Wapiti - - M. S. Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 06-Aug-24

Good video thanks Craig.

From: pdk25
Date: 06-Aug-24

Ghillie luck

From: raghorn
Date: 06-Aug-24

Try shooting straight to your front from a stool with your back to a tree. I think you will find that you have to twist( legs/hips) 90 deg to the right to make a comfortable shot. I prefer sitting on left (LH shooter) side of tree. I can then just raise bow and shoot forward with out twisting.

From: DWolfe Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 06-Aug-24

Come on boys let's see some photos!

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