Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

A moment of feeling good with things

Messages posted to thread:
tradslinger 30-Jul-24
pdk25 30-Jul-24
carpenter #777 31-Jul-24
Vaquero 45 31-Jul-24
DaGunz 31-Jul-24
smrobertson 31-Jul-24
4nolz@work 31-Jul-24
White Falcon 31-Jul-24
Phil Magistro 31-Jul-24
tradslinger 31-Jul-24
bugsy 49 31-Jul-24
RonG 31-Jul-24
Knifeguy 31-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 31-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 31-Jul-24
iowacedarshooter 31-Jul-24
From: tradslinger
Date: 30-Jul-24

Thye last month or so has been very trying in so many ways. I have my own health issues to deal with, my own struggles in getting around but it has been a lot more than that.

My wife had been having bad moments, up to nearly 20 of them a day. Her BP would suddenly drop like a rock and she would p[retty much go down, wherever she was. She has never slept good and I finally got her to commit to using a CPAP. We have been going to Cardiologists, Neurologists and numerous Walk in clinics.

In the middle of all of this, I manage to total out my truck on a big bodied deer. So, using a borrowed car to get her to her appointments. My 87 year old father somehow managed to get out and meet another elderly woman (under a month) and get married.

I had gone to the VA and ended up with a shot in my only good eye, ended up pretty darn miserable. But we finally found out that my wife didn't need a pacemaker after all, she was in fact, suffering from all of the side effects of her blood pressure med.

So she is off of it now and slowly getting better. Her CPAP finally come in and she has actually slept 4 nights in a row, 8 hours solid!

Then my dad and his new old bride got covid, so that was it's own journey. I finally got a replacement truck, a 2013 F150 XLT with only 71,000 miles on it. Got a brush guard ordered for it.

Did I mention that we had a puppy that we were and still are house breaking? Daisy has been for the most part, a very good dog and worth it just to see my wife playing and loving on her.

And those were just the high lights, I managed another hard fall and this morning we barely got up in time for my wife's MRI.

But, After helping my dad with some stuff, I was caught up. I managed to get a couple of things taken care of out in the shop with the new Shop Inspector quietly lying at my feet.

And then, I got to sneak down to the blind, well, mostly sneak. The Shop Inspector had to come inside to check it out. I shut the door and she soon settled into her spot and it got quiet.

I had a selfbow hanging in it's spot, a quiver in another spot. I was sitting in my big folding steel director's chair and looking outside. The sun was still very much upand nothing going on except the birds that were out and about.

The sound of a mosquito buzzing didn't even faze me. I was in the zone, just soaking in the quietness, staring out at the trees and bushes, hoping a deer, anything would pop out. I glance back down to the dog, my eye adjusting better to the darkness inside.

Suddenly, all was okay with the world, at least inside here. I could see that I needed to bomb the inside soon to thin out the small critters. But the peace and quiet was so calming. I even strung my bow and held it as if really hunting. No worries inside here, no health problems, nothing.

A mug of hot chocolate and a donut would really have taken it over the top (I never do that but today it sure sounded good.) I didn't want to leave, the dog was sleeping good too but the wife was looking for me. I guess that this blind is a refuge for me, an escape from this hectic world.

As I closed and latched the door, I've made plans to sit next time until dark, or maybe watch the dawn come to life. Daisy is excited to be on the move again, I wish that I had her energy and abilities.

From: pdk25
Date: 30-Jul-24

Sometimes we all need to just get into our favorite outdoor spot, and things don't seem so bad. Sorry you are going through a rough patch.

From: carpenter #777
Date: 31-Jul-24

Cherish every moment, tomorrow is not promised.

From: Vaquero 45
Date: 31-Jul-24

87 years young and " Pa" just got married ? Wow great news and then they call Tony on the cereal box the " Tiger " ? Don't think so I would say " Pa" is the Tiger. I don't know what Pa's been taking but I could use some of it myself. LOL. Lord bless ya's all . Take care.

From: DaGunz
Date: 31-Jul-24

So sorry to hear of the rough patch, but very happy to hear of the balm of sitting quietly in creation.

We’ve all been through cycles where everything is going wrong and it seems we have to deal with other people’s poor decisions. Tough things have been happening around here, and to top it off the local public access forest was closed for development. I’ve taken to sitting in the yard in the evenings with a book. Just enjoying the evening light in the trees.

Being able to take comfort in rough times is a gift. A good dog is therapy. “It’s no coincidence that man’s best friend cannot speak.”

Very happy you found a way. Praying you find smoother times.

From: smrobertson
Date: 31-Jul-24

Jerry, I would do that very same thing. I would sit under a big hemlock, with my bow and back quiver. Taking it all in. It was very relaxing.

From: 4nolz@work
Date: 31-Jul-24

Don't let the old man in

From: White Falcon
Date: 31-Jul-24

Hang in there Jerry!

From: Phil Magistro
Date: 31-Jul-24

The best part of growing old is that many don't get that luxury and we can still enjoy those special moments. The bad part of growing old are facing all the challenges that aging, aging spouses, and if they are still alive, aging parents bring.

There are so many folks that face big challenges every day that anytime I start to feel even a bit downhearted I don't have to look far to find many facing far worse.

It's good to have your refuge and I hope things improve in your life.

From: tradslinger
Date: 31-Jul-24

Just want you guys to know that I'm not complaining at all, life happens to all of us. It was just great to get to take a deep breath out where I have always enjoyed the peace and quiet of nature. The place where your mind forgets everything and soaks in the beauty of what God has given us. It isn't always a grand place in the deep woods, but it is where we find it. I saw a very elderly man in a nursing home staring out at a small stand of pines. I went over and talked to him, a tear rolled down his cheek as he told me that he was reliving some old hunting memories. All his friends were gone and he had no family left. a week or so later, he was gone as well. Never forgot that. They were just some pines but he could see a lot in them.

From: bugsy 49
Date: 31-Jul-24

I feel your pain. After taking care of my wife who has dimentia for 5 years I had to finally put her in a 24 hour nursing home. I have been married for 53 years. Heart breaking. On top of really missing her I am going to have to give up half of every thing that I own to keep her in there.

From: RonG
Date: 31-Jul-24

Jerry your days sound very familiar, I got my wife to take a nap yesterday in the late afternoon, I went out to the screen room on the back of our house I built many years ago and sat there watching the many birds come in to feed.

I sat there for over an hour until my wife started hollering where was I.

I didn't want to leave.

My uncle was 92 when he remarried a 66 year old woman.

Very similar situation.

God bless you Jerry and I am glad you got a new shop inspector.

Bugsy 49. That is criminal what they charge for care.

From: Knifeguy
Date: 31-Jul-24

Jerry, no need to apologize for anything. I enjoy your updates and regard them as just sitting at the table over coffee and enjoying a conversation with friends. Talking is always good, no matter the format. Glad you have your moments to decompress. Lance

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 31-Jul-24

I agree with Phil. I still remember my dad saying. You will get old someday. Hopefully he was right.

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 31-Jul-24

I agree with Phil. I still remember my dad saying. You will get old someday. Hopefully he was right.

From: iowacedarshooter
Date: 31-Jul-24

iowacedarshooter's embedded Photo

jerry, here is my getaway spot down by our little creek. shot 5 deer from here since 2018 with my bow and 1 with the old smokepole. my good place.

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