Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

How many yards was the shot?

Messages posted to thread:
Saphead 19-Jul-24
Wildhog 19-Jul-24
Greenstyk 19-Jul-24
Longdraw 19-Jul-24
Saphead 19-Jul-24
tradslinger 19-Jul-24
Saphead 19-Jul-24
Longdraw 19-Jul-24
Briar 20-Jul-24
reddogge 21-Jul-24
Snowman 21-Jul-24
Rick Barbee 21-Jul-24
longbow1968 21-Jul-24
longbow1968 21-Jul-24
Lastmohecken 21-Jul-24
Wapiti - - M. S. 21-Jul-24
Saphead 21-Jul-24
David Mitchell 21-Jul-24
T Hunt 23-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 23-Jul-24
selstickbow 23-Jul-24
Saphead 23-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 23-Jul-24
Jed Gitchel 23-Jul-24
reddogge 24-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 25-Jul-24
longbow1968 25-Jul-24
Wildhog 27-Jul-24
Saphead 28-Jul-24
From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 19-Jul-24

The moose kill on Alone. Pretty clean shot.... Double lung Big job 1 mile pack out no firearm in Grizz land

From: Wildhog
Date: 19-Jul-24

I was wondering the same thing. It was a big ol moose for sure.

From: Greenstyk
Date: 19-Jul-24

I wonder if he can take the antlers and skull home after he either taps out or wins.

From: Longdraw
Date: 19-Jul-24

That was a great moment. I wanted to know too how far it was. We all know go pro always seems farther than it actually is. My bet is 25-35 yards

From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 19-Jul-24

I too was thinking 30 -35 yards. Great shot Esp when your starving

From: tradslinger
Date: 19-Jul-24

A bear can dig out his cache, they are just wicked strong. hope for the best and smoke as much while you can. wolverines are super strong too. at least he rendered some fat for himself. a lot of hard work, terrible on the back but it is what it is. He should be eating as much as he can, meat and fat before it possibly gets taken away from him.

From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 19-Jul-24

Yep agree.. I was thinking that cache doesn't have a chance. I would smoke it all and eat like a pig. If it gets colder tie it up in 4-5 different spots

From: Longdraw
Date: 19-Jul-24

Alone is what got me hooked on traditional bows. When I saw clay hayes stick that black tail I went all in

From: Briar
Date: 20-Jul-24

This guy is a straight up beast to kill, clean, pack out, and store that moose. I mean dang! Let's say he pulls 400lbs off that sucker...he killed it on day what 16? I'd smoke all i could eat friggen eat 5lbs a day, sit at my cache and guard the sucker and collect my money. Nobody else is lasting 100 days eating 1/4 squirrels and pike.

From: reddogge
Date: 21-Jul-24

He needs to smoke the meat, build a ladder, make a meat pole, and hang all of that meat.

From: Snowman
Date: 21-Jul-24

With all that meat that guy could cruise to an easy win . But I do realize bad things can and do happen, like poking a broadhead into a leg. I would smoke as much meat as possible and get it hung as high as possible in at least two separate locations . I would also eat as much as possible every day . With an ample supply of red meat , my time would be spent improving my shelter, collecting firewood and fishing . Kinda hard to believe an expert survivalist would be surprised that a scavenger got his grouse that was cached under some rocks and debris.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 21-Jul-24

I don't watch much TV, and I can't find a video clip of the incident.

Anyone point me to it ?


From: longbow1968
Date: 21-Jul-24

Was an impressive shot, especially after all of that running on the creek bank. At 56, there is no way I could do what he at 35 did any more physically. The run, the shot, the skinning, the cache build and I think he had done done pretty physical shelter building earlier that day. Of course as an archery nut, I want to know more about his set-up; draw weight, which 2-blade head, etc.

From: longbow1968
Date: 21-Jul-24

Rick, I think it is season 11, episode 5 for the shot and recovery. But he begins the hunt at the end of the previous episode. The wife and I watch it on the frndly app.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 21-Jul-24

I know Cubby, the guy who got stuck with the arrow in the leg, I will see him probably at the next 3D match, and I bet he knows about how far it was.

From: Wapiti - - M. S. Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 21-Jul-24

It will be interesting to see what happens with all this moose meat.

From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 21-Jul-24

Tell Chubby sorry About his injury.. That open quiver in those thick woods was dangerous. I was yelling at the tv right before it happened that his arrows were gonna come out, I thought he would lose them not hurt himself...

From: David Mitchell
Date: 21-Jul-24

Each episode is on the day after it airs.

From: T Hunt
Date: 23-Jul-24

Timber is a good friend of mine. In fact, I sold him that Howatt black mamba he killed the moose with. He has the rack and skull cap. That was actually last August but of course it's just now being aired.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 23-Jul-24

Funny thing — I just watched Season 6 (it’s free, with ads on Prime/freevee) snd it’s the one where the guy got a moose, but a wolverine cleared him out to the tune of about 60,000 calories worth of cached fat.

Major lessons to be learned from that guy!

From: selstickbow
Date: 23-Jul-24

wolverines are not that big, do they climb trees? like to get to the cache 20 feet up?

From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 23-Jul-24

They let him keep the rack. Thats pretty cool. Did he have to buy a license? Could he have shot another? Im thinking hanging the meat high up away from limbs. 10 different bags

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 23-Jul-24

Yep, the wolverine was climbing peeled tree trunks to get at the cache, so he rigged rings of snares around them like the disc on the pole of a squirrel-proof bird feeder. They seemed to leave that alone…. At that point he was in the clear… right up until he left the damn ladder leaning against the platform…. Total BrainFart. Cost him all the fatty parts of probably a 30” lake trout….

I don’t know a lot about the regs in Canada, but I suspect that each of the competitors is provided with all of the licenses that they need for everything that can legally be hunted in their areas. And in most seasons, they have mentioned it if there are any species which are off limits; in Mongolia, Moose were protected; in Canada it was red fox and lynx.

I really appreciate the guy who won Six, because he had not put on a whole bunch of weight in preparation and out-lasted a guy who ended up getting pulled after losing over #80…. But killing that moose kinda sealed it.

And I really feel sorry for the people who spend months fattening themselves up so that they can get by on reserves…. And then end up tapping out in under a week, or just long before all of that fat is gone… Makes me wonder how many of them have the discipline to lose it, and how many end up permanently overweight from it…

I’d be in pretty rough shape if I lost #20. Hell, I dropped #15 in 2 weeks while eating about 4,000 calories/day while on the hill…

From: Jed Gitchel
Date: 23-Jul-24

Doug, as I understand it all contests have to stay inside seasons and bag limits. I would assume they are licensed as well.

From: reddogge
Date: 24-Jul-24

Most of them tap out due to homesickness and loneliness, not hunger, sickness, or injury. Same on Alone Australia going on right now.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 25-Jul-24

I think a lot fewer people have been starving out since so many of them have taken to packing on a crapload of extra weight as reserves. It’s amazing, though, to watch the earlier seasons and see people doing something which you know better than to do, and then they whack themselves in the hand with a hatchet or impale themselves on a fishhook or something relatively avoidable. Just really basic stuff like staying off of slippery rocks….

But yeah, the mental game has to be the toughest, and to be honest, I have to wonder how many of those folks end up with long-term mental health issues…. I suppose 1/2 million bucks would pay a lot of psychiatry bills, but it sure could suck to come in Second…..

From: longbow1968
Date: 25-Jul-24

It is interesting to see how the load-out has changed for contestants over time. Early on, not many brought bows, but with the success of Clay, Roland, etc., now a bow is a given. The same with knives vs. multi-tools. Early on, various larger knives, now multi- tools rule. Even the large Silky Saws seem to be a given for everyone. I suppose if you have rules for any game, the players will eventually gravitate towards similar gear.

From: Wildhog
Date: 27-Jul-24

I spoke with Cubby Hoover at our 3D shoot today. I asked him about Timber killing the moose. He said the shot was about 40 yards and it was a double lung hit.

From: Saphead Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 28-Jul-24

Thanks Wildhog! Great kill shot under tremendous pressure

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