From: iowacedarshooter
Date: 13-Jul-24 |
this old buck knife has been used on a lot of deer! hopefully again this fall!
From: longbow1968
Date: 13-Jul-24 |
Hard to beat. Nice sheath upgrade…
From: tradslinger
Date: 13-Jul-24 |
I had a similar one years ago, at least until my son borrowed it and lost it. it happens.
Date: 13-Jul-24 |
Buck vanguard and american made sharpfinger are my two favs. Helle nording is up there as well.
From: Supernaut
Date: 13-Jul-24 |
Good looking knife Gerry. I hope you bloody it up this fall.
From: cacciatore
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
I really like the Buck Vanguard.
From: lost run
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
Looks like you can get a good grip with the handle that is on it.
From: Doc Pain
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
I have several that I like, don’t know that I have a favorite. Only thing is, they all have drop point blades.
From: JBM
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
Any photos of the knife by itself?? Love to see that?
From: Frisky
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
The Vanguard has a squared off handle. It really makes a difference when things get wet. Your hand won't slip. I like the custom sheath shown here, but I suggest folks go with the rubber gripped model and nylon sheath. You can quickly wash it off and disinfect it after use, though it isn't anything to look at.
From: Andy Man
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
I agree with Joe -had the wood handled one and was more work holding on to the knife than gutting and skinning the deer
but with out a doubt my favorite is the canadian belt knife #1
From: Vaquero 45
Date: 14-Jul-24 |
Yeah I don't have a favorite either n I been blessed with a heap of knives . However if I 'am in rough n tumble real serious bad bear country I will carry a more defensive type knife instead of a skinner . Here's one of my smaller favorites.
From: JBM
Date: 16-Jul-24 |
^^^^^ VAQUERO 45, Dat am some serious cutlery!! Run bear! run!!
From: Vaquero 45
Date: 16-Jul-24 |
Howdy Brother James, hope all well. That's actually a small Esee 3 knife . Of course dummy me double posted it . Sorry about that Gents ! .
From: N Y Yankee
Date: 16-Jul-24 |
I have the same knife. I find it very difficult to get a shaving sharp edge on it. I think it is the only knife I have that will not sharpen well. Anyone else have this problem with this knife?
From: olddogrib
Date: 16-Jul-24 |
I've owned the Izula II, great field dresser. The 1095 HC I found to be very easy to sharpen and it has that reputation, although certainly not a "super steel" and typically won't retain the edge as long as some.
From: Bowhogan 51
Date: 16-Jul-24 |
A craftsman fixed blade give to me for Christmas the year before My first Pa deer season, 1976. By my mom and dad. The sheath was made for me by a great archer - Armon Rush, who was on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor when it was hit and sunk. I have carried this knife on every hunt I have made. It has big magic and memories for me.
From: iowacedarshooter
Date: 16-Jul-24 |
here you go james, my old buck vanguard, don't know how many deer it has worked on but quite a few. i really like the gut hook on it and it came with a fabric sheath which i did n't care for so i used a sheath from another old knife i had. lot of huntin' stories go along with this old knife!
From: BigB
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
I use a case knife with 3 blades, it has a regular sharpe blade, gut hook , and saw.
From: BigB
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
I use a case knife with 3 blades, it has a regular sharpe blade, gut hook , and saw.
From: BigB
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
I use a case knife with 3 blades, it has a regular sharpe blade, gut hook , and saw.
From: HEXX
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
Been using a Swiss Army pocket knife for longer than I can remember. It does everything I need it to do. It even has a small wood saw blade that comes in handy for trimming limbs.
From: Wudstix
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
My favorite carry group for hunting. Paintman 7 1/2" and 5 1/4", Buck 422, Shrew neck, Nessmuk style, and Shrew Hawk.
From: Wudstix
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
Bowriver neck knife.
From: Vaquero 45
Date: 18-Jul-24 |
Gil Hibben's stag " Diamondback " edition, fixxed blade Hunter/ skinner.
From: cut it out
Date: 21-Jul-24 |
Or one of these usually. My knife ocd is real and I struggle to decide on which one to take every season.
From: manybows
Date: 21-Jul-24 |
Here is my Doug Ritter knife with Magnacut steel and it's remarkable in its cutting ability; it also holds a great edge. I think it's going to be a keeper.
From: cut it out
Date: 21-Jul-24 |
Ron that is a sweet edc I’m sure as well!
From: scndwfstlhntng
Date: 22-Jul-24 |
These have been my deer hunting knives over the years. I have found that a "smaller" sharp blade is a lot more sensible and easy to handle. I tend to stay around a 3 inch blade for basic field prep, and also carry a folder for general use. On the bottom is a LUM blade design in a Benchmade knife. On the heavy side but I have an emotional attachment to it. Left to right are a Bark River 3" now out of production,a Joe Kious with sheep horn scales ( an unusual knife as he is well known for primarily for fantastic detailed small folders, an LT Wright with a horn handle ( I finally was able to identify the maker TODAY: with the use of a magnifying lense I realized what it was. I bought it years ago at a shoot and had no idea that it was by a "real" knife maker), and last is a slightly larger Chris Reeves knife. It is a comfortable knife but in fact a little too thick for field dressing a small whitetail: I like carrying it anyway.
From: Patrick
Date: 22-Jul-24 |
One I made some time ago
From: rpk@work
Date: 22-Jul-24 |
I have an fixed blade Western an Uncle (Godfather) gave to me when I was 12 (1976). If I feel like carrying a folding knife, I take a Buck 110.
From: onager
Date: 22-Jul-24 |
Randall model 23, for about 40 years.
From: cacciatore
Date: 23-Jul-24 |
As much as I love my bows I love my knives. These are some of mine that see some action. All of them are scary sharp and served me well
From: RonP
Date: 23-Jul-24 |
a few of mine that have served me well.
From: Bob J
Date: 23-Jul-24 |
Just got my Alaskan Skinner yesterday. Very beefy knife.
From: Bob J
Date: 23-Jul-24 |
And in their lefty sheaths I made.
From: White Falcon
Date: 23-Jul-24 |
I use this one for my camp knife .
From: reddogge
Date: 24-Jul-24 |
This has been one of my best deer knives for many years and has survived many seasons in the brackish marshes of MD. A Buck titanium.
From: chuck-ia
Date: 24-Jul-24 |
schrade ph 2 chuck-ia
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