Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Prototype Vortex Broadhead

Messages posted to thread:
Ward's Outfitters 12-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 12-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 12-Jul-24
ottertails 12-Jul-24
Stix 12-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 13-Jul-24
bowhunt 13-Jul-24
pdk25 13-Jul-24
Phil 13-Jul-24
Supernaut 13-Jul-24
Blackmouth Cur 13-Jul-24
fdp 13-Jul-24
Rick Barbee 13-Jul-24
RonG 13-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 14-Jul-24
Dry Bones 14-Jul-24
JBM 14-Jul-24
pdk25 14-Jul-24
JBM 14-Jul-24
TradToTheBone 14-Jul-24
MDW 14-Jul-24
2 bears 14-Jul-24
Jed Gitchel 14-Jul-24
Stix 14-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 15-Jul-24
Bugle up 15-Jul-24
Bellaodin 15-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 16-Jul-24
2 bears 16-Jul-24
deerhunt51 17-Jul-24
fdp 17-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters 26-Jul-24
JusPassin 27-Jul-24
Rick Barbee 27-Jul-24
From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 12-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website

Ward's Outfitters's embedded Photo

After listening to all the recommendations from all of you we have produced a prototype that I think you will find interesting. The broadhead total weight is 175 grains, it's an all steel design with a 1.25" cutting diameter. The blades are .060 thick with a 15 degree sharpened edge. The blades can be locked in the stationary position by installing the Roll pin, OR a sheer pin can be put in place of the bottom roll pin to allow the blade to swing to avoid hard bone. The blade and body material can't be exposed. Patent Pending

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 12-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website

Ward's Outfitters's embedded Photo

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 12-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website

Ward's Outfitters's embedded Photo

From: ottertails
Date: 12-Jul-24

ottertails's embedded Photo

A swivel head if you choose...huh, now that's innovative. That could come in handy hitting hard bone being the reason for that breakaway design eh. Single bevel also, I'm sure it'll do the job.

Good luck with it.

I'm kinda "locked into this old stuff pictured.

From: Stix
Date: 12-Jul-24

At what pressure do the blades swivel? And do they spring back to the neutral position (spring loaded)? Since they are free to move, do they rattle in flight?

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 13-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website


We are currently testing different Pins to find the optimal pressure. The blades are not spring loaded , they move back to the natural position when passing though the animal, the basically follow the path of least resistance. the blades do not rattle in flight .003 id the blade clearance from the body of the broadhead

From: bowhunt
Date: 13-Jul-24

Looks good.I like the slim ferrule and thicker blades than some have.Point looks strong.

From: pdk25
Date: 13-Jul-24

I think Josh Bowmar was using something along the same lines with a broadhead that he took a cape buffalo with.

From: Phil
Date: 13-Jul-24

Interesting design concept. Good luck with it.

From: Supernaut
Date: 13-Jul-24

Cool concept.

I wish you nothing but success with it.

From: Blackmouth Cur
Date: 13-Jul-24

Great looking head with some good features well wishes for your success

From: fdp
Date: 13-Jul-24

I like the shape and what appears to be very strong structural design but I'm a little wary of the swing away blade concept.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 13-Jul-24

[[[ "I like the shape and what appears to be very strong structural design but I'm a little wary of the swing away blade concept." ]]]


Ditch the swing style blade, make it soundly "fixed", and you'll likely have a winner.


From: RonG
Date: 13-Jul-24

Congrats you have the ultimate broadhead.

The shear pin will have to shear with the 35lb bows unless you have different broadheads for different poundage bows.

Yes it will return to center even after the pin shears, great job.

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 14-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website

RonG The sheer pin will sheer with a 35# bow easily

From: Dry Bones
Date: 14-Jul-24

Not trying to discredit this in the least. I like the concept. BUT I believe there is a company who produced a similar swivel blade head called a Sevr??? Maybe not exactly right. The only word of mouth stories I have heard was NOT good on those. I do believe their design was much thinner and less quality parts, so that in of itself could be a problem. A few outfitters called em "Never Sevr." as they did not have good recoveries. I do hope your design does much better, and as a suggestion maybe find yourself some big old nasty hogs (the key is actually BIG hogs) to punch. Shoot through the "shield" and see what really happens. I Wished I had the land and ability to give you that opportunity, but I do not. Good Luck.


From: JBM
Date: 14-Jul-24

Looks "deadly" but somebody mentioned single bevel??? My CONFUSE? I didn't see THAT in the description?? Hope enormous success!

From: pdk25
Date: 14-Jul-24

From: JBM
Date: 14-Jul-24

PDK? Sorry but I am not on Instagram or Face book etc..Wonder if there is a Y/T vid???

From: TradToTheBone
Date: 14-Jul-24

Vortex is the name of an expandable broadhead that has been on the market for decades.

From: MDW
Date: 14-Jul-24

Looks like a huge improvement over the Vortex "Swinger".

From: 2 bears
Date: 14-Jul-24

Seems like if there is anything to cut on one side it will swing to the side with no resistance. Why would it stay neutral & not keep swinging to the side with less resistance/less to cut? >>>----> Ken

From: Jed Gitchel
Date: 14-Jul-24

Cool concept, I would love to see some test results. Curious how much energy would be absorbed by the pin shearing. Not being negative by any means would be cool if you put out some YouTube acid testing.

From: Stix
Date: 14-Jul-24

Scenario: broadhead goes thru ribs and swivels, then into chest cavity just below or above heart. If one side of blade hits heart which is a firm muscle. Will the blade swivel out of the way of the heart instead of slicing through the heart? Same can be envisioned with a partial liver hit

Not casting dispersions on your design, just asking questions about potential scenarios. I wish you the best on your endeavors and wish you success!

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 15-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website

Ken the blades will always return to the neutral position. they will always follow the path of least resistance

From: Bugle up
Date: 15-Jul-24

Looks like a well thought out design, and as you stated...the blades can be fixed so as NOT to swing if that is the preferred. I'd like to try them.

From: Bellaodin
Date: 15-Jul-24

I like it. Looks like a better and more heavy-duty version of the Chinese Bloodrunner BH.

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 16-Jul-24

The blade can be set to not pivot.

From: 2 bears
Date: 16-Jul-24

If the blade is set not to pivot what would be the point? I hope it works well for you but I can only see the blade pivoting to the side where there is less or nothing to cut. Cut on contact solid heads have proved to be the best for me. Mechanical heads may work very well if you have high draw weight or shooting compounds. >>>----> Ken

From: deerhunt51
Date: 17-Jul-24

Sorry to say, hard pass.

From: fdp
Date: 17-Jul-24

So is the theory that when something hard is hit such as bone the blade will pivot one way or the other, then the blades will return to center at some point in the path of penetration when the resistance decreases?

From: Ward's Outfitters
Date: 26-Jul-24
Ward's Outfitters is a Sponsor - Website

fdp yes

From: JusPassin
Date: 27-Jul-24

Been doing this for about 60 years now and can honestly say no animal hit would have been killed better with this type system. To each their own though, more power to yah.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 27-Jul-24

I personally really like the overall geometry of the broadhead, but if I were to use them I would use the "locked down" blade option.


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