From: Kansasclipper
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
So my Dark Timber 700 tune great with 175 grain points and standard inserts cut to 28.5 inches. I want to shoot 125 grain Magnus Stingers. What can I screw on the insert to get the weight up to 175 grains? The brass inserts that Big Jims sells do not fit the 700's. I tried the Gold Tip screw in weights but they are too big. Any ideas?
From: Kansasclipper
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
I may have answered my own question after looking at 3 Rivers Website. I assume that any of the .204 screw in weight adapters will fit inside the shaft just fine.
From: Indarctos
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
I've got Big Jim's brass inserts to fit by filing them slightly. You have to be careful to keep them centered and spinning true. Best luck
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
Get 50 grain inserts from Big Jim and change them out unless you didn't use heat reverse able glue. JF
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
Oops I see now you said he doesn't sell any to fit. JF
From: Skopia
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
Just curious, what weight at your draw are you pulling?
From: tnlonghunter
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
I bought a bunch of 25g weights that screw into the back of any insert that has an open- threaded end (which is almost all but a couple heavy 100g inserts I've found).
I think I found them on Amazon, and they really help with tuning when you need/want to use a specific shaft length and tip or broadhead.
From: Kansasclipper
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
37 lbs I have screw in weights that thread on the inserts but they won't fit in the 700's. But maybe the .204's will.
From: fdp
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
Just take one of the inserts to a hardware store and find a screw/bolt that will fit.
From: BigJim
Date: 13-Feb-24 |
I suspect that your bow is not cut to center or your not drawing to 28".. or you have cut your shafts down too far... merely assumptions mind you, but I can't understand any other reason that you would need that much weight up front for your scenario.
Try to shoot the 125's you might be surprised how well they would shoot.
the .204s won't work! The inside of a 700 is .234 and that would be like dangling a rope in a silo! if you get my drift :)
I don't have brass for the 700s and 800s because I thought I was doing everyone a favor including me not having to stock something I wouldn't sell much of... only to find out that many like to shoot extremely heavy arrows from light weight bows.
If you would like some help with this, feel free to contact me. We can work it out together. BigJim
From: B.T.
Date: 13-Feb-24 |
That’s great customer service.
From: Kansasclipper
Date: 13-Feb-24 |
When I say 204 I meant the weights that would screw on to the insert. Just like the GT weights. I'm shooting 37 lbs at 28 with a B55 string. I trimmed them down a little at at a time. But 28.5 bare shaft with a 175 tip flies like dart. I could get some aluminum broadhead adapters and shoot 145 grain Ace Standards but I prefer the Magnus Stingers.
From: Kansasclipper
Date: 17-Feb-24 |
I got the 204 Victory weights in 50 grain and screwed them onto the back of the inserts. They work just fine. I put a little string wax on the thread so hopefully they don't vibrate loose. Maybe some loc-tite would be better since they are a slightly smaller diameter. With a 125 grain head I got the exact same weight as an insert with a 175 grain head. Since the weight does extend back about a 1/2 inch or more, maybe the spine changes slightly but will know when I bare shaft them.
From: Candyman
Date: 17-Feb-24 |
You could go with the 800 spine. I think they are 32" long to start with so you should be able to get a 125 grain head to fly good at some length.
From: Kansasclipper
Date: 17-Feb-24 |
Yea but I can't get the weight I want for a hunting arrow. These arrows now weigh 415 grains and 11.2 gpp. I am happy with that hunting weight.
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