From: Jason316
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Do any of you cut/grind/sand your grips when you get a bow? I recently went down a rabbit hole in researching Fred Bear's personal bow. He cut the shelf/grip/riser so he could shoot more off his knuckles. I actually tried it with a Black Hunter I had laying around with surprisingly fantastic results! Wondering if anyone else "makes a bow their own" when they get them or do you just mainly leave the grip as-is and adapt to it?
From: Jim Davis
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
I altered the grip on my Bear Polar. From the factory, the grip was more recurve-like and the bow is a reflexed longbow.
New shape lets me heel the bow in stead of using the thumb-forefinger web. Works for me.
From: Jason316
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
That's how I like mine as well Jim. I'm not a big fan of those pistol grips. I like the Hill/ASL style better. My favorite grip out of all of my bows is my Pearson 304. Probably the cheapest and most generic grip out of my whole collection but it just works for me. Some of my others like my KMag, Avenger, RWH, etc are great and all but take a lot more effort on my part to get the grip right for me to shoot it well.
From: Randog
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Done a few. Latest one I tried my hand at stippleing.
From: crookedstix
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
I never hesitate to bring out Mr. Rasp when I acquire a bow--Howatts, Hoyts, Brownings, you name it; they've all tasted my steel. I'm even considering the ultimate sacrilege of tweaking the grip on a Jack Howard, though I'm pretty sure his ghost will try to haunt me if I do.
From: JusPassin
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Done so many many times.
From: Orion
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Though I like some grips better than others, I've never found it difficult to adjust to most grips. I've taken a rasp to a few, which were just poorly constructed to begin with. I'd be reluctant do do it on an expensive, custom bow because it substantially reduces the resale value, and can even make it impossible to sell. I'd rather just sell the bow and find something that fits better.
From: wooddamon1
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
That stippling job looks great, mine not so much ;)
I've done it on several older bows no problem. I do it on every selfbow I make nowadays ;^)
From: Billy Singleton
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
I’ve done a few and wouldn’t hesitate to do more. When I get a new to me bow, I’ll try to adapt to the grip if it is close to what I like. If I just can’t get use to it out comes the rasp, or I get rid of the bow.
From: Randog
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Thanks Damon, this old bow was rough so I nothing to lose. Camo job when it warms up a bit more.
From: M60gunner
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Did the “Fred Bear” mod on my one SK. The hardest part was that first cut when I lowered the shelf. After that I had no issues using the belt sander to shape the grip. Some progressively finer sand paper and tru-oil and looks like it came off the showroom floor.
From: Phil Magistro
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
If its a Gamemaster Jet and you change it you should be brought up on charges. :) Best grip on any recurve.
From: Wudstix
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
I radiused my riser on a Damon Howatt Hunter flat shelf.
From: Mechanic
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
Yes, if you own it, make it fit you.
From: Gun
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
A Bear No Stripe riser I took a file to and a Milling machine when I was still working. The grip was kind of between a #2 & #3 and I prefer #2. Then cut the sight window out some for more center shot. Then had the whole riser re-finished repaired and refinished when it developed a crack at the bottom of the top latch
From: Gun
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
I had Jack cut some relief at the back of the rest for more feather clearance. I stippled it myself and he sprayed it. I think he may have offered that relief as an option after that.
From: Gun
Date: 08-Feb-24 |
That's a Little Grizzly longbow.
From: Lastmohecken
Date: 09-Feb-24 |
I am contemplating converting my Northern Mist straight Hill style grip, on my Classic, to a locator style grip. Has anyone else done that?
From: Buzz
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
When I bought my Checkmate Goldenhawk off of my friend Roy, he had changed the grip to a mild locator.
From: donnyjack
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
yes i have on a couple of bows i didn't like. I remember G. Fred Asbell saying in one of his books that back in the day before he started building his own bows "when I bought a new bow I would also buy a new file to rework the grip"
From: kat
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
I recently bought a Top Archery recurve from Amazon. It looked good with a two color riser, so I figured I would give it a try. When I got it; it did indeed look really nice, but the grip was much bigger than I like. It is a cheap Chinese bow, so I figured, what the heck, and out came the rasp. I worked it a little at a time until it fit me much better. I stopped with it just a bit bigger than I would have liked because I got nervous about it getting too weak around the throat. It is working for me, and with a little Tru-Oil, I am back in business.
From: George D. Stout
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
Probably a dozen of them, more or less. I've modified whole risers too. You make them fit.
From: Big Striper
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
I have worked over a few that didn't fit me the way I liked for them to, just file and sand. Kurt
From: longshot1959
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
I have reworked almost every bow I have ever owned, from Pearson junkers to Bear takedowns. Part of the fun of archery.
From: Catskills
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
Randog, that is very nice looking stippling. Is that done stipple by stipple with a Dremel or is there another trick?
From: Lastmohecken
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
I just may go ahead and change mine a little bit, one of these days. It's a pretty deep grip, so I don't think I would be compromising the strength of the riser, much. But I suppose, I would be reducing the potential resale value of the bow, if I ever decided to sell it.
From: 2 bears
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
Blacktail SnakeBit Elite high wrist eliminated.Just close your eyes h0ld your breath & attack. Sawed off first. Too much to rasp. >>>----> Ken
From: 2 bears
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
From: 2 bears
Date: 10-Feb-24 |
and finished >>>----> Ken
From: Rooty
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
From: Randog
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
Catskill, just a dremel. Keep the speed on med to high. Low seems to leave not so clean holes. My first go at it. Next one I'd draw some sort of pattern. Thanks for the kind words, lord bless.
From: Randog
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
Was warm enough yesterday so I did a quick finish up job on the bow. It was a rough wing nighthawk John williams edition so I put tips on it stipple it. Just going to be my fun bow.
From: longshot1959
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
There ya go! Now that bow is yours! Looks good.
From: Randog
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
Thanks Longshot, my funky rehab bow. 33#s
From: TGbow
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
My thumb knuckle, web of my thumb n hand, on my bow hand is sensitive to pressure so I have sanded just about every grip I've had on a wood riser takedown bow.
Recently got a metal riser, Topoint Slither , that really bothers me to shoot because of the pressure on my thumb knuckle.
From: crookedstix
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
That's a common complaint I have with many mass-market bows; lots of them leave too much wood right where the thumb knuckle needs to go.
I posted a thread a couple of years ago about reworking a 1965 Howatt Hunter to make it look and feel like a 1961; this photo was taken at the real moment of truth, when a bit more than a rasp was called for. Luckily, I have some specialized detailing tools for moments like this.
From: crookedstix
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
It looked scary, but the finished product--complete with its new knife-edge riser--came out just fine.
From: bowfitz
Date: 12-Feb-24 |
yeah dunnit browning wasp and it came out great.go instinctive
From: 2 bears
Date: 13-Feb-24 |
crookedstix Very nice. I like that. >>>----> Ken
From: BS
Date: 13-Feb-24 |
I like mine low.
From: Trap
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
I love 1960 Kodiaks but prefer the grip on a 1959 Kodiak so I’ve modified the grip on all of the 1960 Kodiaks I’ve kept for myself. I’ve also taken palm swell out of several Predators. The grip on a bow is everything. Don’t be afraid to put a rasp on one.
From: sagebrush
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
Did my bob lee riser,love it
From: firefighter
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
I cut some checkering in my 50th anniversary Bear riser.
From: firefighter
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
I cut some checkering in my 50th anniversary Bear riser.
From: firefighter
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
I cut some checkering in my 50th anniversary Bear riser.
From: firefighter
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
I cut some checkering in my 50th anniversary Bear riser.
From: firefighter
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
Sorry I was trying to post a picture. But it wouldn’t work.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 14-Feb-25 |
I changed the grip on a couple of mine, made them more to my liken. Figured you could shoot better if they felt better. Kurt
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