Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Low poundage harvests

Messages posted to thread:
_WhitePA_ 28-Dec-23
Old Shortstop 28-Dec-23
Lastmohecken 28-Dec-23
Lastmohecken 28-Dec-23
Clarcher1 28-Dec-23
Therifleman 28-Dec-23
Ybuck 28-Dec-23
Ybuck 28-Dec-23
Therifleman 28-Dec-23
deerhunt51 28-Dec-23
Kanati 28-Dec-23
Bob J 28-Dec-23
Jon Stewart 28-Dec-23
Curt 28-Dec-23
Lastmohecken 28-Dec-23
_WhitePA_ 29-Dec-23
pdk25 29-Dec-23
_WhitePA_ 29-Dec-23
pdk25 30-Dec-23
HEXX 30-Dec-23
iowacedarshooter 30-Dec-23
Lastmohecken 30-Dec-23
Jack Whitmrie jr 31-Dec-23
Jack Whitmrie jr 31-Dec-23
Jack Whitmrie jr 31-Dec-23
Homey88 31-Dec-23
24on48hunting 31-Dec-23
_WhitePA_ 01-Jan-24
Altitude Sickness 01-Jan-24
Tboughty 01-Jan-24
windwalker 01-Jan-24
dnovo 01-Jan-24
dnovo 01-Jan-24
dnovo 01-Jan-24
Wapiti - - M. S. 01-Jan-24
sagebrush 02-Jan-24
sagebrush 02-Jan-24
PhantomWolf 02-Jan-24
Stick Hippie 02-Jan-24
Biathlonman 02-Jan-24
Nemophilist 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
Yooper-traveler 02-Jan-24
B.T. 02-Jan-24
Stringmaker 02-Jan-24
Stringmaker 02-Jan-24
Deets 02-Jan-24
Gun 02-Jan-24
sagebrush 02-Jan-24
Schlaggerman 02-Jan-24
_WhitePA_ 03-Jan-24
Dicky Dickson 11-Apr-24
Magilla 11-Apr-24
Magilla 11-Apr-24
Krueger 11-Apr-24
David Mitchell 11-Apr-24
Red Beastmaster 11-Apr-24
Gun 11-Apr-24
pdk25 11-Apr-24
Jimmyjumpup 11-Apr-24
Phil Magistro 11-Apr-24
Kanati 12-Apr-24
B.T. 12-Apr-24
Jimmyjumpup 12-Apr-24
Elkpacker 12-Apr-24
Maclean 12-Apr-24
B.T. 12-Apr-24
Wildhog 12-Apr-24
David Mitchell 12-Apr-24
monkeyball 12-Apr-24
Bob J 12-Apr-24
Gun 12-Apr-24
born2hunt 17-Apr-24
Curlis 29-Apr-24
B.T. 29-Apr-24
RayJ 29-Apr-24
Pa Steve 29-Apr-24
pdk25 29-Apr-24
2003HARLEY 15-Dec-24
TGbow 15-Dec-24
HEXX 15-Dec-24
HEXX 15-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 15-Dec-24
TGbow 15-Dec-24
crazyjjk 15-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 15-Dec-24
TGbow 15-Dec-24
Kanati 15-Dec-24
olddogrib 16-Dec-24
M S -- Wapiti 18-Dec-24
pdk25 26-Jan-25
Supernaut 26-Jan-25
Huntsman247 27-Jan-25
Mr.Griz 27-Jan-25
M S -- Wapiti 27-Jan-25
pdk25 03-Feb-25
Wayne Hess 03-Feb-25
green valley gobbler 03-Feb-25
green valley gobbler 03-Feb-25
green valley gobbler 03-Feb-25
green valley gobbler 03-Feb-25
green valley gobbler 03-Feb-25
Pa Steve 03-Feb-25
Tundra 03-Feb-25
Tundra 03-Feb-25
pdk25 04-Feb-25
pdk25 04-Feb-25
pdk25 04-Feb-25
pdk25 04-Feb-25
Wayne Hess 05-Feb-25
pdk25 05-Feb-25
Kwikdraw 12-Feb-25
From: _WhitePA_
Date: 28-Dec-23

I would really appreciate if any of you would posts your 45#ish and under harvest photos and even the stories that go along them with bow and arrow info. Thank you in advance.

From: Old Shortstop Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 28-Dec-23

My brother took a nice Michigan buck this year with a 42# Firefly Messenger, 1916 arrow and Cutthroat single bevel broadhead. The buck was dogging a doe and he shot it while it was moving. Went through a rib going in, took out the lungs and sliced a rib on the offside, but did not pass through. 100 yard recovery.


From: Lastmohecken
Date: 28-Dec-23

Lastmohecken's embedded Photo

I took this doe with a 41# Greenstrip Bear Takedown with Grayling limbs. I was still nursing an injury and couldn't or didn't want to shoot heavier. I was using a heavy 687 grain arrow with a Grizzly singlebevel broadhead. My arrows were spined for a heavier bow, and didn't fly all that great, but got the job done on this on.

I might have let this one walk, but it was the first morning, and I had already been picked off by another deer. So, I shot quickly at this one, and didn't realize it was not that big. I made a pretty lousy shot, but still recovered it without too much trouble.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 28-Dec-23

Lastmohecken's embedded Photo

I killed this one, later the same day in the evening, first day of the season. I switched bows, because I wanted better arrow flight, same heavy arrows, and shooting my Black Widow 45#. I had to lean around the tree trunk, of the tree I was in and shot poorly, again, and it way too far forward and hit a lot of bone in the shoulder. The arrow almost made it but didn't get a pass thru. It's a wonder I recovered this one. It went probably 275 yards mostly downhill. Whether I am right or wrong, I do give credit to the heavy arrow, and long singlebevel broadhead for getting the penetration, I did get.

Low pondage bows will get the job done, but I do prefer a little heavier bow, and I am now back up to 50-55 pound bows. I have no doubt a 35# bow will kill deer just fine, as long as you shoot well and don't take long shots, and use the right arrows.

From: Clarcher1 Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 28-Dec-23

Clarcher1's embedded Photo

My eight point 198 pound (tape measure live weight) was shot November 13th in west central Illinois at my buddy's farm. The shot was at 22 yards from a treestand. The buck had been drinking at a waterhole only presenting a frontal shot so I waited for the buck to move and when he started to give me a broadside shot he saw me and started to lunge forward at the same time I released the arrow. The deer went down immediately at the shot and then I realized that the shot had gone high and cut the spine. He was still alive facing away from me so I shot again and put an arrow through his back that buried up to the fletching. After that arrow, he moved slightly giving me a quartering away lung shot. I used a 43 pound Black Widow PMAII bow with a 100 grain Magnus Stinger Buzzcut 4 blade on an Easton 6.5mm arrow weighing 400 grains. I was very impressed with this broadhead. Though the broadhead in the spine was severely bent and broke at the ferrule I was impressed with the power behind the shot to cause that broadhead to take on that shape. The other arrows penetrated very well. This was my first trad harvest with a 4 blade having always used two blade Magnus, Bear or Ace broadheads. Not worried any longer about using a 4 blade instead of a 2 blade with a 43 pound bow.

From: Therifleman
Date: 28-Dec-23

Therifleman's embedded Photo

I took this buck last November with an Al Kimery R/D longbow. I'm getting about 42# at my draw. Arrow was a Beman MFX w 125gr stinger 2 blade with a total weight of just over 400grs. Shot was very close and I watched him pile up less than 70yds away. Great blood trail on this one as entry severed the main artery above lungs and proceeded down.

From: Ybuck
Date: 28-Dec-23

Ybuck's embedded Photo

From: Ybuck
Date: 28-Dec-23

^^^above doe^^^38# Bear Kodiak Hunter. 653 grain arrow....Magnus 2 blade zipped through, stuck into ground other side

From: Therifleman
Date: 28-Dec-23

Therifleman's embedded Photo

I took this doe in October with my 62" 10X Toelke Whip that I'm getting 36# @ 26". Arrow was a black eagle vintage with a 3 blade 200grain VPA for over 500grs. Double lung with arrow exiting through opposite shoulder (meaty part no bone). Great blood trail and pretty short. I do put my time in tuning, practicing , and sharpening.

From: deerhunt51
Date: 28-Dec-23

Yep, 36# at 26" has worked for me as well. Deadly if well placed at 20yards or so.

From: Kanati
Date: 28-Dec-23

#40 for me. 560 gr arrow. Stinger 2 blade

From: Bob J
Date: 28-Dec-23

Bob J's embedded Photo

Shot this hog at about 20yds with 44@30" Thought Imissed as I could clearly see my arrow sticking in the dirt like I missed. It didn't go very far. Due to shoulder issues have now dropped to 40lbs and will confidently draw on any animal in range.

From: Jon Stewart
Date: 28-Dec-23

Doe with a 43# Northern Mist longbow, wood arrow with a stone point double lung and she went about 40 yards.

My wife shot her one and only deer with a 32# long bow, 1716 aluminum arrow with a 2 blade Black diamond hunting head.

From: Curt
Date: 28-Dec-23

Curt's embedded Photo

38# Black Hunter. Black tail buck two years ago.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 28-Dec-23

Looks like there's plenty of evidence to show that light bows can get it done.

From: _WhitePA_
Date: 29-Dec-23

Congrats to everyone. It feels lately that I am more comfortable shooting 42-44 lbs. I am hoping to make up some elk arrows for 44#

From: pdk25
Date: 29-Dec-23 threadid=206096&category=88#2721782

From: _WhitePA_
Date: 29-Dec-23

Link didn’t work for me.

From: pdk25
Date: 30-Dec-23

Search 35# enough

From: HEXX
Date: 30-Dec-23

HEXX's embedded Photo

40# BW KBV, one of two last year.

From: iowacedarshooter
Date: 30-Dec-23

iowacedarshooter's embedded Photo

40# pull 48"super kodiak, 6 yd shot went 50 yds with a double lung shot.

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 30-Dec-23

My nephew killed a nice doe, with my 45# Black Widow, today. I think he used a Simmons Swamp Shark on about a 500gr arrow. Distance was about 22 yards. He put it right in the rib cage about half was up, from a tree stand on the entrance, but did not get an exit. The entrance hole was impressive, however. It bled a lot and was easy to track and find.

From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 31-Dec-23

Jack Whitmrie jr's embedded Photo

This year 8pt

From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 31-Dec-23

Jack Whitmrie jr's embedded Photo

This years doe

From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 31-Dec-23

These are heavy bow kills 47#

From: Homey88
Date: 31-Dec-23

Great thread!

From: 24on48hunting
Date: 31-Dec-23

24on48hunting's embedded Photo

My first traditional bow kill was with a 45# Browning Explorer II. I shot her from the ground at 10 yards with a GT 35/55 arrow, Muzzy Phamtom 125 with 100gr insert. I got a foot of the arrow to pass through the off side shoulder. She ran a big circle and crashed right at my feet. It was over in 15 seconds.

From: _WhitePA_
Date: 01-Jan-24

Yes, this a great thread. Good pics and good info. Congrats everyone.

From: Altitude Sickness
Date: 01-Jan-24

Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

49# Bushman bow. mature Eland in top condition and weight. Some deer with 40- 45# self bows and traditional bows.

From: Tboughty
Date: 01-Jan-24

Shot a big doe in Michigan last year with a 46@28 Thunderstick Mag that measures 44lbs at my draw length (27"). Quartering away shot through one lung, liver, and heart. It stopped in her off side foreleg and she went about 60 yards. I actually prefer bows in the 50-60 range at my draw but I just love that bow and it worked great.

From: windwalker
Date: 01-Jan-24

Michigan doe in October 9yd shot from treestand 39# Northern Mist Baraga. Easton 1816 with 125gn Magnus1 head Total wt. 452gns.Insane blood trail

From: dnovo Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Jan-24

dnovo's embedded Photo

Let’s see if I can post pics. Couple years ago I had problems with ulnar nerve in my right elbow and couldn’t draw any bow for a month. I went to Texas javelina hunting with a new 43# longbow. Killed 2 with a bow I hadn’t shot before getting there.

From: dnovo Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Jan-24

dnovo's embedded Photo

I figured out how to resize pics.

From: dnovo Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Jan-24

I'm guessing I still have some things to figure out about pics.

From: Wapiti - - M. S. Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 01-Jan-24

Great pictures & stories good thread.

From: sagebrush
Date: 02-Jan-24

sagebrush 's embedded Photo

Bob lee 40lb

From: sagebrush
Date: 02-Jan-24

Judo tips,forgot to mention

From: PhantomWolf
Date: 02-Jan-24

Nice shooting Jeff!!

From: Stick Hippie
Date: 02-Jan-24

Stick Hippie 's embedded Photo

38# Bear takedown Cedar arrow Bear razorhead 10 yard shot

From: Biathlonman
Date: 02-Jan-24

Used a Zipper Nitro about #45 and a 30" 2016 tipped with an MA3 3 blade to shoot through a fair sized black bear last spring. Arrow weighed about 500 grains and didn't look like it slowed down going through the lungs.

From: Nemophilist
Date: 02-Jan-24

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

I haven't bow hunted with under 55# since 1973. 1971 I missed one doe and a few days later I killed a doe with a 45# Bear Green Fox fiberglass bow. And in 1973 I killed this buck with a 45# 1963/1964 Black Hawk Warrior recurve. Both with cedar arrows and Bear Razorheads,

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

Missouri 11, 38# Bear LE TD. 10 GPP ish. I was on a deep dry creek bed when he decided to walk by. He managed to get behind me and get into a deadfall. The wind shifted, he caught a whiff of me and bounded out to roughly 30 yards and stood broadside. He broke of a sticker and his G4,,definitely a bruiser.

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

Missouri 13. Redtail ASL at 38#. I called him in on a rattle/grunt session and he was kind enough to stand broadside at under 15 yards.

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

Upper Peninsula bear. 42# NM. Woodsman heads, he went down within 25 yards.

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

44# fall turkey. I believe I made those arrows out of DF.

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

Bear 59 right at 40#. Arrow shattered the femur on the exit. Great hunt with my dad.

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

Late season doe. Bear TD of some sort. 38-40#

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

38# ASL on a doe.

From: Yooper-traveler
Date: 02-Jan-24

Yooper-traveler's embedded Photo

Great 6 (for my land in the heart of wolf country). First buck I’d laid eyes on in 2 years up here. That’s is a 37# Satori with Morrison Max 6 limbs.

From: B.T.
Date: 02-Jan-24


From: Stringmaker
Date: 02-Jan-24

Stringmaker's embedded Photo

One I took this past November. Stalker Coyote, 56", 45 lbs.@28". 11 /32" DF arrow w/125 gr. Snuffer, 540 gr.


From: Stringmaker
Date: 02-Jan-24

Stringmaker's embedded Photo

No. 2 in November. Taken with a Wagstaff LB, 60", 47 lbs.@28". 5/16" DF arrow w/125 gr. Snuffer, 490 gr.


From: Deets Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 02-Jan-24

Good topic and nice pics congrats to all for your success.

From: Gun Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 02-Jan-24

Gun's embedded Photo

2022 Bull. 40# Bear TD 15yd shot While not a passthru it was double lung. Approx 40yd recovery, died in sight

Last years P&Y class Bull 43# Bear TD 13yd shot Again no passthru Went maybe 100yds total

From: sagebrush
Date: 02-Jan-24

That's big

From: Schlaggerman
Date: 02-Jan-24

2023 Wisconsin buck. Hoyt Satori with 44lb. Uuhka SX+ limbs. Magnus 125gr. Snuffer SS three blade broadhead, total arrow weight 435gr. Penetrated to the opposite shoulder, recovery about 125 yards.

From: _WhitePA_
Date: 03-Jan-24

Good stuff, awesome pics and stories.

From: Dicky Dickson
Date: 11-Apr-24

Gun, what broadhead were you using?

From: Magilla Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 11-Apr-24

Magilla's embedded Photo

Treadway Black Forest 46@28 , Easton carbon and 175 VPA 3 blade head 490 gr total arrow weight. Two holes but not a total pass through,

From: Magilla Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 11-Apr-24

Magilla's embedded Photo

Treadway Black Forest 47@28, same arrow as above. Complete pass through

From: Krueger
Date: 11-Apr-24

Krueger 's embedded Photo

45@28 Canadohta customs Marauder

From: David Mitchell
Date: 11-Apr-24

Those are some great pics and some outstanding bucks. It's interesting that now bows in the mid 40# range are considered low poundage. Back when I first started in archery most guys were hunting with that and bows from 40 to about 48# were commonly seen for sale in bow shops. It's pretty funny that once in a bow shop in those early years I saw a bow marked 60#. I figured there must have been some mistake in manufacturing that bow as I had never seen anything over 50#. LOL

From: Red Beastmaster
Date: 11-Apr-24

40 is the new 60.

From: Gun Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 11-Apr-24

Gun's embedded Photo

2023 P&Y Bull 43# Bear TD 190gr Cutthroat single bevel BH 100yd recovery

From: pdk25
Date: 11-Apr-24

Great Bull! Congrats! Pass throughs are overrated IMO.

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 11-Apr-24

It’s because we have become weaker

From: Phil Magistro
Date: 11-Apr-24

Weaker? Yes, but not necessarily by choice. Most of us are over 65 and have physical issues from slight to severe.

The truth is there was never a reason I needed to shoot 65# bows for ten or fifteen years. 40# will kill a deer just as dead with a lot less wear and tear on my body.

From: Kanati
Date: 12-Apr-24

Weaker or smarter? What phil said is smarter.

From: B.T.
Date: 12-Apr-24

The problem I have going lighter is after a few days the lighter bow “feels” the same as the heavier bows I shot the week before. There is no free lunch for this one.

From: Jimmyjumpup Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 12-Apr-24

Yes if we are weaker we have to go lighter. I dealt with with a shoulder surgery and now with this neck surgery.

From: Elkpacker
Date: 12-Apr-24

What about a mature bull elk

From: Maclean Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 12-Apr-24

Elkpacker, I won't hunt elk with anything less than low 50s at my DL. I'm sure someone will say they dropped a herd bull with a 42# bow, but that's the exception and not the rule.

From: B.T.
Date: 12-Apr-24

Eland and Moose are much larger than Elk.

From: Wildhog
Date: 12-Apr-24

I get smarter everyday. It comes with age :)

From: David Mitchell
Date: 12-Apr-24

Did you notice that bull moose Gun took with a 43# Bear TD?

From: monkeyball
Date: 12-Apr-24

I'm not set on "weaker" but rather "worn". Unfortunately we all are not genetically the same or even more so, have had a job that was not taking a toll on our body day in and day out.

That makes a HUGE difference in how long you are staying in the game.

When you start hearing built in clickers going off in your shoulders when you exceed a certain #age.......time to back off and shoot smart.

As Phil stated above, unless you are chasing after really big game there is no need to shoot a heavy bow, unless you want to, and that's AOK also, but necessary, no.

I say shoot as much weight as you can comfortably handle and keep your focus on the target without making a face and you will be good to go!

Good Shooting->->->->Craig

From: Bob J
Date: 12-Apr-24

And our lighter bows are soooo much easier to draw all the way on a very chilly morning and make the shot. A more accurate shot too.

From: Gun Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 12-Apr-24

I would not hesitate to shoot a Bull Elk with my set up now. I have increased about 3# now with new limbs. I hunted w 75# in my prime many years ago. Shoulder surgery 3 yrs ago. At 70 yrs old, takes a bit longer to recover.

I hunt close. Last years Moose called in to 13 steps. My farthest shot has been around 16 yds on Moose. Killed five members of the deer family last season. Moose was my farthest shot.

Technology now that wasn't known when I started and until recently is front loading arrows.

From: born2hunt
Date: 17-Apr-24

I shoot 45 to 50 lbs on all of my bows and have taken deer cleanly. My favorite is my longbow. FF strings really add some extra horse power. Search the thread "lets see some light bow kills." A lot of beatiful animals taken with low poundage.

From: Curlis
Date: 29-Apr-24

Curlis's embedded Photo

Shot this one Nov. 18th with a 44# Black Widow longbow.

From: B.T.
Date: 29-Apr-24

That’s a very nice buck deer. Talk about being in his prime.

From: RayJ
Date: 29-Apr-24

I wouldn’t consider 45# light by any means. I would consider 35# and under to be light. That is just my opinion.

From: Pa Steve
Date: 29-Apr-24

Beautiful buck Curlis!

From: pdk25
Date: 29-Apr-24

It's all relative, RayJ.

From: 2003HARLEY
Date: 15-Dec-24

Maclean X's 2 !!!!

From: TGbow
Date: 15-Dec-24

Great job fellas. For 49 years 95% of my bows have been 43 to 48 lbs at my draw length. Never needed more poundage..even when I was younger.

From: HEXX
Date: 15-Dec-24

HEXX's embedded Photo

From: HEXX
Date: 15-Dec-24

HEXX's embedded Photo

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 15-Dec-24

JMO, pounds don’t mean much.

“For 49 years 95% of my bows have been 43 to 48 lbs at my draw length. Never needed more poundage..even when I was younger.”

“Never needed more poundage”

OK…. What have you hunted?? And what’s your DL?

JMO, if it’s true that a good, #50 recurve “will shoot through anything in North America “…. Then #43-#48 really isn’t all that “light”.

OTOH…. When is #50 NOT #50? When you have a shorter DL.

EVERYTHING about a long DL extracts more performance from a bow; it’s inescapable. So #45@30” is not really all that light for Elk, but #45@26” is arguably NOT overkill for deer. My brother is shooting #45@28” Uukha ILF limbs at about a 29.5” DL, and sends a 570 grain arrow at 170 fps. I don’t know how many pounds I need to pull to send the same grains at the same speed, but probably at least #55 off the fingers.

From: TGbow
Date: 15-Dec-24

I've hunted mostly whitetail deer with a 28" draw length.

From: crazyjjk
Date: 15-Dec-24

crazyjjk's embedded Photo

Korte copy of 59 Kodiak. 44# at 28. I draw 26 inches which is 40# on my scale. Dark timber arrows with 150gr Magnus 2 blade broadheads. Arrows weigh 390gr total. Complete pass through. Buck ran 50 yds.

From: Corax_latrans
Date: 15-Dec-24

“mostly whitetail deer with a 28" draw length.”

So JMO, you’re shooting an entirely suitable and sensible poundage for what you’re after. Not “low poundage” by any means. Great choice in every way.

As long as you’re tuned ;)

From: TGbow
Date: 15-Dec-24

I would t hesitate to shoot a whitetail deer with a 40 lb bow at my draw length with a sharp broadhead. I've know folks that have killed deer with 35 to 40 lbs consistently.

From: Kanati
Date: 15-Dec-24

Like I said I shoot #40 at whitetails. When a guy shoots two moose with 40and 43 enough said! Geez!

From: olddogrib
Date: 16-Dec-24

olddogrib's embedded Photo

Does it count as "low poundage" if it still has spots? Oh, never mind, you're talking about the bow!

From: M S -- Wapiti Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 18-Dec-24

Congratulations all great pictures & short stories.

From: pdk25
Date: 26-Jan-25


From: Supernaut
Date: 26-Jan-25

Supernaut's embedded Photo

Killed this buck in 2018 with my 45# Kodiak Magnum. This bow is 42# at my draw length.

From: Huntsman247
Date: 27-Jan-25

Good stuff

From: Mr.Griz Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 27-Jan-25

Shot placement and sharp B/H ( COC ) trumps anything,that we can dream up.

From: M S -- Wapiti Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 27-Jan-25

247 x 2! Sure is !

From: pdk25
Date: 03-Feb-25

Gonna post a few once I figure out how to resize for free

From: Wayne Hess
Date: 03-Feb-25

Waiting ,pdk and enjoying this thread

From: green valley gobbler Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

green valley gobbler's embedded Photo

Some great bucks and a great thread! A few low poundage, Pennsylvania whitetails... Maple Hill Custom Bows, 40@29, November 2023...

From: green valley gobbler Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

green valley gobbler's embedded Photo

Maple Hill Custom Bows, 42@29, November 2023...

From: green valley gobbler Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

green valley gobbler's embedded Photo

Maple Hill Custom Bows, 45@29, Mid October 2024...

From: green valley gobbler Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

green valley gobbler's embedded Photo

Maple Hill Custom Bows, 40@29, Mid November 2018...

From: green valley gobbler Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 03-Feb-25

green valley gobbler's embedded Photo

Gillo G2 Riser with Uuhka mediums, 43@29, Early October 2020...

From: Pa Steve
Date: 03-Feb-25

Some really beautiful bucks green valley gobbler. Congrats.

From: Tundra
Date: 03-Feb-25

Tundra's embedded Photo

46# Black Widow 19 yard shot complete pass thru gold tip 3 blade Wensel.

From: Tundra
Date: 03-Feb-25

Tundra's embedded Photo

46# Black Widow 19 yard shot complete pass thru gold tip 3 blade Wensel.

From: pdk25
Date: 04-Feb-25

pdk25's embedded Photo

These pics are 2 javelina and 2 hogs taken with an old Paul Bunyan 100 fiberglass bow that was 40@29. The picture with the lighter colored Hog has my Talltines sticker in it because I recovered the hog the following following morning and that is the bill I had with me.

From: pdk25
Date: 04-Feb-25

pdk25's embedded Photo

These pics are 2 javelina and 2 hogs taken with an old Paul Bunyan 100 fiberglass bow that was 40@29. The picture with the lighter colored Hog has my Talltines sticker in it because I recovered the hog the following following morning and that is the bill I had with me.

From: pdk25
Date: 04-Feb-25

pdk25's embedded Photo

These pics are 2 javelina and 2 hogs taken with an old Paul Bunyan 100 fiberglass bow that was 40@29. The picture with the lighter colored Hog has my Talltines sticker in it because I recovered the hog the following following morning and that is the bow that I had with me.

From: pdk25
Date: 04-Feb-25

pdk25's embedded Photo

These pics are 2 javelina and 2 hogs taken with an old Paul Bunyan 100 fiberglass bow that was 40@29. The picture with the lighter colored Hog has my Talltines sticker in it because I recovered the hog the following following morning and that is the bow that I had with me.

From: Wayne Hess
Date: 05-Feb-25

Good pork, wonder how the javelina cook up. Taste like

From: pdk25
Date: 05-Feb-25

My dogs like it, lol. We make freeze dried treats for them. It is OK as chorizo, but overall, I am not that big of a fan. Pretty sure that around 90% of the protein in my body is made up of pork though, lol.

From: Kwikdraw
Date: 12-Feb-25

Kwikdraw's embedded Photo

43# Border CH, 46#@my draw, 612gr woodie w/ 150gr SB Griz, complete pass thru, 18yds, dbl lung, 150yd recovery, no blood trail at all! Luckily, very well treed mesquite flat w/ no tall vegetation!

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