From: Pappy 1952
Date: 03-Dec-23 |
I have had a lot of calls people wanting to know the dates for 2024 so decided to post it a little early, guess people have to put in for time before the first of the year, anyway here it is May 3/4/5 range opens noon on the 2nd and if you are competing your cards have to be turned in by 3pm Saturday the 4th,awards right after raffle drawing and just before pot luck about 5pm .Some have ask why we did this , the reason is on Sunday most that come from far off are packing up and heading home so their would be no one left at the time of the awards, this way we have a big turn out for the awards and I think that is pretty can still shoot for fun through 2pm Sunday the 5th.Hope some of yall can make it.Also please help me spread the word, Sorry no Pets. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 04-Dec-23 |
Craig, I’m sure you would enjoy the Classic. Yes the range opens Thursday at noon, so actually it’s May 2-3-4-5. It really is a Great shoot, people come from all over.
From: Boker
Date: 04-Dec-23 |
Lord willing I’ll be there.
From: Darryl/Deni
Date: 04-Dec-23 |
Going to make it this year for sure.
From: rabbitman
Date: 04-Dec-23 |
Went last year and had a great time. Planning on being there this year. Some of the best target set ups you'll ever see.
Date: 04-Dec-23 |
Last year was my first, it was a bucket list thing that I assumed would be a one time thing. But , I’m planning on coming back this year, good lord willing.
From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 04-Dec-23 |
I plan on going this year again , great shoot!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 07-Dec-23 |
Thanks guys, as always looking forward to seeing yall. Pappy
From: Clydebow
Date: 07-Dec-23 |
Nancy already put it on our shoot list.
From: CrowFoot
Date: 07-Dec-23 |
I am looking forward to it, can't wait to get back after it!
From: BigB
Date: 07-Dec-23 |
Always a great shoot
From: Gaur
Date: 07-Dec-23 |
Looking forward to it. Will be my 4th straight year
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 18-Dec-23 |
Thanks guys, had a meeting Saturday, last for 2023, man where does time go,already making plans, we are planning on cleaning up some more camping areas and also started thinking about target lay out, and ranges,we try and put a lot of thought into the target set ups and takes a lot of time and in put by all so we get started early :) Hope yall all have a Blessed Christmas and prosperous 2024.See ya in the Spring. Pappy
From: BigJim
Date: 18-Dec-23 |
I travel to 10 events every year and enjoy all of them a great deal. This however is the best of the best! and that's not due to sales for me. bigJim
From: dnovo
Date: 18-Dec-23 |
Came there for the first time last year finally. I am already thinking about being there this coming year. Awesome place.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 19-Dec-23 |
Thanks, kind words are much appreciated, we had a lot of people come for the first time last year, all seem to have had a good time and most told me they planned to come back, that is always so good to hear. All I can say is we try to ensure everyone has a good time and as comfortable as possible under what ever conditions we are given.As always looking forward to it, it's like a big family reunion to me and Miss Joanie. Lots of old family and new arrivals each year :) Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 19-Dec-23 |
Hoping I can make the trip this year, always wanted to see what it's all about down there. Looks like a blast.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 19-Dec-23 |
Come on down Damon, if you want to see a lot of Bow building going on and the Best Target set up’s you will ever see. I’ll be looking for you. Kurt
From: rbatect
Date: 19-Dec-23 |
If you havent gone to this shoot , you need to , its a wonderful site , Pappy and his crew are terrific . It's a GREAT archery site.
Richard Barron
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 26-Dec-23 |
Love to have you Damon, I think you would enjoy it, Thanks Richard and Kurt for the kind words always appreciated. It always make me proud when I hear people say it has always been on their bucket list.:) Pappy
From: Jimmy
Date: 26-Dec-23 |
I believe I'll make the 5 mile trek over there ;-).
Look forward to meeting some of you. Please say hello if you see me around.
From: Clydebow
Date: 26-Dec-23 |
Jimmy, Hope you can stay awake during your long drive.
From: Bubs Daddy63
Date: 26-Dec-23 |
Do you have a vendor list yet
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 30-Dec-23 |
Got a vendors list started,we usually have around 40, most come back each year but I always check after the first of the year to be sure they are still on, life happens and sometimes we loose a couple and pick up a couple in their place.Always pretty booked up and 40 is about all we can handle, as of now ones that have already called and confirmed are, BigJim /Black widow bows/Poppen moccasins/Ace [Bob] /JP Enterprise /Steve Kitchen[used bows] I will up date after the 1st and I have checked in with the others. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 01-Jan-24 |
The vendon list is growing :) Chad weaver BCY string/Selway Archery/Great Northern quivers/Rock Pile/Ryno bows/Bow-nafied targets/Asbell Wool/3 rivers archery/James Parker bows/Treadway bows/Emerald archery. More to come I am sure, usually most anything you need or want will be there. Pappy
From: Jim Davis
Date: 01-Jan-24 |
Plan to bring my Reparrows again. Other stuff too 8-)
From: Matt Steed
Date: 01-Jan-24 |
Can’t wait.
It’s a great shoot with great people.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 02-Jan-24 |
Got you down Jim, always count on you. Pappy
From: THarris
Date: 02-Jan-24 |
Be here before ya know it Pappy.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Terry Harris
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 03-Jan-24 |
Thanks Bill, got you down for the same spot.:)Great people and fine looking bows to boot. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 03-Jan-24 |
Last booth under the shed.:) Pappy
From: BigB
Date: 03-Jan-24 |
One of the best shoots around! Can’t wait
From: John Sullins
Date: 03-Jan-24 |
Everyone likes this event. Best target set up of them all.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 03-Jan-24 |
Twin Oaks, what a beautiful place, the best target set up’s and a lot of good people. My favorite.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 05-Jan-24 |
Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words.:) Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 07-Jan-24 |
Hope you can make the trip some day Michael, I think you would enjoy it. Pappy
Date: 07-Jan-24 |
I’m thinking of trying flint knapping this year, what supplies should a fellow plan to bring for that ?
From: Kelly
Date: 07-Jan-24 |
Pappy, the email on the poster above is that connected to you?
Sent an email to that address last week with no response.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 08-Jan-24 |
Kelly That is for our web site, sometimes it don't get responded to very quickly,:( try this one, it is to me [[email protected]] Pappy
From: Tradarcherychamp
Date: 08-Jan-24 |
We are looking forward to our favorite shoot! Wouldn't miss it for anything!!
From: Kelly
Date: 08-Jan-24 |
Pappy I forwarded the email to that address. Thanks
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 09-Jan-24 |
You plan on setting up in the same spot Julia ?? Got it saved for ya. :) Kelly I sent you an Email this morning. Pappy
From: Clydebow
Date: 09-Jan-24 |
Waiting for the Classic is almost like waiting for a new bow!
From: Tradarcherychamp
Date: 09-Jan-24 |
I will set up whoever you want me, Pappy! But we do like that spot.
From: Tradarcherychamp
Date: 09-Jan-24 |
I will set up whoever you want me, Pappy! But we do like that spot.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 11-Jan-24 |
Thanks Julia ,I will put you down , same spot as always. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 16-Jan-24 |
Man I hope the weather isn't like this at the Classic,3 to high of 15 and snow, cold for us Tennessee folks. :) Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 16-Jan-24 |
Pretty similar weather here Pappy, I like for it to cool down for hunting season but it doesn’t have to get this dang cold. Thinking it will be a little warmer for the Classic. Sure hope so !
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 19-Jan-24 |
I hear ya Kurt, looks like we are going to get another couple of days of this and then some warm up, going to be sloppy around here but at least don't have to worry about pipes and stuff freezing up.I really like winter but this makes me look forward to spring.We got a club meeting tomorrow morning so with good friends/a good fire and some fellowship it will be bearable.:) Pappy
From: Clydebow
Date: 19-Jan-24 |
Last Sunday was the last day of deer season. 10 to 18 mph wind and minus one. Friend and I got up at his farm at 5 am. Got dressed. At 6:15 we peeked out the door, looked at each other, and said "Nope"!
From: BigStriper1
Date: 19-Jan-24 |
Clyde I hunted Friday and Saturday evenings, but Sunday. Nope. Should be a little better by time the Classic gets here.
From: alphamale
Date: 20-Jan-24 |
I’m gonna do my best ta show up’ I’ve had something always come up for the last 6 years that I had ta take care of, maybe I’m gonna get ta come this year, >———->
From: BigStriper1
Date: 21-Jan-24 |
It seems like it just keeps getting better every year, hope you can make it.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 28-Jan-24 |
Hope things work out Anthony, would love to meet ya. Thanks Kurt, we try.:) Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 06-Feb-24 |
Getting the wood pile ready for the Classic, lots of camp fires that require a lot of wood. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 06-Feb-24 |
Also cutting and grinding feathers for the trophy plaques, time to get busy, it will be here before you know it. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 06-Feb-24 |
Pappy it’s always nice sitting around the fire at the Classic. No telling what kind of interesting story you might hear when your with good friends.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
Got the T Shirts ordered for the Classic, hope everyone likes them, Black shirt with white lettering. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 11-Feb-24 |
Looks good, I’m ready.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 15-Feb-24 |
Me also Kurt, we are in the getting ready mode, lots to do and lots of winter clean up, getting more gravel and opening up a couple more small primitive camp areas along with all the other stuff that needs to be done, and of course working on the ranges.We have an open shoot in a few weeks so that really gets us into the get ready mind set. :) Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 16-Feb-24 |
Shirts look awesome, Pappy!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 18-Feb-24 |
Thanks Damon, hope you make it if not remind me and I will bring you one when I come to MI. :):) Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 18-Feb-24 |
Awesome! Looks good so far for the trip down. Most likely I'll be tent camping. Got a nice, secluded spot on a creek by chance? ;)
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 19-Feb-24 |
Great news,Not sure how secluded it will be especially late in the week , but got some nice spots close to the creek. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 19-Feb-24 |
I figured it would be kinda packed, actually don't mind it too much once in a while especially with kindred spirits :)
Wish I could get away for the week, but looks like early the Thursday of the main event is the soonest I can boogie down there. Already pretty excited!
From: CrowFoot
Date: 19-Feb-24 |
Good Looking shirts pappy. It's about to get kicked off. Man I Love this stuff!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 21-Feb-24 |
Lots of like minded people around for sure Damon, look forward to seeing you, I think you will enjoy. Thanks Goob, we picked them up yesterday and look as good as I thought they would,:) yep spring and summmer in about to become very busy with all the great shoots going on, see you this weekend at yalls !!! looking forward to it. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 23-Feb-24 |
Likewise, Pappy. I'm sure I'll love it. I'm waiting on some warmer weather to set my camp up and make sure I'll have all my stuff in order and ready to go. Wish I could make it for a whole week, maybe next year for that!
From: Big Striper
Date: 23-Feb-24 |
Damon you will Love the Classic, there's a whole lot of Bow building going on. And a great shoot on top of that, looking forward to seeing you, to bad you cann't make a week long trip out of it like my Brother and I do, there and Elm Hall. Kurt
From: wooddamon1
Date: 24-Feb-24 |
I'm sure I'll love it, Kurt. I'm finishing up a bow now from a belly split off the stave I got from you guys at Elm Hall. I'll post it up soon if it survives shooting in. Hopefully it's gonna be my Classic bow. Looking forward to seeing you guys!
From: Big Striper
Date: 25-Feb-24 |
Always good to see you Damon, sure hope the stave holds up to be your Classic bow. My buddy says he has a lot of really good staves he will be bringing to the Classic this year.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 26-Feb-24 |
Can't wait to see it Damon, Miss Joanie picked up the hats for the Classic, I think they look pretty cool. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 26-Feb-24 |
Those turned out nice!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 27-Feb-24 |
Thanks Damon, I thought they turned out nice also. Pappy
From: Big Striper
Date: 28-Feb-24 |
Well I had my 5 year Colonoscopy this morning and all went well, No Polyps and Blood Pressure 110/67, still a little short of breathe when out and about but thats usual for me. Can't wait to see you Pappy and my good Twin Oaks Crew friends, and All of my Shooting friends I have made over the years. Only about 2 months away now. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 29-Feb-24 |
Glad it went well Kurt, Looking forward to seeing you and Steve also. We have a meeting and working Saturday to do some clean up from the winter and also open up some more primitive camping areas.Always trying to stay a head in having places for people to camp in some what peace. :) Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 29-Feb-24 |
That sounds good, Pappy. Might have to get down there a little earlier if I can swing it and get a nice spot.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 01-Mar-24 |
Early is good Damon,:) seems to get pretty busy by late in the week,but most all that come are very good people and usually a pleasure to camp around, also get to meet new friends which I have done for years, meet a lot of people that have turned into great friends camping at these kinds of events. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 01-Mar-24 |
Steve and I and our buddy Eric and family and trying to get there the weekend before, the longer we’re there the more fun we can have. Kurt
From: Big Striper
Date: 02-Mar-24 |
Well I figure it I get there the Friday or Saturday the week before I'm kinda pushing the limit with the Wife, so I might not quite make it 10 days early. I'll kinda settle for that. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Had a good working this passed weekend, got about 10 more tent camp areas cleaned and the wood pile in shape for the Classic, we use a lot of wood at the Classic but I think we have it covered. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Should be a good peaceful place to camp, we are always trying to add some new area to camp, seems every year they just keep filling them up, guess that's a good thing. :) Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
We try and stack a little wood around also. Pappy
From: Shag
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I really need to try to make it back this year. I’m not too far away…Cookeville, TN area. But it always seems to hit at prime bowfishing time. It’s been several years since I made the trip. Last people we spoke with before leaving were Fred and Teresa Asbell. I told my daughter to remember that meeting…she had just met a traditional bow hunting legend.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Hope you can make it back Brandon, you can meet some pretty cool people there for sure and at a lot of these kinds of gatherings.I have meet so many good people over the years doing this stuff and most have became very good friends.It's like one very big family to me. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 17-Mar-24 |
Trophies almost ready for the Classic, just a few more and I can mark that off my list.:) Pappy
From: Big Striper
Date: 18-Mar-24 |
Looking good Pappy,get them done so you have more time to do something else. HaHa, Be here fore we know it and I'm sure looking forward to it. What a wonderful week of Bow shooting and Fun with Friends. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 19-Mar-24 |
Ya Kurt had 5 loads of gravel brought yesterday, we pray for dry weather but you never know what the Good Lord has in mind, so we try to do all we can to make things more pleasant in case it's wet.Always lots to do to get ready but we are knocking it out little by little. Pappy
From: BigB
Date: 19-Mar-24 |
Looking forward to this shoot. Lord willing we will be there Friday morning. Always a great time.
From: wooddamon1
Date: 19-Mar-24 |
Figured I'd ask this here in case anyone else is wondering. What's the water and shower situation? Bringing your own portable shower ok? Asking because I'll be driving my little SUV down and space will be kinda limited for big jugs of water, but I have no problem running to buy some if I run out. Thanks!
From: BigStriper1
Date: 19-Mar-24 |
Pappy has a hose there to fill your water jugs, he also has a nice Shower, first come first served. Shower is open 24 hours, just get in line and wait your turn. Kurt
From: wooddamon1
Date: 19-Mar-24 |
Awesome! Thanks Kurt!
From: BigStriper1
Date: 19-Mar-24 |
Your welcome Damon, I’m sure you will enjoy.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 20-Mar-24 |
Thanks Kurt,you just about covered it, we also have fire wood on site. Pappy
From: Big Striper
Date: 21-Mar-24 |
Yea I would like to make more shoots but I'm on a limited income and my partner isn't into shooting as much as I am so I don't go far by myself,but he sure likes to socialize and he loves the Classic,Cloverdale and Elm Hall so I'm pretty good with that, miss all you guys from Twin Oaks and looking forward to seeing you all. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 24-Mar-24 |
Ya I don't make as many shoots as I use to but still really enjoy the ones I do go to. The new buttons came in for the Classic and selfbow challenge, I think they look great ,hope everyone likes them. Pappy
From: Big Striper
Date: 25-Mar-24 |
The Buttons look good Pap, yea when you don't go to many shoots you have to enjoy the ones you do go to. I have made many, many friends at Twin Oaks, not just the good friends I have made with most all the people that make the Shoot happen but the many friends from around the world that come there. Love that place and I'm only a Month away from being back. Kurt
From: 14cm
Date: 25-Mar-24 |
Is there camping room available? I have a 10' enclosed trailer.
Is there also a swap trade area? I have 2 bows I would like to sell.
From: Big Striper
Date: 25-Mar-24 |
There are lots of camping spots, earlier you come the better spot you get. If you need electrcity, bring a quiet generator. Johnny on the Spots in camping areas, if you want fire wood Pappy has plenty. There is a shower available just get in line,first come first served, open 24 hours.Water and Ice also available. If you need more info, come back. Kurt
From: Clydebow
Date: 25-Mar-24 |
Yes, There is a blanket sale.
From: Big Striper
Date: 25-Mar-24 |
Danny I forgot about the blanket/swap which I beleive is Friday afternoon/evening and a Pot Luck dinner Saturday evening. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 26-Mar-24 |
Thanks guys, again yall have about covered it for me.:) Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 27-Mar-24 |
Pappy we know you have a lot of things to do to get ready than sit on the computer, so we do the best we can to keep people up to date. Just trying to help everyone out.
From: wooddamon1
Date: 27-Mar-24 |
I need some nice weather so I can set up camp and take inventory. It's been a while since I've tent camped, I'm looking forward to it. I have a nice camper, but at these gas prices no way am I dragging that thing down there with my truck :)
I'm as excited about the Classic as I am about turkey season. Maybe I'll get lucky and shoot one before I get down there. If not I at least get to come back to almost a month of season left.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 28-Mar-24 |
My Turkey season will long be over by then, Damon waiting about another week and then I'm going to open up the camper and make sure everythings right. Put the Propane tanks and battery back on and Charged,grease the bearings,check the Air in the tires. Won't be long now till the Fun begins. Kurt
From: Highlife
Date: 28-Mar-24 |
First time last year loved the course met some great people did well in the raffles. Shirts and hats look great. Looking forward to being there this year
From: r.grider
Date: 28-Mar-24 |
Knee replacement surgery April 12. Doubt i will make it this year.
From: Randy Corder
Date: 29-Mar-24 |
First timer here. Wife and I will be there.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 31-Mar-24 |
Should be there by this time next month, hoping the weather is this good.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 01-Apr-24 |
Ya Kurt it will be here before you know it, seems I am getting a lot of calls from first timers, we will try our best to show all of them a good time. Randy hope the knee replacement goes well, seem half the guys in the club has either had it done our getting it done, I am really Blessed that my knees seem to still be holding up well, other parts are wearing out but knees still good.:) :) Pappy
From: Clydebow
Date: 01-Apr-24 |
Hmmm? I might join that club. My left knee has been bothering me for over a month!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 02-Apr-24 |
Hope that gets better Clyde, you got a lot of walking to do over the next few months.:) Pappy
From: eddie c
Date: 02-Apr-24 |
There's hope for us guys facing knee surgery. I met a knee surgeon while working on a 3d range a few months back. He said knee surgery has gotten to be outpatient surgery these days and recovering is quicker.
From: WarDancer
Date: 02-Apr-24 |
it is still tough.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 03-Apr-24 |
My right knee has been bothering me for a few years now, I'll just keep plugging along until it get's to bad that I have to have somebody cut on me. HaHa. It doesn't bother me unless I'm walking. Kurt
From: BigStriper1
Date: 05-Apr-24 |
I should be heading to Tennessee 3 weeks from today with my brother and a good friend and his family, got to get a few things ready yet,be here fore you know it. Kurt
From: Clydebow
Date: 05-Apr-24 |
We are so ready!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 07-Apr-24 |
Yep I am also !!! spent the weekend getting the shop and pavilion all cleaned up and we also laid out the ranges, we try to change them up from year to year just to give it a different look, I think yall will like the lay out, now to start setting targets, we split up in 2 or 3 men groups and each group sets about 3 target set ups, pretty cool , it give the ranges a different flavor because everyone has a different opinion on what they like, works out with a pretty nice range usually. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 08-Apr-24 |
As long as I don't have to shoot over about 12 yards I'll be happy, Pappy :)
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
Might be a few over 12 Damon :) I should have a vendors list out shortly, got 38 lined up and as of now full, also have had a few questions on Dogs, please help me get the word out NO Dogs allowed, don't want someone show up not knowing and have to deal with that.Thanks. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 10-Apr-24 |
Pappy says, NO DOGS ALLOWED or PETS at the Classic. Hope you all remember that so there are no problems, cause we all want to have a Good time while we're there. Damon there are some longer shots but usually if the shot is long the Target is Bigger or BIG. You should have a real good time with all the Bow building and 3D targets, plus the place has a down home atmosphere. Just a little over 2 weeks before I head that way. See ya all soon. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 11-Apr-24 |
Thanks Kurt, I Love dogs but they have created quite a few problems over the years, including some bites, since I own the farm I just can't take the chance and really sorry about that.As for target set up, we are doing that now so i will be sure you have plenty to shoot at Damon,:) :) we try to set up a hunting style course so everyone can enjoy not just the top shooters, we always figured the cream will come to the top and the top shooters should be able to hit the short shots and not only the long.See yall soon. Pappy
From: Clydebow
Date: 11-Apr-24 |
There were no pets (500+ shooters) at the TradFest.
From: eddie c
Date: 11-Apr-24 |
Unfortunately my wife is having health issues and we will not make it camping this year. Since it's just 2 and half hour drive I plan to attend one day and shoot a round.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 12-Apr-24 |
Hope all goes well with her Eddie and look forward to seeing you also.We are working on the ranges now, should be a nice set up everyone can enjoy. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 12-Apr-24 |
I may be able to stretch it out to 15 yards or so guys ;)
Got my tent and camping stuff out and getting my stuff together. Won't be long now!
From: Clydebow
Date: 12-Apr-24 |
Say hello to your wife from us Eddie, and hope she gets better.
From: eddie c
Date: 12-Apr-24 |
Thanks Clyde.
From: Blackhawk
Date: 14-Apr-24 |
My good friend Steve Gorr is making his first trip south from Washington. He plans on bringing 4 or more of his famous Cascade Bows. The bows are new and ideal weights for most of us.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 14-Apr-24 |
That's great news, the more the merrier.Got a lot done this weekend, we got the big vendor tent set and over half the ranges, got to finish the ranges this week and do the mulching around the area and we should be getting close, the count down is on for us,people start rolling in the week before so only about 2 weeks till or friends start showing up. CAN'T WAIT!!! I thought this was a pretty set.:) Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 14-Apr-24 |
It looks good Pappy, l like it. I know you guys at Twin Oaks try to make the target set ups better and more interesting every year. And you sure do a good job of it, never a disappointment and that’s why everyone loves the Tennessee Classic. See you guys soon. Kurt.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 15-Apr-24 |
We try Kurt,:) a lot of work but a labor of Love. Pappy
From: eddie c
Date: 15-Apr-24 |
It's a lot of extra work but the scenario setups really add to the enjoyment of the event.
From: B.T.
Date: 15-Apr-24 |
Very nice setups, the shooters will have a great time.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 16-Apr-24 |
Pappy it looks like you guys are going to have some nice target sets again this year, I hope all's going as planned and you get done whatever else you have to work on. Steve and I have went over the truck and trailer and we think everything is in good shape. Just need to get packed and wait for Friday the 26th, hoping to be there around Noon. Just a little over a week now, see ya soon my Friend. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 17-Apr-24 |
We are trying Kurt, should get it all finished up by this weekend.Now if the weather will be nice to us we should be good to go. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 18-Apr-24 |
Looks like it's gonna be a really fun course, Pappy. Can't wait to get down there!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 19-Apr-24 |
Should get the ranges all finished up this weekend, still have a lot of signs and other odds and end to do but about ready. See yall in a couple of weeks, some of yall a little sooner.Can't wait. Pappy
From: Clydebow
Date: 19-Apr-24 |
Need to start making our packing list!
From: WarDancer
Date: 19-Apr-24 |
Roy and I should arrive Thursday late afternoon. Looking forward to a great shoot. Bill
From: BigStriper1
Date: 21-Apr-24 |
Yea you better git with it Danny, my brother Steve was putting groceries in my garage fridge this past week already. Sure looking forward to seeing everybody in Tennessee,hoping to be there Friday about noon. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 21-Apr-24 |
Great Kurt, got several coming in this coming weekend and just going to make a full week of it.We had a really good working over the weekend and I think we are ready as we can be.See yall soon. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 22-Apr-24 |
Pappy, is James Parker going to be at the Classic. My buddy Eric was suppose to bring some stuff for James and wanted to make sure he was going to be there. Kurt
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 23-Apr-24 |
Yes James is supposed to be there Kurt, Tuesday I think he said is when they are coming in but who knows with James :) :) .Won't be long now. Getting the place looking pretty good so we can mess it up over the next couple of weeks. :) Pappy
From: LongbowLogan
Date: 23-Apr-24 |
I'm getting excited, myself and the family will be there Sunday sometime to spend the whole week with like minded people! I might try to find a stave to buy so I can get a bow started since I'll be there the whole week. I've never built a selfbow so hopefully I can get some guys to point me in the right direction. See everyone there!
From: BigStriper1
Date: 23-Apr-24 |
Logan, they're will be plenty of people there to help you build a selfbow. And should be plenty Staves for sale. Good luck.
From: Ckanous
Date: 23-Apr-24 |
How early will coffee be ready, trying to decide on my coffeemaker to make it.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 23-Apr-24 |
I can’t help you with that, don’t use the stuff.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 24-Apr-24 |
The concessions for breakfast and lunch won't be open until Friday morning the 3rd May but will have snacks and drinks all week,I will have coffee about daylight :):).I will be headed down to stay until it is over this evening so won't be on here, if you have questions just call or text me on my cell 615-456-5961 and I will get back to you as soon as I can.See yall soon.!!! My favorite sign we have.Don't remember where I got it , but love it. Pappy
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 24-Apr-24 |
Don't know where that picture came from ???, the internet is so weird.
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 24-Apr-24 |
This is the sign. Pappy
From: wooddamon1
Date: 24-Apr-24 |
Have fun, Pappy! See ya in a week!
From: Pappy 1952
Date: 25-Apr-24 |
Headed down this morning to stay, drive safe everyone, see ya soon. Pappy
From: BigStriper1
Date: 25-Apr-24 |
Plan on leaving at about 6:30 tomorrow morning, should be there around noon. Might have to hook up in the rain but looking forward to getting on the road. Kurt
From: BigStriper1
Date: 26-Apr-24 |
Should be headed to Tennessee at 6:30, all we have to do is load the coolers and hook up the trailer.
From: Danel
Date: 26-Apr-24 |
Thinking about coming down Friday May 3. Will be arriving about 9:00 PM. What are the chances of finding a place to camp with a 17 foot travel trailer?
From: Clydebow
Date: 26-Apr-24 |
Thinking about coming down Friday May 3. Will be arriving about 9:00 PM. What are the chances of finding a place to camp with a 17 foot travel trailer?
It might be tough, but they will try to get you in.
From: Clydebow
Date: 26-Apr-24 |
FYI for anyone traveling south to 24 in Southern Ill. 24 is down to one lane past the 24/57 split.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 27-Apr-24 |
The weather has been good yesterday and today and real nice sleeping.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 27-Apr-24 |
The weather has been good yesterday and today and real nice sleeping.
From: Ckanous
Date: 28-Apr-24 |
What about fire rings, is there any or bring one, what do I need to do?
From: Clydebow
Date: 28-Apr-24 |
Bring one or use rocks.
From: Wallski
Date: 29-Apr-24 |
Hey, is anyone looking for yew staves, and yew stave billets? I’ll be there Friday and Saturday. Send a reply if interested.
From: Wallski
Date: 29-Apr-24 |
Hey, is anyone looking for yew staves, and yew stave billets? I’ll be there Friday and Saturday. Send a reply if interested.
From: Stkbow3
Date: 30-Apr-24 |
Will any vendors be open on Thursday? Can't make it on the weekend
From: Clydebow
Date: 30-Apr-24 |
There's 6 or 7 here now.
From: Kelly
Date: 30-Apr-24 |
Am hoping to show up tomorrow afternoon.
From: Jim Davis
Date: 01-May-24 |
Tomorrow noonish for me.
From: Ckanous
Date: 01-May-24 |
Man it looks like a rainout Friday, what is everyone hearing that's up there already for Saturday?
From: wooddamon1
Date: 02-May-24 |
Sunny and warming up here now.
From: Bentstick
Date: 02-May-24 |
Is the official range open to shoot today or just practice range
From: BigStriper1
Date: 02-May-24 |
Range opened at about 10:00 am this morning.
From: Ckanous
Date: 03-May-24 |
How's the weather now....
From: wooddamon1
Date: 03-May-24 |
Overcast with light intermittent rain.
From: Foxallan
Date: 04-May-24 |
Does anyone know how late you can begin the course today?
From: Foxallan
Date: 04-May-24 |
How late if not turning in a score card?
From: Foxallan
Date: 04-May-24 |
How late if not turning in a score card?
From: loprofile
Date: 04-May-24 |
Just got back from my first time. Only could stay for a day but it was beyond my wildest expectations. Tremendous property with massive oaks and hickories and the best course I have ever seen. Will be there for the whole weekend next year.
From: Blackhawk
Date: 05-May-24 |
I just left the Classic and have to agree about it being the very best. Steve Gorr flew down from Washington and was very impressed with all aspects. Pappy and the crew went way beyond outstanding with the event.
From: BigStriper1
Date: 05-May-24 |
I got back from the Classic a few hours ago, I missed 3rd place in Recurve by 3 points with a 398,ate well, seen a lot of old friends and met a few more new ones. The targets were great as usual, weather wasn't to bad, it was just a Great time, looking forward to next year.Pappy and the Twin Oaks boys did it again. Thanks to all of the Twin Oaks Crew. Kurt
From: Ragnall
Date: 05-May-24 |
Thanks to Pappy and all of the Twin Oaks crew. This was another great TN Classic.
From: Stick Hippie
Date: 05-May-24 |
Thank you so much to Pappy and the entire Twin Oaks crew for putting on a world class event! It was great to see old friends and meet new ones. I’d like to especially thank the guys helping out in the bow barn, your insight helped me bring a sweet bow home
From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Date: 05-May-24 |
Pappy hats off to you guys/gals who make this one of the best traditional shoots in the USA! This is 2nd time I've been and I'll be back!
From: wooddamon1
Date: 06-May-24 |
Yep, had a blast shooting and camping. Big thanks to everyone with a hand in making it happen. Unfortunately, I had to leave early Saturday morning after a pipe burst at home.
Met some great people and even had a Pappy burger for lunch Friday, good stuff :)
Picked up a beauty of a yew stave to try that stuff out and shot with some incredible selfbow builders/shooters. It won't be the last time I make the 9 hour drive down to gorgeous Tennessee.
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