Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Vintage 3D pics?

Messages posted to thread:
Wallace 19-Sep-23
Bearman 19-Sep-23
DanaC 19-Sep-23
Wallace 19-Sep-23
bowwild 19-Sep-23
Timbuck2 19-Sep-23
M60gunner 19-Sep-23
HEXX 19-Sep-23
Nemophilist 19-Sep-23
Nemophilist 19-Sep-23
jdbbowhunter 19-Sep-23
iowacedarshooter 19-Sep-23
The Whittler 19-Sep-23
mahantango 20-Sep-23
DanaC 20-Sep-23
HEXX 20-Sep-23
Wallace 20-Sep-23
Seneca_Archer 20-Sep-23
76Aggie 20-Sep-23
From: Wallace Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 19-Sep-23

I've done a search and the pickings were slim. Does anyone have any pictures of shoots around the beginning of 3D archery? I'd be especially appreciative of pictures that show the targets.

From: Bearman Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 19-Sep-23

I have pictures of old 3D targets in old archery magazines if that works? Not pictures from actual 3D shoots I don’t believe

From: DanaC
Date: 19-Sep-23

There was a fair collection at a club I used to belong to, but no idea if they still have those. Hand-made targets (Bigfoot!).

The introduction of Mackenzie targets changed - and exploded - the sport.

From: Wallace Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 19-Sep-23

Bearman, that would be great.

We coordinate two trad shoots a year at our club. I'm thinking of making some targets for a special "vintage" shooting area. Would love to see what some of the older targets were like.

From: bowwild
Date: 19-Sep-23

In the mid-70's we shot laminated cardboard with paper animal targets at the Lafayette, Bowman's range in Lafayette, Indiana.

In the mid-80's most clubs around Indiana were shooting 2-D which was 2-3" thick ethafoam shaped and painted to mimic animals. These targets were made by a family named Pottinger in Louisville, KY.

Sorry, I have no pictures because I was always out of flash-cubes!

From: Timbuck2
Date: 19-Sep-23

Thanks bowwild! Pottinger is the one I could not remember. Perrine and I think American Whitetail were making 2-D targets at that time also.

From: M60gunner
Date: 19-Sep-23

First time I was exposed to 3D was about 1973. Our club, Tinley Park Archers had a 3D deer shoot each. One of the club members had made molds which we poured liquid foam into. Moved west to AZ and we made the targets from multiple sheets of cardboard, a piece of rubber belting, then strips of paper soaked in plaster for the roundness of body. Then wrapped in cloth soaked with plaster. Then we painted them. Lots of work but cheap to make. No, they didn’t necessarily look like the critters but there was a resemblance. After I moved to CA I didn’t see any there until they became commercially available. Unfortunately the clubs I belonged to that made our own are long gone and any pictures with them.

From: HEXX
Date: 19-Sep-23

I used to belong to a club called " Falcon Archers " Cecil , Pa. I think it was Dick Zorn that started a yearly 3 D. Targets were made using a deer taxidermy form and paper mache' and flour paste, then painted. I don't know if the club would have any pictures (?)

From: Nemophilist
Date: 19-Sep-23

Nemophilist's embedded Photo

From: Nemophilist
Date: 19-Sep-23

I didn't shoot my first 3D shoot until 1988 after a got out of the U.S. Army. I'm sure 3Ds started long before that.

From: jdbbowhunter
Date: 19-Sep-23

Great pic Frank.

From: iowacedarshooter
Date: 19-Sep-23

i remember club shoots using paper targets back in the 1960s and going to some nfaa shoots that used paper. still had fun and great times!

Date: 19-Sep-23

That is such a great picture NEMO

From: The Whittler
Date: 19-Sep-23

Some of us could do a self portrait and it would look vintage, black and white of course. :-)

From: mahantango
Date: 20-Sep-23

When did 3D targets actually first become commercially available? My first shoot wasn’t until the late nineties, before that it was all paper on bales - field courses.

From: DanaC
Date: 20-Sep-23

^^ Early/mid 80's. Before that 3D shoots were pretty scarce. The club I belonged to then made enough to do two shoots in the fall. Another local club did one as well. *

When Mackenzies came out other clubs got into it. Now we have multiple area leagues to keep date conflicts to a minimum. On most weekends from spring to fall I have a choice of shoots within an hours drive. (I live in central Mass.)

(* Those first two clubs were 'Chicopee Rod & Gun' - later renamed to 'Granby Bow & Gun' - and 'Agawam Bowmen.' Both are still holding shoots as part of the 'Pioneer Valley' league.)

From: HEXX
Date: 20-Sep-23

Nemo, I was glad I got to know Dick, his wife and son.

From: Wallace Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 20-Sep-23

Wallace's embedded Photo

Here's a pic of a homemade 3D on the course at Forksville this year.

From: Seneca_Archer
Date: 20-Sep-23

That picture Nemo posted is Dick Zorn founding member of Falcon Archers. I shot with Dick many times.

I'm still a member of Falcon. Unfortunately we don't have any archival photos of the original targets.

From: 76Aggie
Date: 20-Sep-23

I remember the paper targets well. We also shot burlap targets with critters imprinted on the burlap.

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