From: moosehunter
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
As we closed the gap, the 2 hidden bulls made their way out from behind the Spruce tree cluster. This was it. It looked to be 30 yards, but there was no time to range the gap. I pulled an arrow as the biggest caribou led the 3 into shooting position, broadside. I slid my tab to cover completely my 20yd fixed crawl nail knot and released. The arrow was on the way and completely penetrated low but too far back. A gut shot. The 3 mountain caribou took off , 2 of them rearing up on their hind legs to spring forward. We ran to try and set up again for a follow up shot. My big caribou target, the biggest bull was hurt, he wasn’t keeping up and the two other bulls slowed, then stopped as if to wait on him. The possibility of losing this enormous bull due to a bad shot was trying to occupy my thoughts but I pushed it away and concentrated on making a perfectly executed follow up shot. I tabbed my crawl for 30 yds again, drew back, hit my anchor, checked my bow hand to relax my grip, closed my L eye, focused on the spot in my vision where my broadhead tip over laid the hair just behind his shoulder. The wind blew hard against me, but I held steady and the arrow sailed toward the caribou. As it smacked his hollow fur, it penetrated his spine and he dropped to the ground. The shot was way high. Running up to see him, he was still alive but unable to move so a final shot into his vitals at close range was necessary.
My guide congratulated me, we fist bumped and began admiring the beauty of this magnificent 6 year old bull. He has shovels, Bez’s, mass, length and 36 points. His white neck blended into his brown body giving him a distinctive majestic look.
From: Scoop
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
Nice. And an honest account of how hunting happens. Congratulations.
From: selstickbow
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
impressive animal BRYCE, thanks for sharing, and congratulations! Steve
From: arlone
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
That looks like a magnificent bull, congratulations! Thanks for sharing.
From: Zbone
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
Beautiful animal, CONGRATS!!!
Curious, what kind of bow, looks like some serious hooks?
From: Heat
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
Absolutely unreal! Big congratulations.
From: Stubee
Date: 18-Sep-23 |
Man, that’s a nice bull! Thanks for sharing the story.
From: Zbone
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Am not a scoring guru of caribou, but bet that big boy will make B&C for sure...
From: HRhodes
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Congratulations and thanks for taking us along.
From: sneaky
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Congrats on best boo I have ever seen. Great to see your accomplishment. Great read also. Would like to hear more about your gear.
From: Supernaut
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Beautiful animal, congrats!
From: Vaquero 45
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Big congrats Mr Bryce , yes agree would also like too hear about your bow rigg , poundage release ETC . BTW thats a heck of a string you got on there . Thanks again for shareing your adventure with us .
From: Dry Bones
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Thanks for sharing these stories and like others have said, congratulations on that bull.
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
OMG that is absolutely gorgeous animal good for you
From: Wayne Hess
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
A monster of a Bull Caribou very nice, Congratulations Bryce
From: Mike E
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Great story, heck of a Bull, Congrats.
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Wow. Nice. What a bull. Congrats
From: smrobertson
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Just a majestic animal to be taken with a recurve bow! Congratulations!
From: Tboughty
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Awesome story and a magnificent animal. Congratulations!
From: Buzz
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
From: Nrthernrebel05
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Beautiful animal. Congratulations
From: moosehunter
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Thank you all. For those who asked, my set up is as follows. 17” Das Generation 2 with ILF fittings and with Long Morrison Max 6 limbs, making a 62” AMO. Draw weight is 49lb at 30”. Black Eagle Rampage 5mm shafts with 4 feathers, 3” in length and tipped with a Valkyrie 3 blade 175gr head broadhead. Total arrow Weight is 545gr. I shoot today using a fixed crawl set for point on at 20 yds. I decided since the average distance for the 26 animals taken is 18yds, I could make adjustments for aiming on the fly and consistently be point on at 20yds. If I slide my tab up, and cover the nail knot, it is point on at 30yds. Unfortunately, in my excitement, I misjudged the distance on this guy. He was probably 34yds on my first shot and then maybe 27yds on the follow up. Thank the Lord for His Grace on this animal!
From: beemann
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Congrats nicely done and good luck to ya....
From: beemann
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Congrats nicely done and good luck to ya....
From: dnovo
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Beautiful animal! Congrats to you! As hunters we all know everything is not always perfect but the follow-up is commendable.
From: jrh24
Date: 19-Sep-23 |
Once again, nice job Bryce, Congratulations. John
From: Great Falls
Date: 20-Sep-23 |
Thanks for sharing your adventure and the honesty, outstanding trophy!
From: Gun
Date: 20-Sep-23 |
Yup, that's a good one. Congratulations!
From: moosehunter
Date: 02-Apr-24 |
Got my Montain Caribou score back. For those who asked, I’m posting it here. He came out to 382 2/8, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m so thankful for the experience and His grace and favor for this harvest.
From: Wayne Hess
Date: 03-Apr-24 |
More Great Memories, Congratulations Agin
From: Supernaut
Date: 03-Apr-24 |
Congratulations on a beautiful animal!
From: B.T.
Date: 03-Apr-24 |
Very cool story and hunt!
From: reb
Date: 03-Apr-24 |
From: Bowhogan 51
Date: 03-Apr-24 |
Great Animal and great story! Thanks for going into detail. Sometime things do not go as we plan when we are hunting. You kept your focus and did what needed to be done to finish this bull as quickly as possible. Good on you and congratulation on another amazing adventure. Joe
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