Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Never saw one used like this

Messages posted to thread:
Nrthernrebel05 24-May-23
George D. Stout 24-May-23
Bugle up 24-May-23
2 bears 24-May-23
Chairman 25-May-23
2Wild Bill 25-May-23
TradToTheBone 25-May-23
George D. Stout 25-May-23
Bob Rowlands 25-May-23
Steve P 25-May-23
joep003 25-May-23
Batman 25-May-23
2 bears 25-May-23
Runner 25-May-23
bodymanbowyer 25-May-23
B.T. 25-May-23
Steve P 25-May-23
Great Falls 25-May-23
Seneca_Archer 26-May-23
From: Nrthernrebel05
Date: 24-May-23

Nrthernrebel05's embedded Photo

First time for this style

From: George D. Stout
Date: 24-May-23

File it under everyone can't know everything. :) That said, if you're an archery, I can't imagine getting that wrong. I've seen left-handed rests on right-handed bows as well.

From: Bugle up
Date: 24-May-23


From: 2 bears
Date: 24-May-23

It must be the dickens to keep the arrow on. Might sell that bow cheap because it is so hard to shoot. >>>----> Ken

From: Chairman
Date: 25-May-23

For guys who only were exposed to compound bows and rests I can understand, if you are familiar with prong style or launcher rests.

From: 2Wild Bill
Date: 25-May-23

Sort of like the recurves with the string on backwards, a mistake.

From: TradToTheBone
Date: 25-May-23

Obviously someone didn’t know better. Maybe a newbie having trouble keeping the arrow on the shelf when drawing.

From: George D. Stout
Date: 25-May-23

Easy on here to be critical of anyone who does something seemingly silly. I bet there's a whole lot of things that a lot of you know nothing about. Maybe find something nice to say about someone, even if they're different, maybe it worked for them.

From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 25-May-23

That dude didn't know any better. I eff up all the time. So what?

From: Steve P
Date: 25-May-23

Easy fix. Sure is a nice looking piece of wood in that riser.


From: joep003
Date: 25-May-23

What the hey... I'd try it and see if it works.

From: Batman
Date: 25-May-23

Eyes dumb and doan gets out much! What am I looking on that bow? Somebody gimme a clue?

From: 2 bears
Date: 25-May-23

If I knew who & where I would contact them & offer help. >>>----> Ken

From: Runner
Date: 25-May-23

I'm not even sure what I'm looking at.

From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 25-May-23

Hey now that's my bow and it works great. JF

From: B.T.
Date: 25-May-23


From: Steve P
Date: 25-May-23

Runner, looks to me like they have taken an AAE arrow rest and applied it to the shelf instead of the sight window as it was intended to be used.


From: Great Falls
Date: 25-May-23

I think it’s meant to be amusing:)

From: Seneca_Archer
Date: 26-May-23

Used by a trick-shooter who cants the bow to fully horizontal....

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