From: arrowchucker
Date: 10-May-23 |
I’m in Northern Mn and hAve several of this trees in a wood lot near me.2” to 5” diameter. F,or the life of me I can’t identify them. Too early so no buds or leaves.fairly straight without many branches. Any ideas? There is a wealth of knowledge here so I might as well tap into the masters!
From: Orion
Date: 10-May-23 |
Like to see a close up of the bark, but it may be hackberry.
From: Red Dogs
Date: 10-May-23 |
Yeah hackberry from what I see
From: Dutch oven
Date: 10-May-23 |
Yes, it's a little difficult to tell from the picture, but I'd vote for a hackberry tree too.
From: Woodchucker
Date: 10-May-23 |
I’m gonna say young ash tree
Date: 11-May-23 |
That is not hackberry for certain.
From: DanaC
Date: 11-May-23 |
Does it look healthy of fungus-infected?
From: Timberking
Date: 11-May-23 |
I’m pretty sure that’s green ash. I’m in Northern Minnesota too….
From: tradslinger
Date: 11-May-23 |
doesn't look like the hackberry around here in Ark
From: BowAholic
Date: 11-May-23 |
If the limbs are mostly opposite then it's likely Maple, Ash, or Dogwood (MAD), so ash might be a good guess. It doesn't look anything like the hackberry around here.
From: selstickbow
Date: 11-May-23 |
not like several HACKBERRYs in my yard. wait for leaves to show.
From: Runner
Date: 11-May-23 |
From: tim finley
Date: 11-May-23 |
doesnt hackberry have smooth bark ?
From: crookedstix
Date: 11-May-23 |
Brown ash, basket ash, and black ash are all common names for Fraxinus nigra...which I believe is the tree in your photo. The test is if the bark is soft and puffy enough that you can press it flat with your thump, like you could to a piece of popcorn. This is the wood that Native American wooden baskets are usually made from.
From: selstickbow
Date: 11-May-23 |
not smooth bar, really rough & close together. See 2 pictures of a 6-incher in my timber edge. leaves are remotely similar to a water elm but not as round, ans hackberry leaves are always in cluters. See picture here of trunk bark and leaves' cluster in center of picture.
From: selstickbow
Date: 11-May-23 |
HaCKBERRY LEaf cluster, see center of picture.
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