Date: 03-Mar-23 |
I made this bow for my good buddy, Darryl Quidort. Some of you may recognize the name. It's 2012 cut hackberry. 64.5" ntn, 50 @ 27. The tips have osage over lays for the 10 strand D97 to ride in. The bow holds about 1.5" of reflex. It was heat tempered as all hackberry should be. It's a marshmallow without it. Its strength lies in it's elasticity. By hardening the belly you even up the fight between the back and belly making for a physically lightweight bow that whips an arrow down range.
From: fdp
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Very nice. What's that on the back?
From: Bjrogg
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Looks like it can’t wait to get outside Pearl.
From: Bjrogg
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Sorry I guess I was looking at it wrong. That is the back. Was thinking it was the heat treatment on the belly
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
It's just grey alcohol dye, Frank. He is 100% a hunter. So, I dyed the back only and then finished it in clear satin with no shine.
From: JMark NC
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Very nice. Where do you get alcohol dye? Is it the same as alcohol ink? Can you apply oil over it once it dries? Sorry for all the questions.
From: fdp
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
"It's just grey alcohol dye,"....I like it.
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
JMark. Feibings leather dye is a great start for the dye and it's cheap enough. Yes, you can apply any type of finish over it. I have used paste wax, various polys and tung oil over it with equally fine results.
From: Justcut
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Looks great!
From: Knifeguy
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Nice bow Chris. Glad to see you back at it! Lance
From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Real nice. I like the stick on rest.
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Thanks guys.
Bob, that's a chunk of antler from a buck I shot in 2013 with a BW PTFX I bought from Darryl. It came full circle :)
From: bentstick54
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Very nice looking bow. Thanks for sharing.
From: Stickbow Felty
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Awesome looking bow Chris. I bet it shoots great
From: Wayne Hess
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Looks pretty good to me.
From: MStyles
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Very nice.
From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
I like that one! Nice job! I like the hunter finish you put on it too. No shine:)
From: PA Bones
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
I recognize that name. Nice bow Pearl Drums! I’ve had good success with hackberry bows.
From: PA Bones
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
I recognize that name. Nice bow Pearl Drums! I’ve had good success with hackberry bows.
From: Supernaut
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Beautiful looking bow Chris!
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 03-Mar-23 |
Yeppers your right Chris. Crap pictures. But I know in person it looks 10 X's better. As I have one of your Osage bows. :) JF
From: Draven
Date: 04-Mar-23 |
That's a very nice selfbow!
From: JusPassin
Date: 04-Mar-23 |
From: George Tsoukalas
Date: 04-Mar-23 |
Love it! I don't think you can beat it! Jawge
From: Kwikdraw
Date: 10-Mar-23 |
Very well done!
From: crookedstix
Date: 10-Mar-23 |
Chris, could you say a bit more about the heat tempering? As in, what tools used, how much and how long, how you knew when to quit, etc.? Thanks--
Date: 13-Mar-23 |
I use a Wagner heat gun on high. Start by clamping it tight to the caul at the handle. Hold your heat gun at least 4" and up to 5-6" away from the surface of the belly, start at the fade. Hold it there until its a dark brown color. The object is to penetrate the wood with heat, not just turn the surface black and charred in 20- 30 seconds. It takes at least 30-40 minutes to do a typical limb. It should look like a marshmallow that is slightly over roasted. Once you get an area 5-6" long done you need to clamp it down to the form. This is the time you reflex and straighten as well as temper.
From: Bjrogg
Date: 13-Mar-23 |
As Del says
If you aren’t bored out of your skull by the time you’re done heat treating them your doing it wrong
It’s not a quick five or ten minute job
From: Steve Milbocker
Date: 13-Mar-23 |
I used to roast my marshmallows till they were black and on fire:)
From: ken techau
Date: 06-Apr-23 |
Great bow! Thanks for the heat treating info too.
From: Slayer
Date: 06-Apr-23 |
Very nice!!
From: Arvin
Date: 06-Apr-23 |
Nice build pearl!
From: Bob Rowlands
Date: 07-Apr-23 |
Nice bow Chris. I really like that glued on rest. I don't particularly care for selfbows with a cut out shelf.
Thanks for the photos!
From: RyanR
Date: 15-Apr-23 |
I like everything about that handle section. I didn’t know you still made bows:)
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