From: CD
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
Today's shot will be 16 yards from a sitting or kneeling position.
God bless,
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
16yrds 1 sitting 1 kneeling 60# Fedora 560 400 spine carbon arrows
From: Skeets
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
Nice shots! Nice arrows. I still like barred feathers. Nice camo hat!
From: Rooty
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
As called. Barbee's lil brother working good
From: Nemophilist
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
16 yards from a sitting and kneeling position.
Red nocked arrow First Shot - Sitting.
Yellow nocked arrow Second Shot - Kneeling.
1997 Bear Super Kodiak, 60#, Cedar Arrows.
From: Snow Crow
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
From a bear squat: First (vanes) low and left; 2nd (feathers) skewered Wilson's remnant; third (bareshaft) was center low.
Thanks CD.
55# Montana, 2117's.
From: sticshooter
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
Nice shooting guy's<><
From: Knifeguy
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
Shot the 58# Kodiak Magnum and a cedar arrow kneeling. That’s some good arrow flinging fellas, glad I didn’t ruin the streak with mine. Have a good rest of your day everyone! Lance
From: felipe
Date: 09-Apr-24 |
Raining here so I did the shot seated and huddled up under my patio umbrella, which required increasing the distance to 23 yds. Border unidirectional carbon Harrier and Axis carbon arrows.
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