From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Walmart or the auto stores in my area no longer carry reflective tape. It use to come in red and white rolls. I want to use it for wraps so it needs to be thin. Anyone know of a good source?
From: S Quinton
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Your local sign shop, they usually have scraps they'll give you. I've been using it for years. Devon Weldit glue work s great on it.
From: S Quinton
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
PS It's vinyl and holds up great.
From: CStyles
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Got mine at Menards, not real thin though
From: Olde style
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Hobby store maybe they carry light weight material for airplanes I used years ago.Don’t know what might be in your area.
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Found some at Home Depot. Thanks guys.
From: Gun
Date: 07-Mar-24 |
Jack, can you post a pix of what they look like under feathers pls?
From: Onehair
Date: 07-Mar-24 |
Harbor freight
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 07-Mar-24 |
Will do Gun. I like because they kill two birds with one stone. Gives me a wrap that the feathers stick to real good and also allows me to see my arrows to find my arrow or bow at night.
From: Phil Magistro
Date: 08-Mar-24 |
Please tell me you aren’t out hunting at night. :)
From: aromakr
Date: 08-Mar-24 |
Phil: Many states allow hunting predators at night.
From: Phil Magistro
Date: 08-Mar-24 |
Our state does too. I was just pulling Doc's chain.
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 08-Mar-24 |
No not out hunting at night but I have always used a lil piece of this glow tape on my arrows. This serves as that and a wrap. I have laid my bow up against a tree after dark tracking animals and this will also make it easier to find it.
Date: 09-Mar-24 |
I used to put a little piece of reflective tape at the nock end. I always used to shoot an arrow at a leaf or pine cone or something before climbing down in the evening. Made locating the arrow easy. I need to start doing that again.
From: Corax_latrans
Date: 09-Mar-24 |
Does the tape come in the right width to use as a wrap, or is there some trimming-to- size required? Or maybe you just ignore any gap/overlap?
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 10-Mar-24 |
What I just found can be cut down the middle and you can get two wraps out of it
From: Danielb
Date: 10-Mar-24 |
I get mine from 3 Rivers.
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