From: Wudstix
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Looking for someone to tie nocks on existing strings.
From: BowAholic
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
there are lots of east to follow YouTube videos on different ways to do it It's not hard to do.
From: Stringwacker
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I've use the method that Rick Barbee has (or had) a video on. Works great for me. I'm using some old .26 diameter Brownell serving thread that I have a lot of.
The only thing I don't like about tie on nocks is that I have to rework the nock set as the string stretches before it eventually finds a set. The string gets thinner over time.... or at least mine do. That can take quite a while sometimes.
From: Pdiddly2
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Use a nail knot…takes 90 seconds a nock and is very easy.
From: dakotabowhunter
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I learned how to tie nock set from YouTube videos, once I tried tie on I'll never go back to the brass nock sets. Very easy to tie and adjust.
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
In this video I use a pencil to better illustrate how the knot works.
When I am just doing it, I use a long fat needle, and it makes it very easy.
From: Pa Steve
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
What Piddly suggested is very easy to do.
From: Scoop
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Yes, do a search here.Rick has a very good video on how to tie them, as do others on YouTube.
From: olddogrib
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
The simplest I've found is to mark your spot with tape. Lay your nock material doubled against the string and begin wrapping one of the tag ends around the other and the string where the tape begins. Wrap as many rounds until you get the width you want it (smaller will be easier to adjust). Pull the tag end you're wrapping through the loop and pull the other tag end where you started end to lock that end under the wraps. Trim both ends and burn the stubs with a lighter. Smother with your fingertips when its flush with the nock.
From: Burnsie
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Allen Schafer at Ten Ring Strings ties them on for me. Work real nice - just twist up or down as needed.
From: tradslinger
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I liked this video, mainly because of using the pencil. The pencil allows me to not only see the "hole" better to slide the tag end thru but also that my numb fingers can managed to get it even in it. Thanks a lot for this awesome video.
From: 2 bears
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I might add the string needs to be stretched out tight. Like on the bow. >>>-----> Ken
From: D.C.
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Nail knot for me also. I like the nock tying material from big Jim, dyneema I think.
From: Andy Man
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
same as Rick but do over a short piece of aluminum shaft and thread end through the shaft hollow and slide shaft out same way to make threading through easier
From: HEXX
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
A series of overhand knots, burn the ends with a match, apply Super glue, done .
From: Orion
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I use four wraps of 3/4-inch masking tape above and below the arrow nock. You would be surprised at how long it lasts. And, if I want to shoot a different side arrow and change the nock point, I can remove the old and wrap on new tape in a minute or two. Works for me.
From: hvac tech
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I use dental floss it has never moved and never will.When you have you mock height figured out why would you want it to be adjusted.
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Double constrictor knot for me. I use old string or new string material B50 or B55. Works fine for me. But I don't keep it adjustable once I find where it needs to be. Then I tie it on tight. JF
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Nail knot with slip bobber string for me.
From: HEXX
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I should have added if you want to move them, squeeze them a couple of times with plairs than rotate up or down per serving direction. When finished, add a couple more drops of Super glue.
From: B.T.
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Nice video, this way make them nice and round.
From: Dan Jones
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
It has been my experience that tie-on adjustable nocking points adjust themselves - frequently.
From: Tradarcher4fun
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Nice video Rick! Thanks for posting.
From: bodymanbowyer
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
You got that right Dan Jones. I'm not one to put super glue on my serving. Waxed string, super glue, not really a match. Besides the hard spot on the serving and string.
From: Rick Barbee
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Dan, mine have never moved, except when I want them to, even without any glue support.
From: felipe
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Mine are absolutely non adjustable but last the life of the string
From: Zbone
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
felipe - You tie yours opposite of serving twist?
From: felipe
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
X, the serving is a different weight mono so when parallel I don’t get a tight fit; don’t think I haven’t laid in bed awake at night worrying about this but it works this way. With the translucent red you can see the inner workings.
From: felipe
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Should say Zbone, spellcheck likes X…
From: chunkyjr
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I'm telling on myself but......I have followed instructions from multiple "you-tube" and supposedly "simple" instructions from friends but have never has satisfactory results. I'm sticking with the brass ones.
From: PhantomWolf
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I've mentioned this before on other string nock topics in the past. I use a simple, minature/4" cable tie or 2 for my nocks. They work great, are simple to use and can even be bought in various colors. I use black as I have many leftover from where I worked before retiring.
When they're located where needed on the serving, pulled tight and then the excess cut off, they're no larger diameter wise than the brass nocks.
From: HEXX
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Brass cut my nose, tie on don't.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I have checked and checked my tie on nocks and they never move. You may be too loose.
From: HunterSon
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I just started tying nocks and use the nail knot method. But I use a 1” length of WD40 spray tube instead of a nail so I can thread the end back through the tube. Since the tube is a small diameter, the knot is just about perfect when you slide the tube out.
From: Jason316
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Clay Hayes has a video on it called Tie On String Nocks and the second one he does at like the 5:20 mark is the one I use.
From: Ranman
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I do Rick B way..
From: felipe
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
How I do tie-on: bow should be strung. I lay a couple of inches of the line I’ll be wrapping along (parallel) to the bow string. I take a separate piece of line six or eight inches long, double it to form a flat loop and lay it also along the bow string.
From: felipe
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
While holding the tag line and the flat loop, I spin the loose end of the line half a dozen or so times around the bowstring, also encapsulating the tag end and the loop, and finally by passing it through the loop. Then simply use the loop to pull the line end through and pull both ends tight.
Mark your bowstring ahead, once pulled tight it will not move
From: felipe
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
20,000 + shots on this one
From: 1buckurout
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
I've used a common whipping knot for years with #4 nylon serving. Just do 5 or 6 wraps. They'll screw up an down and last the life of the string.
From: D.C.
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
+1 1buckurout
From: Keefers
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Ever since I’ve watched Rick Barbees way I think it’s the easiest way plus it’s adjustable .
From: azhunter
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
There are some great videos on tying string nocks. I have tried several different ways and my favorite way is from a youtube video from TTT strings. Fast, very easy and uniform.
From: Live2Hunt
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
I did not like the one that tied a series of knots alternating above and below the string.
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