From: JBM
Date: 03-Mar-24 |
Hi FOLKS, In addition of our worries about GEORGE STOUT. I know of another Waller that is "seriously" ill. He is fighting the BIG C. Pls remember RED BEASTMASTER Along with Mr. Stout!! Pls feel free to chime in with OTHERS that I am not aware of??? BLESSED BE! & MERCY BOW-COUP!
From: Stix
Date: 03-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent from Colorado for all or brethern.
Date: 03-Mar-24 |
Prayers for All the Good Folks here on the Wall...4finger
From: Yeller
Date: 03-Mar-24 |
Prayers for all of them
From: Big Sig
Date: 03-Mar-24 |
Prayers for all the wallers from the Badger State
From: Supernaut
Date: 03-Mar-24 |
Prayers for everyone.
From: tradslinger
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
prayers indeed, for members and families
From: Verdeburl
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
It’s always nice to know others care and lift prayers for their fellow man. Life is full of ups & downs. Kindness costs us nothing. Just a simple prayer and message to show some caring goes a long way for all when we go through down turns in life.
From: reb
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Prayer sent.
From: hawkeye in PA
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent for Dave and George.
From: Witherstick
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Indeed, prayers sent.
It is so easy to be consumed with our own pains or take comfort in our good times while ignoring others. Even easier to try to rely upon our own devices and thinking to explain it all away.
But what occurred a couple thousand wars ago can’t be completely explained or understood. However, it is the answer that overcomes.
In time we who believe will all be healed
From: sticshooter
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Always praying and always KEEP THE FAITH<><
From: Wudstix
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
I'm aware of another who may not wish the mention, I traded a Big River longbow with him. He's hanging tough with some serious illnesses.
From: RonG
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Thanks for the heads up.
Prayers for all
From: Red Beastmaster
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
JBM, I don't know you other than you are one of my Leatherwall brothers. I found I have many brothers on here. The outpouring of prayers for me is touching and overwhelming. I am so thankful for each one of you and for your prayers.
Here's my situation. In August I found I had a large tumor on one kidney that also metastasized to my lungs. Initial immunotherapy and chemo pills worked wonders. The tumor shrunk some and the multiple nodules in my lungs all but dissapeared! I was told it is rare to hit a homerun first time up to bat.
One month ago I had the left kidney removed by robotic surgery at WVU. All went very well and I am completely recovered from the surgery.
This week I go back to oncology to resume immunotherapy and chemo to keep the cancer in my lungs at bay. These treatments will go on forever. Side effects have been brutal. As we progress we will look at minimizing them.
God is good! I know I'm in the Lord's hands and He will see me through this.
Thanks again to all my brothers!
From: Timbuck2
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent
From: Bjrogg
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Yes prayers for everyone. The list is long.
From: silk
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Prayers for everyone on this forum, the one's that need healing and Strength. Also, all who are currently heathy, that they can remain that way.
From: Deno
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Sent for all.
From: JBM
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
RED is probably gonna have immuno and chemo for a long time if NOT the rest of His life.
WUDSTIX, Hope that there is some GREAT NEWS for YOUR FRIEND!
From: Jimmyjumpup
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Prayers for all from WV.
From: Quack
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent
From: Murray Seratt
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent for you and yours.
From: Mike E
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
That's alot,,Prayers form our home,,stay strong.
From: Chaz
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Red -I pray for you
Isaiah 53:5 says
“But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.”
And George and others too .
From: Jim
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery!
From: dgb
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Yes indeed!
From: Lost arrow
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Prayers sent from southern WV.
From: Bowhogan 51
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
I have been saying prayers for all our brother and sisters here on the wall who need the Lords blessings to return to good health. Be safe out there everyone. Joe
From: ChadR
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
From: MCS
Date: 06-Mar-24 |
Wallers lives matter. Praying for all.
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