Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Is this an Early ?

Messages posted to thread:
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
Keefers 03-Mar-24
smrobertson 03-Mar-24
Mortis Sagittas 03-Mar-24
Mortis Sagittas 03-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
Seneca_Archer 04-Mar-24
aromakr 04-Mar-24
Don T. Lewis 04-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
Keefers 04-Mar-24
crookedstix 04-Mar-24
Wapiti - - M. S. 05-Mar-24
mahantango 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
Andy Man 05-Mar-24
crookedstix 05-Mar-24
crookedstix 05-Mar-24
Keefers 05-Mar-24
jaz5833 05-Mar-24
crookedstix 06-Mar-24
jaz5833 06-Mar-24
sticshooter 06-Mar-24
EZ Archer 06-Mar-24
jaz5833 06-Mar-24
jaz5833 06-Mar-24
jaz5833 06-Mar-24
Keefers 06-Mar-24
crookedstix 07-Mar-24
jaz5833 07-Mar-24
jaz5833 07-Mar-24
Keefers 07-Mar-24
jaz5833 07-Mar-24
EZ Archer 07-Mar-24
Shaftcaster 07-Mar-24
Shaftcaster 09-Mar-24
Keefers 10-Mar-24
selstickbow 10-Mar-24
Pdiddly2 11-Mar-24
Keefers 11-Mar-24
Keefers 11-Mar-24
Keefers 11-Mar-24
Keefers 11-Mar-24
jaz5833 11-Mar-24
From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Ok, Last night at our Maryland Traditional Bowhunters Banquet I bought a few raffle tickets for the donated bows on the table and I got. Drawn 3 times. I gave a survivor take down bow to my friend and brought home two I really wanted. One is a Gordon’s King and other I’m only “ Guessing” is an early Shakespeare or White Wing but tips don’t look like a Wing to me. Any help will be much appreciated . I’ll post several pictures for you all . Thanks , Keefers

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 03-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: smrobertson
Date: 03-Mar-24

That is one beautiful handle! Maple and walnut?

Sorry, I can't help with I'd, mine would just be a guess.

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 03-Mar-24

Beautiful bow! Those tips look like my Fasco Phantom tips.

From: Mortis Sagittas
Date: 03-Mar-24

That definitely has the brown laminate that Gordon and browning had so it may also be a Gordon

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Well now I’m thinking it could be a Tim Meigs early recurve because I found one with some similarity's like the serial number location on lower riser area near the fade on lower limb shooter side,limb tips and limb shape on lower limb where it meet riser area. I did have a few folks who also said maybe an early Gordon but after seeing the tim Meigs I’m thinking it could be but not 100% sure as of yet. Maybe when George is getting better he could chime in as well. Thanks folks Md if you know anything about Tim Meigs and his early recurve please respond here if you will. Keefers

From: Seneca_Archer
Date: 04-Mar-24

That sure is a nice looking bow Keefers! Hopefully you can track down its maker.

From: aromakr Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 04-Mar-24

Its Not a Meigs!


From: Don T. Lewis
Date: 04-Mar-24

Beautiful bow. Good luck with it.

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Bob, Do you or do you know of anyone who has some of his early recurves that I can compare with? There is a Tim Meigs recurve on the big auction block now almost like it with the serial number in same location,tips are very much the same and so is the limb where it’s rounded is why I was guessing but like others wonder if it’s a early Gordon or some other bow. Keefers

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Maybe this s a bit better picture of the profile ?

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 04-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: crookedstix
Date: 04-Mar-24

Those sure look like Wison White tips, whether he did it on a bow under his own name, or specified it that way for FASCO. At any rate, it's a beautiful bow, and I would bet the farm that it was made somewhere near San Diego, and that it's pre-Browning, and even pre Bo-Kore. What a find--hang on to it!

From: Wapiti - - M. S. Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 05-Mar-24

Beautiful bow sorry can't help you.

From: mahantango
Date: 05-Mar-24

Beautiful riser but not a Gordon.

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Here’s a serial number that was on a Tim Meigs on the auction block yesterday but gone now. The serial number on mine is in the exact same place as this one .

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Now mine

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Let’s flip the other one cause it’s on the same area and the 6 looks like same stamping tool but I’m sure there was many tools that were the same back then.

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Now the tips again mine

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Now the other

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Lower limb rounded over on mine on face side.

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Now his that was on auction site “BUT” this is where it’s difficult to say because this one is on back lower limb instead of face like mine.

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Now the grip area backside on mine .

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Now His

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Now hopefully everyone will know why I’m asking “If” this could be one of Tim Meigs earliest recurves he made cause there is so many similarity’s in both but I know a lot of folks were making recurves that appeared to look like others . I’m Not saying it’s a Tim Meigs or do I even know but I’ve been through many catalogues and can’t find anything other then the early Brownings etc. that look somewhat same profile. This bow does have a very thin wedge behind glass tips that fades into the core area. I’ll have to really focus on that picture but it’s there . Keefers

From: Andy Man
Date: 05-Mar-24

surew fits a Meigs?

From: crookedstix
Date: 05-Mar-24

crookedstix's embedded Photo

Here's a link to another mystery bow stamped the same way, with serial # of 6444 263...and the seller doesn't know the maker on it either.

From: crookedstix
Date: 05-Mar-24

crookedstix's embedded Photo

Serial number beauty shot....heheh...

From: Keefers
Date: 05-Mar-24

Kerry Check out the serial number in the 16th photo of the one I posted earlier that is a Tim Meigs….. very close numbers lol

From: jaz5833
Date: 05-Mar-24


When you say, "Wilson White tips", are you referencing him as a bowyer for Frank Eicholtz, or after he took over when Frank sold?

To me, there are no Wilson White tips as he fashioned them according to Frank's specifications and continued to do so after Frank sold him the business.

Now, if you had said, "Frank Eicholtz tips fashioned by Corky Johnson", I'd be on board with that statement.

The style indicates late 50's or early 60’s - the tips indicate Frank Eicholtz all the way and Corky learned his trade from Frank. Corky started to fashion his own bows in the mid-50's that looked almost identical to those he made as an employee of Frank. However, by the late 50's his bows took on this kind of look and he would have certainly been comfortable with those tips. He also stamped early too.

A theory......

From: crookedstix
Date: 06-Mar-24

Yes, Keith, that's why I posted this one--has to be the same bowyer (Meigs apparently).

However, your bow feels different to me--for starters, the serial number runs the opposite direction. Jim's point about Eicholtz tips is well taken; I called them Wilson White tips because I have a 1956 White Custom that he made in that style. And because your bow is really so finely made, with birdseye and all, I must confess that the names Corky Johnson and Joe Fries had both popped into my head as possibilities. Maybe Corky is the leading suspect at this point.

From: jaz5833
Date: 06-Mar-24

Joe Fries crossed mine as well but I'm not familiar enough to say one way or another.

From: sticshooter
Date: 06-Mar-24

Thats a sweetheart of a oldie. Congrats, can you shoot it?<><

From: EZ Archer
Date: 06-Mar-24

The Joe Fries I’ve seen has handwritten info and VERY small tips- I’m leaning towards Tim Meigs or one of the others

From: jaz5833
Date: 06-Mar-24

After inspecting my Corky bows, I'm convinced he's not a candidate.

White/Eicholtz I believe are.

From: jaz5833
Date: 06-Mar-24

jaz5833's embedded Photo

Some tip profiles of Eicholtz/White

From: jaz5833
Date: 06-Mar-24

jaz5833's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 06-Mar-24

Jim, That green limb bow tip looks very much like mine in shape . Is that a Meigs by chance?

From: crookedstix
Date: 07-Mar-24

The fact that Keefer's bow has the beginnings of a pistol grip makes it all the more interesting to me; I don't think I've ever seen one on a bow made prior to the 1960 FASCO Phantom--which was probably a Wilson White design. Correct me if I'm forgetting an earlier bow that had one...anyway I'm still getting a Wilson White vibe from your bow.

From: jaz5833
Date: 07-Mar-24


No, they are all Wilson White or Frank Eicholtz.

From: jaz5833
Date: 07-Mar-24

jaz5833's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 07-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Here’s a strike plate I made and put on it and I’m going to make a feather rest as well. I cleaned it up yesterday and I’ve decided to leave the finish that is on alone. It just has finish cracks is all and my first few pictures were zoomed in and it doesn’t look that bad in person.

From: jaz5833
Date: 07-Mar-24

jaz5833's embedded Photo

From: EZ Archer
Date: 07-Mar-24

Beautiful fellas

From: Shaftcaster
Date: 07-Mar-24

Shaftcaster's embedded Photo

Just mentioning here that a nice White Custom is on RMSG right now. Check it out....

From: Shaftcaster
Date: 09-Mar-24

Shaftcaster's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 10-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Well yesterday I decided to make a feather rest for my Unknown bowyer bow from some dyed Turkey feathers that Don Mar (BIG-D) gifted me several weeks ago . So I decided to make a feather rest to put on the bow . The Strike plate I made as well and I think it fits pretty good actually. Here’s a picture of the bow after I decided to just clean it up and not remove the finish . Wanted to keep it as original as possible even though the finish is still good it’s just has that crackled look up close .

From: selstickbow
Date: 10-Mar-24

that looks pretty good KEITH, I like the look. that finish has been on the bow most of our lives. Nice job.

From: Pdiddly2
Date: 11-Mar-24

Just saw this thread as I have been away…my first instinct when I saw those tips was Wilson White…the rest of the bow seems to fit.

From: Keefers
Date: 11-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Few more pictures

From: Keefers
Date: 11-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

From: Keefers
Date: 11-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

It has this very small wedge that is on belly side limb tips that fade into limb core.

From: Keefers
Date: 11-Mar-24

Keefers's embedded Photo

Another picture of the wedge

From: jaz5833
Date: 11-Mar-24

jaz5833's embedded Photo

That wedge is present in nearly all Harry Drake bows.

Harry Drake and Frank Eicholtz collaborated for many years. Harry and Frank both used number stamps.

The profile is very similar to these as well.

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