From: bendystickman
Date: 18-Oct-23 |
Looking to get into bow making, got all of the tools to do it allready just haven't found a tree i could chop down yet. Was wondering if anyone near me had staves they could sell so I can get some practice and not have to wait almost a year once I find a tree lol
From: bendystickman
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
Anyone have a stave or two that they aren't going to use? I'll pay shipping, just can't see spending 100 plus shipping for a split log that can break during tillering.
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
That’s the risk all bowyers take. If you want free then go cut some and wait for it to dry. Like all bowyers do. Seeing a trend?
From: fdp
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
There are scads of Maple, Elm, Hickory and other species available in most of Virginia. You can cut one today and have a perfectly functional and effective bow in 30 days if you can find one to cut.
From: bendystickman
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
The thing is I don't own and land with trees. So who's tree am I going to chop down? I'm trying to find someone that will let me cut a small tree but it will take time. I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable price for a stave but a sliver of hickory is not worth $100+.
From: Thunk
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
I might have access to one. I need to check. Where are you located in VA. Send me a PM and we’ll see what we can work out.
From: fdp
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
It's interesting that you mention a Hickory stave isn't worth $100.00 yet you don't have a chunk of Hickory...or any other bow wood.
If you are any where near Blackwater in Lee County I can likely get you access to a stave.
From: Mike E
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
Don't need a tree,, maybe try a board bow,,,Elm from Lowes, Menards,,etc.
From: MeliusCreekTrapper
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
Find a good hickory tree. Cut it down, clean it up. Split it into staves, debark and season them well. $100 will seem like a bargain. As suggested, boards can be a good starter option.
From: Runner
Date: 19-Oct-23 |
Don't judge the price of staves until you get one on your own.
From: Eric Krewson
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
There are osage staves selling for $100 shipped free on Etsy. A friend who has bought them says to pay close attention to the end grain. For osage there is a ratio of early wood and late wood that make a good stave.
The rings are early wood (spring growth), the area between the rings is late wood (yearly growth).
The best staves have thin early wood and wider late wood. A so-so stave has about the same thickness of early and late wood, the early wood rings will be fat.
The piece on the right and the middle have so-so rings at the top but get really good as you go down.
The wood up near the sapwood at the top of the middle piece would be impossible to chase a ring on, it has mostly early wood and no late wood.
I use tight ring osage for bamboo backed bows that I don't have to chase a ring on.
From: Eric Krewson
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
This is the last osage tree I cut, being an old guy (75), I decided this was work for a younger guy and called it quits on osage harvesting. I have 2 lifetimes worth of osage staves stored under my house and gave this tree to a good friend after I split it into staves, and no, I don't sell it.
As you can see there are some very good staves that can be split out of sections of this log and some have a poor early wood late wood ratio.
From: Eric Krewson
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
This picture will give you an idea of how big this osage tree was, the city pushed it over with a bulldozer, I called the road crew office and got permission to salvage it.
From: Eric Krewson
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
Out of the dozens of osage trees that I have cut this is the only one I have cut where I had a tractor with bucket and trailer to get it out of the woods with.
I manhandled all the rest of the osage trunks and staves out of the woods by myself. I aways split them on site and either carried or moved the pieces end over end all the way back to the truck.
Like Runner said; don't balk at the price for a good stave unless you have cut a few for yourself, it is a labor-intensive job.
To split these logs on my trailer into 4" wide staves, remove the sapwood and chase a ring on the backs would be a week's work and tough work at that.
From: Mike E
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
Nice looking wood there Eric,,looks like more than a $100 worth of work.
From: Stickbow Felty
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
I picked up a log for $100 but have $1000 worth of work turning it into staves
From: Larry Fischer
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
Where in VA? I'm in NC near Henderson, I have a few Osage staves. Should be getting a bunch more next month
From: bendystickman
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a (hickory, not osage. I know osage is worth more.) stave worth $100+ I just can't justify ruining something that expensive as a begginer. I don't have loads of money.
From: fdp
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
If you are worried about breamong a stave, and you're going to, you would be better served by going and picking put a board as suggested above and work on that. You will less of a monetary investment, and the skills you acquire will applicable to.working on a tree stave later on.
From: JP
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
I’ve got a yellow locust that’s good and cured. Think it’s been cut and split for two years?? Can’t recall exactly. Where abouts are you?
From: bendystickman
Date: 20-Oct-23 |
I've made a board bow before. Just looking for staves at a decent price now. The hardware stores around me only seem to have red oak also, looking for something different.
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