Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Bear Takedown Noise

Messages posted to thread:
StickBowStache 18-Sep-22
B.T. 18-Sep-22
Darryl/Deni 18-Sep-22
David Mitchell 18-Sep-22
M60gunner 18-Sep-22
Seeker 18-Sep-22
Frisky 18-Sep-22
2 bears 18-Sep-22
Johnny Koester 18-Sep-22
short recurve 18-Sep-22
Matt B 18-Sep-22
From: StickBowStache
Date: 18-Sep-22

My Bear TD 50th Anniversary is making the dreaded creaking noise during draw.

I've read a lot about this issue and most of the time it can be resolved.

So far i have tried mole skin under the limbs, and even in the socket. Mole-skin under the latches to make it tighter.

Waxing the limbs bottoms, putting vaseline in holes where the screw locks in.

I had one person tell me to take a screwdriver and scrape the brass bushing in the hole to basically shave them down because they can rub and not be a perfect fit. I've tried it but maybe i didnt scrape enough.

I feel like it shouldnt be this difficult to get around this issue. I contacted bear and they told me to take the bow to a bear dealer but there are none close by.

Has anyone ever solved this issue in another way no already specified above?


From: B.T.
Date: 18-Sep-22

I would mail it to Bear. They can fix it.

From: Darryl/Deni
Date: 18-Sep-22

I had one that was difficult and a little tape over the very ends of the limb butts got it quite.

From: David Mitchell
Date: 18-Sep-22

All I had to do was put some bow string wax on the pins the limbs mount on....all quiet.

From: M60gunner
Date: 18-Sep-22

I use a piece of thin foam between the limb and socket. I got it from Home Depot where they have the moving supplies. It’s actually for wrapping dishes. Another place to check is where the string sits on the curve of the limb. Supposedly a lot of wax on the string can cause a noise when you draw the bow. I don’t have that issue as l junked my Flemish twist strings for endless loop.

From: Seeker
Date: 18-Sep-22

Got my 50th anniversary in May and it started to creak. Tried the moleskin, foam, wd 40 dry lube and string wax. At first it would quiet down but the creaks would always start again. In the end what fixed it was the wax. My first attempt with the wax was only on the front contact point and maybe a little skimpy with the amount. In the end I applied generously to any contact point front or back- you can see the contact points on my limbs as a grey sort of scratchy line. I also put wax in the brass insert. As soon as I waxed it up well, no creaking since.

From: Frisky
Date: 18-Sep-22

Frisky's embedded Photo

Although there is a little pad above the writing in the pic, that isn't necessary and was removed. All I do is place a piece of electrical tape over the ends of the limb butts, as stated above. The tape will eliminate the problem, for around two years, but it then gets brittle and has to be replaced. It was a one minute fix for my bow.


From: 2 bears
Date: 18-Sep-22

If you cover every point of contact it has to stop. Unless you are like me & find out it is your elbow or shoulder. :<) >>>----> Ken

From: Johnny Koester
Date: 18-Sep-22

I'll throw this out there. Do you use a finger glove? Reason I asked is my Bear Takedown was making this noise. It has the mole skin installed as mentioned above. I found out that my 3 finger glove was dry and that was causing the noise. After I oiled it with mink oil, I found this was the problem and the noise went away. It is quiet now. Might sound strange to some folks, but this was my problem.

From: short recurve
Date: 18-Sep-22

I had that noise in my new a mag couldn't figure it out tried everything.Sent it back to Bear they couldn't figure it out they sent me a new riser and limbs no noise now.

From: Matt B
Date: 18-Sep-22

I had that noise. I contacted Jim E., the biggest Bear TD fan that I know. He told me to ream out the brass bushing a little, said he did it with a screwdriver. I did it, just slightly, with a burr (round file thingy that goes in a drill) held in my hand. It worked. No more noise.

I'd tried moleskin and all sorts of other stuff, but to no avail. I didn't think reaming the bushing made much sense, but I knew Jim knew more about these bows than I did. It worked.

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