From: Leathercutter
Date: 08-Mar-22 |
Who won the TBOF shoot last weekend? How was the turn out?
From: Rik Davis
Date: 09-Mar-22 |
You may be able to get the results from the TBOF site. Had 399 registered that I am aware of. The weather was great.
From: r.grider
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Was a very enjoyable weekend. I to am curious what the winners were and their scores. Great target setup, great weather, fun times with old friends, and met some new ones! A couple of Florida natives, and a nice you g fellow from Washington state ! Sunday is always ‘make new friends day’ Another plus, i only got 3 ticks ! Thats an unusually small number for me !
From: r.grider
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Was a very enjoyable weekend. I to am curious what the winners were and their scores. Great target setup, great weather, fun times with old friends, and met some new ones! A couple of Florida natives, and a nice you g fellow from Washington state ! Sunday is always ‘make new friends day’ Another plus, i only got 3 ticks ! Thats an unusually small number for me !
From: BowAholic
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
They are posted because my good friend Mike Hutchison just sent me some scores. He placed 4th in Men's Longbow. The guy that won it had a crazy high score...595.
From: BowAholic
Date: 04-Mar-24 |
Mike says that the scores are posted on the TBOF Facebook page now.
From: r.grider
Date: 05-Mar-24 |
Thats an outstanding score. What i would give to have that kind of ability.
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