Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Hernia Surgery/ Shooting

Messages posted to thread:
MikeT 26-May-20
grizzley21 26-May-20
MikeT 26-May-20
Brian waters 26-May-20
MikeT 26-May-20
Skeets 26-May-20
grizzley21 26-May-20
Brian waters 26-May-20
Stubee 26-May-20
Knuckleball 26-May-20
Stan 26-May-20
Morel 27-May-20
Bunyan 27-May-20
Supernaut 27-May-20
skipmaster1 27-May-20
WarDancer 27-May-20
painter 27-May-20
From: MikeT
Date: 26-May-20

MikeT's embedded Photo

I`m having hernia surgery on thursday. I know I wont be able to shoot for a while, anyone know for how long?

Had to go today for a blood test and a Covid test. I`ll tell ya, the covid test is not nice at all. I hope I dont ever need that again.

My archery league I`m shooting right now, I am in 3rd place right now, barely a few points behind 2 compound guys with all the fixins, and I really thought I might beat them by the end. Now its over for me I guess. Thats ok, Its just shooting. Sure will be glad to get back at it though.

I been shooting these over sized turkey feathers, and they sure fly good!!

From: grizzley21 Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 26-May-20

i had a hiatal hernia, i missed a month of work, and was not allow to eat solid food food for 6 weeks , and was told no heavy lifting too, ...

From: MikeT
Date: 26-May-20

wow, I dont know what that is but I hope thats not my case! I`m living alone so its gonna be hard as it is.

From: Brian waters
Date: 26-May-20

Are they doing liposcopic(spelling?) Or cutting you open? Ive had it done both ways and prefer to be cut open. I was down for 8 weeks and was still tender under any strain for another couple weeks.

From: MikeT
Date: 26-May-20

I`m not sure. I think hes gonna do a small cut, one side that has the problem, and he said the other 2 spots too at the same time to check it out. If he feels I need mesh on the other side he will do it at the same time. I thnk the center is ok but hes gonna look. The Dr does alot of these and is suppose to be really good. This is not sounding good though.

I`m thinking about taking my SS and packing up and moving. I hope I can do that (and be shooting again) before summer is over.

From: Skeets
Date: 26-May-20

I think you'll be fine. You will have bullet proof mesh in there after the surgery. I think I was only off work 4 days. Then a couple days of light duty and then back to normal. Which was a very physical job in the roll shop of a steel mill. But I was only 55 yrs old. I was shooting my 55lb bow in 3 weeks.

From: grizzley21 Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 26-May-20

Miket,,, there are 5 different types of hernias, i was not cut open,, only 5 minor cuts,, when it was over,, i did not have any major kind of pain, i to have a mesh inside.. i did lose 20 pounds , that helped,,, good luck ,,,,,,,,,,

From: Brian waters
Date: 26-May-20

Thats liposcopic bud. 3 1" holes. They do it all by camera. Bet on 8 weeks to recover.

From: Stubee
Date: 26-May-20

I had a double inguinal hernia surgery about three years ago. The serious problem made itself noticeable on Christmas Eve but I think it had been coming on for awhile and I really blew it up dragging a pretty large Canada buck outta a swamp solo seven weeks earlier. If you have one that starts ripping out like mine you’ll sure know it. It got so bad so quickly it felt like I was ripping apart.

The restrictions I recall afterward were only on lifting, and the surgeon made sure I understood them before discharge. I do follow doctor orders with stuff like that. I believe I was not supposed to lift much of anything for a few days and then a 15- 25 pound limit for six to eight weeks? He told me that after that I could go back to overworking my slightly old body like I do and that the chances of me having another rupture in that area were very low, even if I noticed some discomfort. He’d done nearly 300 inguinal hernia surgeries and had had only two or three failures and they were all on guys with multiple associated problems before he saw them. I’ve done fine though have two pretty good sized scars.

I’d think shooting a bow wouldn’t be a huge issue for an inguinal hernia recovery but don’t know if that would be the case at all with a hiatial hernia. Different parts of our anatomy. I’d ask your surgeon for specifics.

The worst part of the surgery might have been the burning feeling “down there” for a few days after they shaved my most valuable parts. Egad!

From: Knuckleball
Date: 26-May-20

I had laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery on April 29. It will be 4 weeks tomorrow. The surgeon told me nothing strenuous until 6 weeks has passed. I didn't think it would be this slow of a recovery. I've been walking every day and get occasional pains but nothing serious.

The main thing is don't push yourself and do exactly what the surgeon tells you. The first few days after surgery will be critical. Getting in and out of bed is a challenge. Make sure you avoid coughing, sneezing, and constipation.

I can't wait to start shooting my bows again in two weeks. If I get any pain at all I'll put it down.

From: Stan
Date: 26-May-20

Wish you a quick healing Mr.T... I am sure you will be giving those compound guys hell in no time... Was the covid test the swab up to the back of the brain? That's what it feels like Going tomorrow.for the blood test one... Nice arrows btw... God bless..

From: Morel
Date: 27-May-20

I have had two hernia surgeries, mesh on both sides. Recovery was a little over a week until I could shoot my 50lbs bows.

From: Bunyan
Date: 27-May-20

I had a laproscopic repair this winter. I was down for a week and then back to light duty for three more. Back at it with my 70# bear on day 30. That being said I caught mine early so it recovered pretty quick.

From: Supernaut
Date: 27-May-20

I had hernia surgery 4 years ago when I was 44 for dual sports hernias in my lower groin. I had a single 2 inch incision right below my belly button and 2 smaller incisions on each side lower in my groin area. Both sides were repaired with mesh. The first 3-4 days after the surgery were pretty miserable and painful and it was a 6 week total recovery time where I wasn't allowed to lift anything over 10 pounds. I strictly followed my doctors guidelines on what I could and could not do because he told me that if I tore it again the surgery to repair it would be exponentially more painful than the original surgery. I haven't had any problems since.

Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery and follow those doctor's orders!

From: skipmaster1 Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 27-May-20

I had laparoscopic hernia surgery back in June. I was out 8 weeks from work and no lifting more than 20#s. I felt pretty good after a week and bought a 25# Sage they I started shouting about week 5. The pain wasn’t bad. It I wasn’t expecting to need so much sleep for so long after the surgery. I was just wiped out after doing any little thing.

From: WarDancer Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 27-May-20

slow and easy take your time not much fun but you will survive. I have had four and lots of mesh.

From: painter
Date: 27-May-20

It's been 5 yrs since I had laparoscopic hernia surgery, the hernia on my right side was repaired with mesh. The surgery was done on an out patient basis. I was shooting my 58 lb bow the next day and killed a nice doe from the ground 2 days later. I didn't drag her out though, that's what friends are for! It didn't seem to affect my back or arm (drawing) muscles at all. I, in no way, am recommending that you do the same.

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