Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Quality U-finish selfbow?

Messages posted to thread:
sprinke 02-Apr-19
osage 02-Apr-19
Eric Krewson 03-Apr-19
camodave 03-Apr-19
Jeff Durnell 03-Apr-19
Jeff Durnell 03-Apr-19
Bjrogg 03-Apr-19
RonG 03-Apr-19
George Tsoukalas 03-Apr-19
George Tsoukalas 03-Apr-19
sprinke 03-Apr-19
MBS 04-Apr-19
Eric Krewson 04-Apr-19
Salvador 06 04-Apr-19
From: sprinke
Date: 02-Apr-19

I'd like to get a selfbow. I've not got the skills, equipment, or time to learn how to make one myself, but I do enjoy finishing wood. Does anyone know of any experienced bowyers who make quality selfbows that I could buy fully shaped and tillered, just unfinished? Lots of cheap options on eBay etc but I'm skeptical that they are worth the box they're shipped in.

From: osage
Date: 02-Apr-19

Crow's Head Archery. They have a number of NA style bows as well as the English type. They even sell a Pnobscot if your interested in such things. Probably around $150 or so, fully tillered and just needing sanding/staining/ and a finish.

Date: 03-Apr-19

Quality is the key word in your question. I will give you some advice, take it for what it's worth. Stay away from cheap board bows that are plastered all over the internet now. If it isn't from a stave it isn't a quality self bow. Some will argue, and I'm okay with that. I know the difference.

From: Eric Krewson
Date: 03-Apr-19

You can go cheap and my get lucky, I have found some of the el cheapo bow makers accidentally turn out a good bow every now and then.

Jimmy Taylor probably made 10,000 hickory backed bows and blanks, some were very good bows, some broke within a week or so. I watched Jimmy make one on milling machines and a balloon sander, 15 minutes start to finish. He would pull the bow to 31" on the first pull, if it didn't break he shipped it.

If you want a bow to shoot and arrow from point A to B the cheap ones will work for you. If you want a bow you can win tournaments with you will have to go with an experienced bow maker.

I wouldn't buy a selfbow sight unseen and would want to shoot it first. There are bow makers then there are bow makers, some make pretty bows but pretty doesn't mean they are a good shooters.

From: camodave
Date: 03-Apr-19

James Rempp


From: Jeff Durnell Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 03-Apr-19

That's what I like about ol Pearly, he tells it like it is... and I agree with him. There's a lot of wooden bows for sale out there that shouldn't be.

Date: 03-Apr-19

I hate seeing folks getting ripped off, Jeff. More so, I hate people getting the wrong impression of wood bows based off crap "bows" being sold.

From: Jeff Durnell Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 03-Apr-19

Yep, I agree again :^)

From: Bjrogg
Date: 03-Apr-19

I gotta agree. I know a quite a few good bowyers but not sure any would sell a u finish bow or what they'd charge for them. It'd probably cost half that maybe more just to get a good stave. Might do better than that with a good buddy and not having to pay shipping. That's why I like the Primitive Meets, not to mention seeing my good friends. It almost takes a good bowyer to spot a good bow. Or a bad one. They can look real pretty but not be anything more than a wall hanger. A real bowyer see's the beauty in the profiles. Doesn't need any finish to catch my eye. I feel the same way Pearl does. Shame to see guys get a raw deal and selfbows get a bad rap. I'd recommend getting to a meet if you can. Might find someone willing to help you out.


From: RonG
Date: 03-Apr-19

I have a very small Idea of what it takes to make a self-bow as I only have made three and a half bows, and only one was good enough to use. and as said by Pearl, Jeff Eric and Bjrogg, you need to follow what they said or you be will throwing away your money, time and supplies.

I have learned over my 72 years buy quality once or buy unknown many times. If you really want a good self-bow heed the advice here.

From: George Tsoukalas
Date: 03-Apr-19

I just finished a board bow for a kid at church. The only power tool I used was a table saw to rip off a 1" piece. I think you can find 1'' wide boards at the box stores. Just get straight grained stock Info on my site. Jawge

From: George Tsoukalas
Date: 03-Apr-19

I should mention I like red oak boards because they are easy to find and work well as long as you follow the guidelines on my site. Jawge

From: sprinke
Date: 03-Apr-19

Yes, I'm talking about a competition-worthy selfbow, not a backyard plinker.

Thanks for everyone's advice; your comments have been helpful.

Date: 04-Apr-19

I don't know of any quality self bow makers that offer what you're after. But, I'm sure if you contacted a few at least one of them would gladly send you a bow that needs finish sanding and sealed up. It will still cost 400-500 dollars.

From: MBS
Date: 04-Apr-19

James Parker/huntworthyproductions I believe is his site

From: Eric Krewson
Date: 04-Apr-19

Check you PMs Sprinkle

From: Salvador 06
Date: 04-Apr-19

I've seen some good quality board bows made, but usually by experienced bowyers. A good bowyer can make a good bow out of any quality wood, and will usually keep it ;-}

I wouldn't buy any wood bow off the internet.

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